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Ask Us Anything: Variety Pack 10

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:52 pm
by Talolan
Ask Us Anything: Variety Pack 10
Click through for the whole Q&A, here are some highlights.
All weapons can be used to block. What is the advantage of using a shield? Do I have to be in combat mode for my shield to be blocking? - Burwell Thompson, III

Shields have larger amounts of armor and have more mitigation when blocking than weapons do. They’re also used in the one-hand and shield skill line. For abilities in that skill line to function, you need to have a shield equipped.
Can you tell us a bit more about the resurrection or reappearance of characters who die in PvP? - Roger Kress

When you die in PvP, there are several options that allow you to rejoin the battle. An ally can resurrect you if they have a filled soul gem, you can respawn at a keep your alliance owns (as long as it isn’t under attack), or you can respawn at your alliance’s entry location to Cyrodiil. Also note that a siege weapon called a “forward camp” can be deployed—this allows a limited number of respawns for your alliance. If one of these forward camps is available, it will be visible as an option when you choose your respawn location. Forward camps are costly and can only be deployed far away from other camps from your alliance.

Re: Ask Us Anything: Variety Pack 10

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:54 pm
by Roxanne
MmmmmmmmmmMMMmmmmmm.........I hope ESO is as good as it's looking...I really do. I miss having a game that I totally love!!