[spoilers] Dragons of Stormwreck Isle

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[spoilers] Dragons of Stormwreck Isle

Post by Tundrra »

Common History/Lore
Stormwreck Isle is off the swordcoast between Luskan and Neverwinter. Long ago a ancient red dragon was slain and entombed on the island by group of chromatic dragons. The powerful magic embodied in such an ancient dragon has left a permanent mark on Stormwreck Isle. That magic has drawn other dragons to the island throughout the centuries, making it a recurring battlefield in the conflict between chromatic and metallic dragons.

A 100yrs has past since dragons have been seen on the island and now it is a sanctuary for a tiny group of hermits and ascetics, lead by a wise woman named Runara. The cloister is known as Dragon’s Rest. Outsiders travel to the isle occasionally for advice from Runara, seek peace at the sanctuary or study the power residue left by the long perished dragons.

The Party:
  • Tundrra “Dungeons Master”
  • Koram "Sho-ku" Human Monk
  • Roxanne "Fiadh O’Cleirigh" Dwarf Bard
  • Beesus "Jorp" Dwarf Paladin
  • Sofija "Sofija Solburg" Goliath Barbarian
  • Django “Django” Drow Wizard
  • Edu “Edu” Human Mage
Tundrra TT:TableTop
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Re: [spoilers] Dragons of Shipwreck Isle

Post by Roxanne »

Session 1 – October 10, 2022

Level 1
Player Race/Class
  • D’Jango Drow Wizard
  • EdU Human Mage
  • Fiadh O’Cleirigh Dwarf Bard
  • Jorp Dwarf Paladin
  • Sho-Ku Human Monk
  • Sofija Goliath Barbarian

As the story begins, we find our 6-member party on the golden colored ship “Goldilocks”.

D’Jango is below deck fighting sea sickness, his figure completely covered by his robes, he pores over a book he retrieves from the deep pockets of his robes. Magical lights float around his head, illuminating the book as he makes notes in the margins. EdU stands on the deck, his eyes scanning the horizen, straining to see land. Fiadh is also on deck, her fingers absently caressing her pipes as she catches the eye of Jorp. Sensing rather than seeing him, she gives him a nod. Jorp, his long red beard gleaming in the gloom of the coming dawn, studies the crew and passengers taking extra time on Fiadh’s comely shape. Sho-Ku, covered head to toe in grayish robes, keeps to himself while trying not to be noticed. Sofija stands near the railing of the ship, her long, white locks captured in a single braid, pinned to the back of her head. Across her back is an elegant yet hefty Warhammer. Despite her fearsome visage, her eyes are as friendly as the slight smile on her face.

During the days on the ship, our dwarven hero's partake of the seemingly endless supply of ale. Sofija and Jorp enter into a drinking contest in which Jorp comes out on top.

On the third day, Stormwreck Isle appears and veer's off to the far north. EdU and Jorp notice cliffs to the north. You can see many remains of ships which have met their fates on the sharp rocks and spray of the ocean. Bones and carcasses of sea creatures can also be seen on the rocks. The captain of the ship deftly maneuvers the ship to the dock of the small village of Dragon’s Rest.

The party can see a rather large temple perched high up on the cliffs with stone steps which are hewn into the rocks. As soon as the last passenger gets off of the boat, the ship’s captain had given his crew orders to return to the ship immediately so they could cast off to Neverwinter, they will return in about two weeks to drop the passengers in Luskan.

As the party gathers itself, they suddenly hear splashing further along the trail. Following the sound, 3 figures are seen splashing in the water on the left hand side of the pier. As the group prepares to try to “save” the figures, Jorp calls out to hold and, upon further inspection, yells out to the group that the figures are actually undead!

A fierce and intense battle begins as the undead begin to try to get to our intrepid group! Between being hit by various rays of frost, mighty blows from a Warhammer, the crunching of bones from battleaxes, swift blows from Sho-ku's quarterstaff, the touch of Chill from D’Jango and the vicious words from an overzealous bard, the 3 undead are quickly dispatched back to hell.

As the bodies are searched, no monies or equipment are recovered. However, Jorp notices that one of them are wearing a patch with an emblem of a compass rose. He carefully removes the patch and puts it in one of the various pockets of his vest.

The group takes the patch up the cliff, noticing planters and pots of various herbs and plants in each of the doorways carved into the cliff. Sofija notices a giant statue of a dragon, about 30 feet above the bay. As they make their way up, they draw the attention of the inhabitants who turn out to be Kobolds. The friendly Kobolds quickly surround the group, small hands reaching out to touch the exotic robes and armor worn by the newcomers. The group can also see a couple of humans who are standing further up the trail.

D’Jango speaks up first, asking the friendly Kobolds if there is a guide available. During this exchange the Kobolds fall silent as an elderly female human appears. She is an imposing figure with her white hair braided and tied up in elaborate knots atop her head. She welcomes the party to the village and invites the party to break bread with the villagers. The group explores the village before being taken to the kitchen. There, the dwarves in the party are delighted to find that there is ale to be had! One of the humans is covered in tattoos, his robes dirty and stained. He introduces himself as Tarak and explains that he came to the island to study the plants and flowers native to the region. D’Jango, sensing an opportunity, persuades Tarak to sell us a health potion, provided the group can gather the ingredients. As a show of good faith, Tarak gives D’Jango a health potion he had in his room and promises to make more when the group returns with the corrected mushrooms from the Myconid settlement in the caves on the south west side of the isle.

Another female joins the party in the kitchen dining area. She is missing an eye, has a wooden leg and is covered in scars. She introduces herself as Varnoth. Sho-Ku perks up at the name. He has heard of a feared general in the Azure Wolves who goes by that name. Varnoth brings out some ale for the guests, watching as the dwarves grab pints from the tray. Fiadh and Jorp quickly challenge each other to a drinking contest as Sho-Ku looks on in amusement. During this, Fiadh notices that Varnoth receives a letter and, despite her attempt to decipher what was on the envelope she fails due to the distraction of such delicious malts and grains.

