089 newsltter sofija gw2

089*NOR/Newsletter 2023 January 26th

089 newsltter sofija gw2

Dungeons & Dragons Online | NeverWinter | sw The Old Republic | Tabletop
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  • 089*NOR/news The Old Republic
    089 swtor gonzowill

    Hail*NOR/Happy Life Day!!

    Bounty Hunting is a complicated profession. swToR NOR will be embarking on a Bounty Hunting expedition in Star Wars the Old Republic. The best bounty hunters know when to bring in their prey warm and when to bring them in cold. The event will take place March 5th at 1PM. All are welcome and for this event the only thing you need is a bounty hunter (suggested but not required) and have your starship unlocked (this is required to be able to chase the bounties across the galaxy.)

    The most recent SWTOR news is the movement of the game to a 64 bit system. This is currently available on the Public test server. The developers are working on this for the longevity of the game as the current version is still running in 32 bit. For those of you like me who are not computer geniuses, this comes down to computing power and chip support. Each bit increase is an exponential growth. So for 32 bit that would be 2 to the 32nd power or roughly 4.2 billion, while 2 to the 64th power is approximately 18.4 quintillion (or 18,446,744,073,709,551,616.) That seems like an insane amount of bits, but computers started using that technology as early as 2003. When SWTOR came out just over 11 years ago, 32 bit systems were still in use so game developers had to design the game for use on those systems. This marks a good move for the future.

    Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.

    Baron Gonzowill

  • 089*NOR/news NeverWinter
    089 nw elthorik

    Hail NOR!

    Happy New Year from Neverwinter! With the start of the new year we have the Festival of Lanterns ending soon. Bunny mount and companion for the Year of the Rabbit.

    Northdark Reaches is still going strong. By now most everyone have the weapons they gave us. Zeff is master crafting weapons for everyone in order to give us the advantage for Master Temple of the Spider. Zeff has put lots of time and effort in to help everyone in the guild with his crafting. Members like this is what makes New Outriders such a great guild.

    As I mentioned in the last newsletter we have new and returning players. Now that we have more active players in Neverwinter we are now doing more dungeons and dragon hunts. Making Neverwinter a fun place to game and socialize on discord.

    Duchess Shava Darksbane
    *NOR/DC : BL of NeverWinter

  • 089*NOR/news Dungeons and Dragons Online
    089 ddo yavool

    Hail *NOR/!

    Hardcore Season 7 will end in two weeks on February 7th, 2023.  As stated in the last newsletter, this season was a recycled version of Season 2, with the exact same rewards, but only two months to achieve them and lower favor thresholds in order to receive them.  Hopefully some folks were able to get items they missed out on during Season 2; whether DDO should allow each of the seasons’ rewards to be unique is definitely up for debate!  Hopefully those who engaged in it were able to get some nice random loot along the way or a character that they are excited to take over to our home server of Ghallanda.  Once Season 7 is over, it is unclear when DDO will offer its next full-length Hardcore season; hopefully it will be an experience that allows players to theorycraft unique builds and interact with the special challenges present in the prior three-month seasons…except for hounds. DDO should never ever bring back the Fey Hunt Hounds.  Only time will tell…fingers crossed!

    See you in-game!

    Yavool Ramnoth

    Lord and Branch Leader, *NOR/DDO – Ghallanda Server

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