Recap of Branch Meeting on 6/27/2015

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Recap of Branch Meeting on 6/27/2015

Post by Phelaia »

Date: June 27, 2015
Location: Courtyard outside of Moonstone Mask

This was a casual meeting. Mainly, two things happened:

Robb' became our newest Squire. Congrats, Robb'!

There was also a survey on who's interested in doing some more PVP. It looks like there's very little interest in regularly doing PVP. We can help each other through the PVP campaign in Icewind Dale, but there's not enough of us to regularly form a pre-made for Arena PVP.

Strongholds is the upcoming mod, but so far no one knows enough to help decide if we want to get a guild house, because if PVP is mandatory in defending the house, then there's very little chance that we can defend ourselves against the big PVP guilds out there.

Total attendance: 18. Screenshots attached.
GameClient 2015-06-27 20-42-02-26.jpg
GameClient 2015-06-27 20-52-46-66.jpg
Phelaia Fiendline
The original Burninator in Neverwinter
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