Meanwhile, Shoku, EdU and D’Jango follow Zark to the library where they are greeted by the musky smell of old books, scrolls and papers. EdU peruses the various treatises of history while D’Jango searches for tomes of a magical nature, and Shoku looks for lore of the island and various religious tomes.

As we cut back to the dwarves and Sofija were, deep in her cups, Fiadh entertains the Kobolds with her rendition of “A Song of Other Times and Places”.

A Song of Other Times and Places - Traditional

I’m a traveling troubadour,
Selling my songs from door to door,
As I journey down the lo.

And sleep beneath the stars,
And please the ostlers when their wives are asleep.

In exchange for food,
I give them my youth,
And a song to remember me by.

I’ll sing you a song of other times and places,
And sights you may never see.
I’ll sing you a song of other times and places,
And things you may never,
That you may never hear of again.

For the food I can’t pay,
And I really can’t stay
Because your wife will be waking up soon.

But before I go,
I really must show
How much I appreciate your kindness.

So I’ll make love to you,
And when we’re through,
You can lay back and I’ll sing you a song.

I’ll sing you a song of other times and places,
And sights you may never see.
I’ll sing you a song of other times and places,
And things you may never,
That you may never hear of again.

But before I can go,
I really must show
How much I appreciate all you’ve done.

And for the food I will pay
If you’ll only come lay,
If you’ll come lay down with me.

And I’ll make love to you,
And when we’re through
I’ll sing you a traveling song.

I’ll sing you a song of other times and places,
And sights you may never see.
I’ll sing you a song of other times and places,
And things you may never,
That you may never hear of again.

  • Treasure Found: None
Wife of ZiF
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Re: [spoilers] Dragons of Shipwreck Isle

Post by Roxanne »

Session 2 – October 17, 2022

Level 1
Player Race/Class
  • D’Jango Drow Wizard
    EdU Human Mage
    Fiadh O’Cleirigh Dwarf Bard
    Jorp Dwarf Paladin
    Sho-Ku Human Monk
    Sofija Goliath Barbarian
As Fiadh sings the last note, the kobolds clap with delight. The one called Mumbo is very drunk, he pulls out a dagger and explains that it is magical. He tells a terrifying tale of an encounter with a bear in which it saved his life! The table claps and whistles at the amazing tale. Jorp lets out a long belch and proceeds to get another flagon of the home brewed ale, sloshing it as he drunkenly makes his way back to the table. Fiadh sits next to Varnoth and strikes up a conversation about the letter which Varnoth had received earlier. Varnoth doesn’t really give too much information other than it was probably from an old friend. Sensing that she was on the verge of being too nosy, Fiadh changes the subject and comments on how delicious the home brew was. Varnoth tells her that Tarak is in charge of brewing it. Varnoth also mentions to the groub that Zombies have been harassing them for months, that they come from the sea. This excites the group and Sofija launches into a tale of how they dispatched a group of them when they had first landed on the island.

In the library, Shoku, EdU and D’jango continue their investigation of the library. D’Jango can’t help but steal glances at Shoku which makes the monk very uncomfortable. Shoku finds a couple of documents and shows them to EdU and D-Jango.

Document #1

Dragon Resting Places
  • Sharruth ancient red dragon deep beneath the island, her death caused the undersea volcanic activity that formed the isle.

    The hotsprings show signs of magical residue, the resting place of a brass dragon.

    The bronze dragon Astalagan died where the temple is now built.

    The most recent dragon death you could find was a 100 yrs ago. A bronze dragon and a blue dragon battle at the observatory, destroying most of the structure. The blue was slain and no other references of the bronze is recorded, and the names of the dragons have been omitted.

    The death of a dragon leaves it’s mark on the land, sometimes creating magical effects or manipulation of the land. Other times it rips the land apart creating rifts between the elements planes. Some times mischievous creatures like Fume Drakes arise from the lingering magical energy of dead dragons.

Document #2

Shipwreck Island Lore
  • According to legend, two families of dragons came into being in the very first days of the world’s creation. Bahamut, the noble Platinum Dragon, made the metallic dragons—gold, silver, bronze, brass, and copper. Cruel, five-headed Tiamat made the chromatic dragons—red, blue, green, black and white. The metallic and chromatic dragons share a mutual animosity that originates in the enmity between Bahamut and Tiamat (Bahamut is often called the King of Metallic Dragons in the world of the Forgotten Realms, and Tiamat the Queen of Chromatic Dragons. In other worlds they have different names, and like all gods, they are beyond gender.)

    The origin of Dragon’s Rest is rooted in that animosity. Ages ago, a fire-breathing red dragon called Sharruth rampaged up and down the Sword Coast. Three metallic dragons joined forces to battle Sharruth and imprisoned her beneath the ocean floor, believing seawater would quench her fire and keep her bound forever. But Sharruth’s fury, legend says, caused the undersea volcanic activity that formed Stormwreck Isle.

    In all likelihood, Sharruth is long dead and entombed beneath the island, but chromatic dragons whisper that she still lives and will one day emerge from her prison. One fact is undeniable: the powerful magic embodied in such an ancient dragon has left a permanent mark on Stormwreck Isle. That magic has drawn other dragons to the island throughout the centuries, making it a recurring battlefield in the conflict between chromatic and metallic dragons. Several of these dragons have died there, each leaving behind a spiritual scar that causes unpredictable magical effects.

