25 Years of NOR

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25 Years of NOR

Post by Zyera »

25 Years of NOR
For those who aren't aware, New Outriders in January of 2017 is 25! What an incredible feat that we have all accomplished together. We have such an amazing guild that spreads across multiple MMOs and undoubtedly more to come.

I joined NOR in 2007 when I was in middle school. It was my first MMO and I was quiet and shy. I didn't get fully involved with NOR till SW:TOR in 2011 with my return. I love this guild so much. I have so many wonderful memories from my squiring in the empty fort in Elwynn Forest near Westfall to killing first bosses in Raids together as a guild. I've met and gamed with so many incredible people because of NOR.

I will always wear my NOR jacket and tattoo with pride!


Please feel free to share any memories you have with NOR!

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Re: 25 Years of NOR

Post by tornnomar »

Awesome! 25 years is such a milestone!

My fondest memory is joining this wonderful group of people and the guild called NOR.
I have played Neverwinter since day one, to be more to the point, I rolled a toon on day one:) I didnt log back in until a few days after the Caturday fiasco so I missed all that fun.
Fast forward...
My previous Guild was having an internal meltdown, with infighting and disagreements, it was a mess. So I started shopping around for a new place to call home.
I applied to NOR, but I decided to stick it out with my old guild to see if the New Leaders could piece it back together (side note: They have and the guild is flourishing) but a certain someones persistence paid off. I was being invited to dungeon runs, skirmishes and such with NOR members, those were good days. It was that reaching out to me that ultimately helped my decision to come to NOR.
With NOR I completed dungeons I had not done before. I remember spending time with Santhus in Icewind Dale after Clerics got a rework, beating up on each other PVP stlye:)
Laughing and learning as we faced the new mechanics of the new Castle Never...New skirmishes, much fun.

Congratz NewOutriders on 25 years. I am proud and happy that I have spent two of those years with you!

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Re: 25 Years of NOR

Post by Lasarian »

The first guild I was in had slowly dissolved and two of my former recruits, later known as Simba and Taggerty, recruited me into NOR under my original name Caine on the Evil Way server in The Shadow of Yserbius back in 1995. I would not take the name Lasarian until a few years later after TSoY had closed. I made some pretty big mistakes. I hurt some people I cared about, both ingame and IRL. I disappeared from NOR, and from online games completely for eight years or so. In fact, for most of those eight years I didn't even own a computer (which frankly, is hard for me to imagine now ... ).

I returned to online games and NOR on Warcraft in 2005 - where I resolved to lay low, keep my head down and quietly wile away my time in a guild that I at least distantly knew.

Yeah ... I know, that plan didn't quite work out the way I had hoped.

I don't remember any loot or drops, any particular powers or levels I achieved. You can't take any of that with you from game to game. The only thing you can take with you are your friends.

I know it seems important at the time - while you are raiding or rolling on that drop, grinding for that last piece of gear that will make your set complete.

All of that is BS.

Six months from now it won't be important. Your true treasures are all around you, and you don't even have to roll for them.

Congratulations on 25 years *NOR/


PS: Nice graphic btw ... :thumb
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Re: 25 Years of NOR

Post by XLady Elidriel »

25 Years. That's more than half my life. I have said it before: the fact that this guild endures and remains as strong as it is, and retaining the simple culture we created 25 years ago just to be different and enthusiastic, is nothing short of miraculous, and I am grateful to all of you who lead, persist, and fight the good fight!

25 Years is too long to remember specifics - I think Lord Damien and Lady Elidriel married on Yserbius; I think Lord Bromber and Lady Messalina did too. I remember bombastically riding our Harleys into the tavern, spreading cheer with ales and toasts, hailing and promoting squires and adding an endless stream of honorifics in the form of punctuation to people's epithets. I remember newsletters and taking newbies far too inexperienced into the mountain in search of the WHOD.