    A hundred years ago, a blue dragon tried to harness this destructive magic. A bronze dragon pleaded with him to abandon his schemes. When he refused, the bronze dragon killed him, adding one more dragon grave to the island.
Shoku, D’jango and EdU rejoin the rest of the group in the kitchen. At this time, Jorp is on the verge of passing out while Fiadh is drunkenly telling him to “Boot and Rally, damnit!” As the hour has grown late, the group prepare to retire for the night. It is decided that they will post a watch, just in case more of the zombie creatures decide to attack.

Sofija takes the first watch. During her watch, she hears snatches of music which seem to be coming from across the water from the southwest. Other than that her watch is uneventful.

Jorp, having sobered up, takes the second watch. He hears the same music but he can make out a female voice but cannot make out the words. He sees some of the Kobolts moving about in the dark as well as the sound of tinkering coming from the workshop.

Fiadh takes the third and final watch. She doesn’t hear anything but does get to enjoy the beautiful sunrise.

During the night, the party completes a long rest.

As the group prepares to depart to explore the island, Tarak appears with a wrapped bundle. He explains that it is food “waste” and asks that we give it to the Micanouds. Tarak also gives Jorp the 2nd healiing potion knowing the encounter could be dangerous. Tarak asks the group to find Heartcap Mushrooms, the needed component for healing potions. He also warns the group to watch out for Stirges, a batlike creature who are found in the caves with the Myconids, as they were aggressive if disturbed.

The group sets off by foot, eschewing the small water craft opting instead to take the path leading across the island. Sofija is at the head, followed by Jorp, D’jango, Shoku, Fiadh and EdU bringing up the rear. As the group makes it way across the treacherous terrain, they begin to notice large claw marks on the trees as well as churned up dirt. Upon examination of the marks, they come to the conclusion that an enormous bear must be on the island. After a couple of hours, they come to the edge of a cliff, some 200 feet above water. They can see a steep set of stairs descending down to the water and what looks like an entrance into the side. As they look into the dark entrance, they notice fungus covering the walls of the tunnel. They enter the tunnel. The trail is covered by a few inches of putrid water. As they are making their way inside, water begins rippling showing something swimming below. As if on cue, a couple of Stirgis start to stir and detach themselves from the wall above. Shoku manages to kill one of the Stirgis with a dart and as the body hits the water, a large tentacle comes out from the deep and slaps at it. As the group kill a couple more, an octopus come up from the deep, its body covered in more fungus. The octopus hits at Django but he easily sidesteps it and the octopus starts to go back into the water. With a bloodcurdling cry, Jorp goes after it and disappears into the water! The group starts to cry out to Jorp, anxiously looking for any sign of the brave dwarf. The water begins to splash and churn marking the location of the sea creature. Some Myconids appear, looking terrified at the sudden commotion. During their panic they release spores which hit Shoku and Django causing them to suddenly have limited telepathic powers. Another Myconid releases spores with hit Sofija, causing her to experience the same thing. The Myconids are transmitting their fear to the group through telepathy. Jorp comes out of the water, coughing and gasping for air. As he was hit, Fiadh casts Healing Word on Jorp. Shoku gets the last hit on the fungus covered Octopus, killing it.

As the group reach's the inside, there is a huge cavern with stairs leading upwards. There is a forest of fungi, ranging from fine filaments to rather large mushrooms and spores. The air is thick with smell of Sulphur. As it turns out, the Myconids they have encountered are children. They run off to get adults to come talk to the group. As they wait, they decide to start looking for the Heartcap Mushrooms which Tarak had asked them to get. Fiadh gets lucky and finds 6, while Sofija finds a medium sized, purplish colored plant, about 5 feet tall known as a Violet Fungus. The Fungus attacks Sofija which throws them back into combat. Sofia lights a torch when EdU is unsuccessfully able to locate a torch amongst his robes to lighten the the dim lit fungal garden unsuccessfully.

(It was at this point that the group broke for the night.)

Treasure Found

Wife of ZiF
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Re: [spoilers] Dragons of Shipwreck Isle

Post by Roxanne »

Session 3 – October 24, 2022

Level 1
Player Race/Class
  • Tundrra “Dungeons Master”
  • D’Jango “Django” Drow Wizard
  • EdU “Edu” Human Mage
  • Fiadh O’Cleirigh “Roxanne” Dwarf Bard
  • Jorp “Beesus” Dwarf Paladin
  • Sho-Ku “Sho-Ku” Human Monk
  • Sofija “Sofija” Goliath Barbarian
Our fearless group make short work of the Violet Fungi. As the group begins to make their way to the Myconids, they hear sounds of distress in their minds. The group increases their pace, DJango dashes by Shoku, hissing at the torch in his hand at the light it cast. They see a Violet Fungi attaching itself to one of the Myconid children. Django throws a dagger, striking and sticking out of the Fungi. The Child attempts to run but the Myconid reaches out and renders it unconscious. Fiadh casts Healing Word on the child and the heal appears to work as the child begins to stir. The adult Myconid emits more spores at the party affecting the entire party. The party explains that we are here to help them. The head Myconid explains that there is a blight which is causing decay to spread throughout the cavern, killing everything in its path. He also gives the party permission to look for and harvest more of the mushrooms. He also said that the decay appears to have been going on for a couple of weeks; it appears to be coming from a “crystal cavern” which they cannot go into because of the brightness in the cavern. Many of the Myconids are sick, and some have died. The head of the Myconids is very ill.

Inside the cavern which the Myconids have made their home is not as colorful as the previous fungi garden rooms of the cave. Six clusters of giant mushrooms are situated in the middle of the room. These are not as colorful as the ones in the previous rooms. There are several human sized Myconids in the middle, they appear to be standing in a trance like state. They are all looking ill and fatigued. The weaker ones have very obvious signs of decay. They tell us that the crystal cavern is to the west. The child which had been attacked was brought back and appears to be recovering.

The group is weary and decide to take a short rest before venturing forth. After their rest they head to the crystal cavern, the smell of Sulphur and brimstone appears to be coming from the cavern. The cavern is filled with light, a glowing orange crystal appears to be the source of the light. It is situated in a large fissure to the left. On the right are purple crystals. Marks of soot are around the second fissure. Shoku and Sofija enter the cavern.

A cloud of smoke appears, whirling as it makes it’s way towards Sofija. Coming out of the whirling cloud of smoke is a green Fume Drake! It reaches out towards Shoku and bites at him but the Drake misses. The rest of the party enters the cavern and ready attacks as they cannot quite make out what the cloud is. Shoku hits at it and kicks it. The Drake reacts but there is almost no resistance. Sofija swings her Warhammer but misses! EdU fires off a Ray of Frost, causing 5 damage and causes it to freeze and explode, covering the ones nearest it with some sort of poison. Another Fume Drake appears and it sprays Scalding Breath onto EdU, causing EdU to take 1 point of fire damage. Another Fume Drake comes out at Jorp, Jorp swings and misses. It sprays Jorp and Shoku with scalding breath causing 1 point of damage to Jorp while Shoku takes 2. Fiadh casts Vicious Mockery at the Drake attacking EdU. Jorp hits the Drake attacking him with his battle axe, causing 4 points of damage. Django casts Toll of the Dead but it misses. Shoku swings his quarterstaff at it and strikes at it with his fist but he misses. Sofija swings her Warhammer but misses! EdU casts Shocking Grasp but the spell fails. At the end of her rope, Fiadh casts Thunderclap causing a wave of loud thunder to echo through the cavern.

The thunderclap sound vibrates and cracks around the crystal room and the orange crystal, as well as causing the two Fume Drakes to take 6 and 0 points of damage, respectively. The group covers their ears at the sound but continue fighting the drakes. The cracking draws Jorp attention to the orange crystal where notices that there is a 2’ black sphere in its center. He swings at the Drake closest to him but misses. Django casts Toll of the Dead at the Drake closest to him but the Drake saves. Shoku moves and strikes at the Drake attacking EdU but misses. He then hits it with his fists causing 6 points of damage to the Drake. At the other Drake, Sofija swings her Warhammer, missing. The Drake fighting EdU turns it’s attention to Shoku, hitting him for 4 damage. Fiadh gives Bardic Inspiration to Sofija. Jorp strikes out at the drake nearest him with his Battle Axe, hitting it for 9 damage. The Drake explodes and no one takes any damage from the poison. DJango casts Toll of the Dead again, causing 3 points of damage to the remaining Drake. Shoku swings and misses but hits it with his fists for 6. Sofija hits it with her Warhammer for 5. EdU hits it with Ray of Frost, killing it. It explodes, hitting Sho-Ku who goes down. Jorp Lays Hands upon him, healing him. Sofija and Fiadh each take 5 points of damage.

DJango performs a ritual, attempting to detect any magical influences. Nothing was detected. Catching their breath, the group attempts to examine the Sphere. A vote was taken to try to take the Sphere with us. Fiadh casts Thunderclap again which causes the crystal to shatter and the Sphere to fall, hitting the floor in an explosion revealing a Fire Snake!

(It was at this point the group broke for the night.)

Treasure Found

Wife of ZiF
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Re: [spoilers] Dragons of Shipwreck Isle

Post by Roxanne »

Session 4
Nov 11th 2022

Level 1

Player Race/Class
Tundrra “Dungeons Master”
D’Jango “Django” Drow Wizard
EdU “Edu” Human Mage
Fiadh O’Cleirigh “Roxanne” Dwarf Bard
Jorp “Beesus” Dwarf Paladin
Sho-Ku “Sho-Ku” Human Monk
Sofija “Sofija” Goliath Barbarian

As the Fire Snake breaks free, it immediately casts of a lot of heat. Fiadh casts Bane and runs, beating out the embers on the hem of her tunic. A Fume Drake appears to the south as D’Jango casts chill touch on it. A few seconds later another Fume Drake appears! Sho-Ku attacks the second Fume Drake with his quarterstaff.

Meanwhile, Sofija rages and taunts the Fire Snake, causing it to come forward and exposing it’s flank. Sho-Ku should be called Sho-Nuff as he attacks and kills the second Fume Drake!

EdU and Jorp are fighting the other Fume Drake. Jorp slaps it around, getting burned in the process. The Fume Drake attempts to attack EdU but misses completely. Sensing EdU’s power, it sidesteps EdU and moves around him.

Sho-Ku moves too close to the Fire Snake, allowing the Snake to give him 2nd degree burns from the heat. Sho-Ku goes down! The Fire Drake then attempts to bite Jorp and tail whip Sofija but it misses our heroes completely!

EdU casts shocking grasp on the Fume Drake, causing it to explode! Poisons spews all over EdU but he manages to escape without being poisoned.

In a heroic feat, Jorp picks up and drags Sho-Ku away from the Fire Snake causing the Snake to ravage Jorp with fire damage. Jorp still manages to lay hands on Sho-Ku, giving him the health he needed to stave off death.

Fiadh calls out to the Fire Snake “It must be so easy buying Christmas gifts for your mother, sister and wife, considering that they are all the same person!”

Sofija continues to swing and hack at the Fire Snake but, to her chagrin, all she manages to hit is the air which is swirling about the Snake.

The party continues to hack away at the Fire Snake and remaining Fume Drake; Sofija with her trusty battle axe, EdU casting Ray of Frost, Jorp smacking it with his battle axe, D’Jango casting and Fiadh cursing as only a battle-hardened bard could! Jorp gets too close to the Fume Drake and he goes down! Sho-Ku returns the favor to Jorp by pulling him away from the combat and stabilizing him.