I, too, probably said some things I shouldn't have, hurt some people, and eventually tired of the "drama" I essentially created for myself. What endures is not the memory of me or our founders, but the continued joy and benevolence of all of you! That Hail*NOR/ is still exactly as it was, not that I remember how or why. I miss it, and I love hearing from you, the newsletters, the occasional log-in on the boards. Keep up the amazing work, showing off your biker jackets and raising a pint or three to great adventures and good companions.

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Re: 25 Years of NOR

Post by Valikk »

Lasarian wrote:I don't remember any loot or drops, any particular powers or levels I achieved. You can't take any of that with you from game to game. The only thing you can take with you are your friends.

I know it seems important at the time - while you are raiding or rolling on that drop, grinding for that last piece of gear that will make your set complete.

All of that is BS.

Six months from now it won't be important. Your true treasures are all around you, and you don't even have to roll for them.

Congratulations on 25 years *NOR/

This is the biggest thing to me. The great friends I have made in this guild I will cherish dearly. Some I have met, like Burleydawg and Seyella, and some I have yet but hope to meet. The friends I see and talk to everyday in-game feel closer then the friends I have in town, yet they could be hundreds of miles away and still feel right next to me. It's a strange feeling when you come to miss playing with individuals that you're used to just seeing their pixels displayed on your screen and hear their electronic voice through your headset or speakers. I was recruited in March of 2012 and have had an amazing time playing with, and getting to know everyone and helping build such a great community!

Here's to many more years of happy gaming with you all! :aletoast


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Re: 25 Years of NOR

Post by Dayda »

Happy Anniversary NOR! 25 years is a huge milestone! I have been in the guild for almost 4 years. I started out in the SWTOR branch and eventually moved over to Neverwinter. I have had a great time with you guys in that time! Thanks to all of you! :hailnor :yay
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Re: 25 Years of NOR

Post by Galaxiya »

I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting all the great NOR people, we are definitely a unique and awesome bunch! I enjoy raiding, having goofy fun, and demolarizing (yes, spelled correctly) those who attack us unfairly. We don't start the mess, but we'll clean it up, as nicely and respectfully as we can. :D

I remember first feeling like I really belonged (after months of anxiety each time we'd go out because I thought I didn't heal well enough, fast enough, etc.) when I got attacked during a Commander hunt. Without hesitation, Zy exclaimed something to the effect of "Nobody attacks NORbies/Galaxiya and get's away with it, get him!" It was quite amusing to see them hightail it away when all guns/lightsabers turned on them in an instant. This has happened a few times with the same result. We even had a dummy try it several times and was crushed every time. Silly things like that are what stick with me. I love the comradery and loyalty NORbies have and exhibit daily. We have each others back and don't mind dying together if that's what it takes. We rock! Here's to 25 more years!
:aletoast :bouncy
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Re: 25 Years of NOR

Post by Tundrra »

25yrs! This is my 13/14th year with this great gaming organization! I joined the guild due to RL friends being involved and I even brought a few more with me over the years. Even though none of them play anymore I still associate the guild with that same friends feeling:) That has only increased as the guild adopts voice chat and now video with the NOR D&D group, it is like we are all in the same room week after week. Playing with the same familiar people year after year in different games and platforms really does make the difference in strengthening the guild.

I hope we continue getting these excellent officers involved that keep the NOR traditions alive and organized. If it wasn't for them keeping the branch's games growing and the overall infrastructure up to date and evolving, the guild would have been left in the dust yeas ago. Thanks again to all the officers and members and may the next 25yrs be even better!
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Re: 25 Years of NOR

Post by Vasniar »

25 years is amazing!! I am so happy to be a part of NOR :yay

As far as I know, I am the last NORbie to have confirmed kills in Dread Fortress (SWTOR) by pushing the explodey bots into the raid. (Before the damage was reduced.) Malik, Windemere, Intisar, and Alystri (sorry Aly) were my victims. Sadly, only one sage was affected :cry
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Re: 25 Years of NOR

Post by Galaxiya »

I am invincible!!!!! :tongue2 :bouncy
My blood type is be positive. :) :bouncy :hailnor
The main toons I play, although I have many:
Galaxiya - Commando, Safphire - Sage,
Geminiya - Mercenary, Iron'Butterfly - Operative
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