With the Fire Snake and Fume Drake dispatched back to the hell from whence they came, Sho-Ku and Sofija drag Jorp back to the Myconids chamber. EdU collects Obsidian fragments from the Fire Snake’e egg. The Fume Drakes’ bodies evaporate leaving naught by the faint smell of Sulphur. The chamber is filled with soft light, akin to stained glass.

The Myconids take the group to their leader, Sinensa, who it turns out is very sick. D’Jango offers to examine her. He gently examines her, after a debate of whose healing potion will be used he administers a healing potion. Jorp generously slips his potion into Djarum’s pocket replacing the one he offered. She opens her eyes and is refreshed.

The Mushroom Hunt:
-D’Jango and Fiadh both find 6 each
-Sofija finds 4 and EdU finds 3

The group decides to take a long rest. Sofija is first watch, Fiadh is 2nd with D’Jango taking 3rd.

Sinensa thanks us the next day and offers the remaining ruby morrell as a reward to us.

The group also devides the obsedian fragments, worth 250 GP total.

Key Phrase for the night "Shut yer Paladin mouth!"

WE ARE LEVEL 2!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sofija leads the group back up the mountain retracing the group's tracks, eventually entering the territory of the large bear you saw signs of on the way to the seagrow cave. It wasnt long before the sounds of a low growl, and then loud screeching rips through the air. Abruptly, a hulking creature comes into view. A mix of purple feathers and deep brown fur covers its bearlike body, and its large eyes stare hungrily at you from its owlish head.

Treasure Found:

Obsedian Fragments (250 GP)
Heart Capped Mushrooms (19)
Wife of ZiF
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Location: Santa Teresa, New Mexico

Re: [spoilers] Dragons of Shipwreck Isle

Post by Roxanne »

Session 5 - November 14, 2022
Level 2
The Party:
  • Tundrra “Dungeons Master”
    Koram "Sho-ku" Human Monk
    Roxanne "Fiadh O’Cleirigh" Dwarf Bard
    Beesus "Jorp" Dwarf Paladin
    Sofija "Sofija Solburg" Goliath Barbarian
    Django “Django” Drow Wizard
    Edu “Edu” Human Mage

Sofija leads the group through the rocky pass, heading towards the Dragon’s Rest. Out of nowhere, our fearless heroes hear a huge shrieking and are suddenly confronted by an Owlbear! Sofija smacks it with her Warhammer. The beast lets out a blood-curdling scream as the Warhammer smashes into it. As Sofiija swings the weapon, she glimpses a wooden whistle with silver accents hanging around it’s neck. Sho-ku steps up to smack it with his quarterstaff but glimpses the whistle and tries to deescalate the fight but it’s too late! As the giant Owlbear pecks at Sofijia, Jorp casts Shield of Faith, preventing more damage to the warrior.

D’Jango comes in casting Chill Touch, blasting the Owlbear in it’s face! While the group continues fighting the beast, Fiadh casts Healing Word on Sofija, curing some of the damage the Owlbear managed to inflict. EdU casts Ray of Frost from across the way! Sho-Ku comes in and brings the Owlbear dangerously close to dieing while Sofija and Jorp manage to finish the job, the Owlbear collapsing in a heap of feathers, fur and blood.

The group gasps in amazement at the whistle and wonder how in the world a pet Owlbear wound up in the mountainous woods out side of the Myconids caverns. Sofija takes the whistle as proof of what the group found with EdU grabbing some of the extremely soft and warm feathers of the beast.

As the group nears Dragon’s Rest, the trails become more worn from the tiny feet of the Kobolds. Upon the group’s arrival they speak to Tarak and tell him of the Myconids as well as the Owlbear. Upon showing him the gifted Ruby Morel, he becomes excited and explains that they could make a healing elixir from them although it might take longer to craft than a regular healing potion. The group shows him the heart capped mushrooms they had collected and ask him about making healing potions with them.

Tarak recognizes the whistle and explains that a circus troupe’s ship had sank off of the coast and that some of the animal’s, including the Owlbear, had escaped up into the mountains. He also tells the group that he would guess that’s why there was a whistle fastened about the Owlbear’s neck, it would have been to train and control the monstrosity.

The group decides to hang around Dragon’s Rest until the next day. We meet a kobold with tattered wings named Myla. Myla helps build things, tinkers and makes the potions for the village. EdU tries to sell Myla some of the feathers from the Owlbear to her but she isn’t interested. However, she is interested in the Obsidian which EdU has, which he trades for a potion of climbing. The group questions her further about potion making and she agrees to loan us 2 vials which would allow the group to collect fire embers from fire elementals.

The group sees Varnoth and invite her to go out with us but she declines, telling us that she is physically unable to do so.

Everyone decides to check out the shipwreck in the morning which is about an hour and 45-minute trip by rowboat, of which there is one available to us down by the docks.

As Varnoth notices Fiadh looking at the statue of Astalagan in the square, she gives Fiadh a history lesson on the bronze dragon. D’Jango speaks up and states that Astalagan died on the spot of the temple. There is no placard on the statue but it is evident that it is extremely well made and carved from stone.

The group makes it way to the temple. Inside the temple, towards the middle of the room is a statue of Bahamat in human form. Elder Runara is in the temple and entertains the group’s questions, however she is distracted and unfocus when answering the parties queries. Jorp attempts to convince her to allow the group to assist her but she is uninterested and tells him no (she seems a bit cranky, to be honest.)

The statue of Bahamat has 7 birds decorating it along with niches at it’s base, allowing for tributes, offerings and incense. Jorp makes an offering of 10 gold pieces.

The group retires to the mess hall, partaking in drink and food. Mumpo appears and shows off his magical dagger, claiming that it is very lucky and has saved his life more than once, he eventually he leaves to light the torches along the cliff face walkway.

As the group relaxes, they hear a loud shrieking coming from the bottom of the stair case. Figures are seen running from the bottom, Mumpo amoung them. Mumpo has been bitten by either a zombie or skeleton and is clutching his lucky dagger, claiming that it had once again saved his life.

A skeleton is seen, shambling past the statue of Astalagan. We enter iniative! Sho-Ku, Sofija, Jorp, Fiadh, D’Jango and EdU take up positions and ready themselves for an intense battle as the square is soon filled with screams and bodies. Sho-Ku swings his quarterstaff, causing massive damage to one of the skeletons. It explodes, bone fragments going everywhere. Sofija jumps in, swinging the massive hammer she carries. Jorp sees a skeleton attempting to hit Tarak and casts Shield of Faith on him. Tarak attempts to push one of the frozen zombie off of the cliff, it falls into the water and dies upon impact. EdU continues to cast Ray of Frost on the remaining Skeletons and Zombies. Fiadh casts vicious mockery, her words so sharp they make cuts into the flesh of the zombie she had targeted. Sofija rages, swiping at the skeletons clutching at her armored arms. D’Jango casts Toll the Dead, killing the Zombie he had targeted. One of the Zombies attempts to bite Sofija but fail to penetrate her armor. The battle continues on…

(It was at this point the group called it for the night!)

Treasure Found:
Owlbear Feathers
Wife of ZiF
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Re: [spoilers] Dragons of Shipwreck Isle

Post by Roxanne »

Session 6 – November 21, 2022

Level 2
Player Race/Class
  • D’Jango Drow Wizard
    EdU Human Mage
    Fiadh O’Cleirigh Dwarf Bard
    Jorp Dwarf Paladin
    Sho-Ku Human Monk
    Sofija Goliath Barbarian
We rejoin our hero’s as they are finishing off the remaining 2 skeletons and 1 zombie that had attacked Dragons Rest. Sho-Ku hits one of the skeletons so hard it explodes into a spray of bone fragments! He strikes at the remaining skeleton and it too explodes into a million pieces. The group then concentrates on the remaining zombie. Between all of them, they make quick work of the zombie with EdU freezing it for a 12 crit causing it to freeze into some kind of grotesque statue. No more come up from the water.

After the battle, EdU and Jorp investigate the remains. They determine that the zombies are much more decayed than the previous ones that they had encountered. The skeletons have no clothing or armor which would seem to indicate that they had been out in the elements for a very long time.

Tarak goes to check on Mumbo and returns with a potion of healing which he gives to Sofija. Tarak also mentions that the undead’s numbers appear to be getting stronger. The first sign of them appeared after that first shipwreck.

The group takes a well deserved long rest. Before retiring for the night, EdU and Django go to the library to research the tomes there while the rest go to the kitchen area and drink ale. Sho-Ku heals the wounded. During his studies, EdU comes across a spell’s scroll, a spell of Knock. Jorp returns to the others where they indulge in the plentiful ale. Fiadh and Sofija indulge in a drinking contest with the tall barbarian handily beating the inebriated dwarf.

The group sets watch, Sofija is first, Sho-Ku second while EdU takes the final watch. Fiadh passes out. Sofija doesn’t see or hear anything. Sho-Ku's watch is uneventful as well. EdU notices that as dawn approaches, he hears snatches of music, the same music that had been heard by Jorp and Sofija on their first night on the island. As the sun rises the music fades to nothingness.

The group prepares to depart for the ship wreck, Tarak provides another healing potion which he stayed up all night making and gives it to Jorp. The group also finds Inspiration for their heroic deeds!

They make their way down to the small dock where an equally small rowboat awaits them. The cram themselves into the boat, D’Jango casts Mage Armor on himself. D’Jango navigates while the rest row the small vessel. As the boat nears the shipwreck it springs a leak after hitting a few jagged rocks. Sho-Ku casts Mend on the boat and the leak becomes no more. They also see bones of long dead creatures. They spy enormous dragon bones in the water and notice a faint smell of rot.

As they look at the shipwreck, they notice a gaping hole in it’s side which appears to be the only way on board. The hole is underwater which gives our heroes pause. Jorp casts Divine Sense and detects the presence of undead. The group decide to climb up on the boat via a fallen sail with Sofija and Sho-Ku leading the way.

Debris covers the deck, boots and equipment are in a pile. The pile is covered in bits of gore. The main sail is still intact but the rest are in tatters. There was a miasma of rot so overwhelming the group could smell nothing else. Debris litters the deck. Before going any further, Sho-Ku goes back and secures the row boat.

There are 2 sets of stairs leading down with another set of stairs going up top. The grates on deck are closed. Jorp closes the doors which lead below deck using broken wood. Jorp and Sofija move the debris on the deck, blocking the stairs below.

EdU, D’Jango and Fiadh examine the deck. Fiadh notices a rope ladder going up to the Crow’s Nest. D’Jango hears muffled steps behind the door on the right hand side. EdU makes note of the front of the boat, noting the broken mast and a rusted out ballista. Sho-Ku looks on the upper deck and notices that the ship’s wheel is askew and broken. He whispers the all clear to the rest of the group.

Jorp attempts to open one of the doors but it’s locked. Fiadh takes out her lock picks and successfully picks the lock. The lock opens but the group can’t seem to open the door as it is blocked. Sofija uses her war hammer and bashes it in only to reveal three undead sailors! The group goes into initiative.

D’Jango strikes first, casting Chill Touch on the 1st undead. EdU goes second, casting Ray of Frost. Sho-Ku is third, striking the undead with his quarterstaff which causes an arm to fall off and start crawling around! Fiadh casts Vicious Mockery which, had it been alive, would have surely hurt his feelings. Sofija is next, she Rages and readies an attack. Jorp takes his turn and tries to grab the thrashing arm but the arm fights back! As the undead stumbles out of the hold, Sofija’s attach goes off and she strikes at it causing it to truly die! It’s arm goes lifeless and Jorp grabs it and throws it behind them. The second undead claws at Sofija and bites her causing a small amount of damage.

The group concentrates their attacks on the second zombie, making short work of it before it can attack again. Sho-Ku then attacks the third which causes it’s arm to fall off as well. It falls to the ground and begins crawling towards our heroes. Before it can slash Sho-Ku, Jorp intercepts its damage! Sofija hits it causing bludgeoning damage and knocking one of its legs off! Jorp attempts to attack the last undead and ends up standing on its leg as he smacks it with his battle-axe. The undead collapses in a pile, finally and truly dead.

They survey the room and discover a rather large, gaping hole which is leading downwards. Jorp casts Divine Sense and immediately knows that there are more undead below. We search the bodies and find 5 gold and 3 silver. The room is covered in mold and rot. Everything is just rotted. There is a desk with an ornate compass on it. They find a set of cartographer's tools and a dagger in the desk. They also find a pouch with 50 gold pieces. EdU investigates the hole as best he can and senses a very heavy feeling. EdU and Jorp attempt to cover the hole with the bed’s mattress but it falls through the hole.

They decide to investigate the other room, the kitchen and discover a headless skeleton. Small crabs feasting on tiny bits of flesh make the skeleton appear to be moving. Everything in the room is ruined.

The group go to the other end of the ship and look into the 3rd door, discovering it’s mess hall. Long tables and chairs are scattered about, broken crockery litters the floor. EdU and Sofija confer that there is nothing of value.

The last room is the crew’s quarters. Six double bunks are attached to the walls and personal effects are strewn across the room. There is a small portrait of a blonde man and a dark woman in a wealthy merchant’s sailor outfit is on the wall with the inscription: Aliethia and Brastos, together forever.

Sofija finds a raised floorboard and investigates it. The board is rotted and is easy to pop up. As she removes the board, it triggers a mechanism and a dart flies past her head and lands in the ceiling. She finds a much larger sack containing 200 gold pieces.

Sho-Ku decides to climb the crow’s nest and, despite it swaying and leaning dangerously over the deck below, easily hoists himself up and over the ledge. He discovers that it is stuffed with canvas, bits of hair and sails as well as shiny baubles of some sort. He discovers a small, golden bracelet worth about 25 gold, 2 small tiger’s eye gems valued at 10 gold each, one single gold earring worth about 25 gold and one bloodstone gem worth about 50 gold pieces.

The main deck is cleared and the group removes the debris covering one of the grates. Fiadh takes out her War Pipes and blows them, attempting to bring whatever undead are underneath. We see two undead but they are unable to make it up. The members of the party with ranged weapons start taking shots at them and pretty soon they are truly dead. The group finds pieces of sail which they cover D’Jango with so his sensitive skin doesn’t catch aflame.

The group makes its way to the lower deck. Everything is covered with a foot of foul water. Everything is rotted, including the many crates and barrels. Fiadh and Jorp investigate the west side of the lower deck while EdU looks on the east side. Fiadh smells a horrible stench and discovers an undead. This one is different; it appears much smarter than the others upstairs!

(This is where the session ends)

Treasure found:
  • 5 gold
    3 silver
    50 gold pieces
    200 gold pieces
    Small Golden Bracelet (25 GP)
    2 Small Tiger’s Eye Gems (10 GPx2)
    1 Small Gold Earring (25 GP)
    1 Bloodstone Gem (50 GP)
    Cartographer's Tools
    1 Dagger
Wife of ZiF
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Re: [spoilers] Dragons of Stormwreck Isle

Post by Roxanne »

Session 7 - November 28, 2022

Level 3
Player Race/Class
  • D’Jango Drow Wizard
    EdU Human Mage
    Fiadh O’Cleirigh Dwarf Bard (Absent)
    Jorp Dwarf Paladin
    Sho-Ku Human Monk
    Sofija Goliath Barbarian
The Compass Rose
The party splits up checking the cargo EdU finds a mother of pearl inlaid lute in a crate to the east and Sofija finds a scroll in a sealed leather waterproof case. Fiadh finds a surprise lurking between the crates. Combat with Sho-ku and Jorp begins in the west, it is a Ghoul! D'Jango joins Sho-ku and Jorp, he hits the Ghoul with chill touch. Jorp then follows up and hits it with his Battleaxe. EdU carefully moves into position as he hears the sound of the encounter with the Ghoul. Sho-ku then smacks it with his quarterstaff and strikes it with his fists, killing it. The group carefully examine the area but no further signs of undead appear.

Jorp checks out the hole in the NW corner where there is a hole directly above him. It looks like there is a large trunk of some kind down below in the completely flooded lower cargo hold. The party searches the remaining crates and find the following:
  • Five bottles of fine wine (10 gp each), packed in straw plus one broken bottle. (EdU found)
    A 20 pound sack of whole cloves (60 GP) (Sofija found)
    Ten small 1 pound bars of silver (5 gp each) (D'Jango found)
    A pair of candlestick holders carved from bone to resemble dragons (20 GP each) (Jorp found)
    One fine lute with mother-of-pearl inlay (50 GP) (EdU found)
    One Spell Scroll of Command, sealed in a leather case (Sofija found)
Sho-ku volunteers to take a rope and dive into the submerged lower cargo hold to tie off the chest for the others to pull up. D'Jango casts Dancing Lights, creating 4 small lights that float around Sho-ku, lighting the area around him. Sho-ku dives in, lookiing for threats but finds nothing but colorful underwater plants, fish and crustaceans in addition to the large iron chest in the hold. Sho-ku swims down and secures the rope around the chest, through the iron handles located on both ends. Sofija and Jorp manage to haul up the heavy iron trunk to the lower deck where the group is waiting. Sho-ku swims up and rejoins the group. EdU investigates the chest but finds no evidence of traps. Sho-ku then opens the lid with his crowbar. As the top creaks open, no mechinical or magical traps go off. The Chest contains the following:
  • A pouch holding 55 GP
    Three turquoise stones (10 GP each)
    A pair of beautiful Elvin designed boots *
    A watertight float bag containing the Captain's Journal, a bookmark inside **
*Boots of Elvenkind - Wondrous item, Uncommon. While you wear these boots, your steps make no sounds, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently.

**The bookmark appears to be some sort of talisman, formed from long locks of hair, some blonde, some black, braided together and knotted around two small finger bones: detect magic, school of necromancy,
19 Tarsakh

Our journey is ended, though I fear my own is to continue in the most horrible way imaginable. Compass Rose wrecked on a shoal south of Neverwinter. Man y sailors perished with the initial impact, and Aleitha was gravely injured. As I tended her wounds, she clutched her talisman and breathed soft prayers. I asked her what the talisman signified. She told me love. Her husband waits for her at Dragon's Rest, haviung pledged hiis service to the dragon there. The talisman is made from locks of their hair, woven together as a promise to be reunited, no matter what fate might befall them. It might have been a beautiful story, had it not been for Aleitha's gruesome end, and the words of the prayer I heard as she breathed her last. For, she was begging Orcus, the Prince of Undeath, to reunite her with her husband.

I held her hands as the breath left her, jand I felt a horrible chill pass through her. Next I knew, she was sinking her teeth inton my neck. At the same moment, I heard moans begin to rise from the dead sailors all around us. What curse has she brought on us all? Already I feel a creeping chill overtaking my body. I am securing her taliisman with this book in my chest, in the hope that someone who comes after us may end this nightmare by bringing Aleitha's talisman to her husband.

About Orcus. Known as the Demon Prince of Undeath and the Blood Lord, the demon Lord Orcus is a fiend whose power rivals that of the gods. Ruling over hordes of demons in the nightmarish plane of existence called the Abyss, Orcus yearns to transform the multiverse into a ghastly place of death. Many undead creatures (like ghouls) worship him or seek to bargain with him ini exchange for some fragment of his power over undeath.

The group returns to the main deck with some effort. As they climb the broken stairway they are met by 3 naked, haglike winged creatures, Harpies! Our heroes catch sight of them as they are bickering over the missing "shinies" from the crows nest, the same crows nest that the group had searched. One Harpy is in the crow's nest, a second one is on the aft quarterdeck and the last is on the forecastle deck. The Harpies stop arguing and switch their attention to the tasty looking group instead of their missing treasure! The Harpy on the aft quarterdeck is just above Sho-ku and begins to sing a hauntingly similar song to what some of the party had been hearing while standing watch at night in Dragon's Rest. It has no effect on the party except for Sho-ku who is instantly charmed. Jorp runs over and grapples the charmed Sho-ku before he can move towards the harpy. Sofija heads for the stars to the aft deck, trying to get at the harpy that charmed Sho-ku. She throws a javelin at it but misses which causes her to go into a rage. The Harpy on the forecastle sings and tries to charm EdU but he saves and it fails. EdU responds with a Ray of Frost but misses. The Harpy from the crow's nest flies down to 15' above the deck and begins to sing, trying to charm Jorp. Jorp relies on his Inspiration which saves him. Sofija is not so lucky and is charmed. D'Jango casts Ray of Sickness on the eastern Harpy with is fighting EdU, it's poisoned and weakened! D'Jango then runs into the SW door into the galley. Sho-ku squirms free from Jorp's grapple and heads up the stairs towards the Harpy calling to him. Sho-ku breaks free of the charm right as he arrives in front of the Harpy. The Harpy trieds to grapple him but Sho-ku dodges him. The Harpy slashes Sho-ku with a critical hit and Sho-ku falls to the deck, unconcious. The Harpy then moves up and hits Sofija with a club but this causes Sofiija to break free of the charm. Jorp then runs up the stairs but stops as he his blocked by Sofija and the Harpy. Jorp then tries to hop up the railing but fails to make it and ends up back at the bottom of the stairs. He then turns and throws a javelin at the Harpy which came down from the Crow's Nest, hitting it for 5 points of damage. Sofija swings her WarHammer at the Harpy that hit her with the club but misses, even after using her inspiration. The then hops the rail onto the Aft Deck, giving Jorp a path to get up the stairs. The Harpy on the forecastle flies down and lands in front of EdU. It slashes at him and swings her club but is unable to land a hit due to the poison coursing through her body, thanks to D'Jango. EdU grabs the harpy and lands a Shocking Grasp. EdU then releases it and runs up the stairs to the forecastle deck, narrowly avoiding being hit by the Harpy as he retreats.

The Harpy from the Crows Nest flies down to the Aft deck and attacks Sofija but it's damage is reduced by her rage. D'Jango casts Ray of Sickness on the Harpy which was fighting EdU, hitting it for 16 points and re-poisoning it. Sho-ku survives a death save. The western Harpy hits Sofija with a claw slash, but again, the damage is reduced by her rage. Jorp clears the stairs to the Aft deck and uses Lay on Hands to restore Sho-ku to 4 health and he also casts Divine Shield on him, increasing his unarmored defense (+2 AC while the spell lasts.) Sofija hits Western Harpy for 4 with her WarHammer. The eastern Harpy is enraged at being hit by D'Jango's spells as he steps in and out of the SW doorway to the galley, and rushes down to attach him, but it misses with both claw slash and club due to poison disadvantage. EdU cannot see the Harpy he was fighting and so decides to hit the Harpy that flew down from the Crow's Nest to fight Sofija, hitting it with Ray of Frost. The Crow's Nest Harpy shoves the Western Harpy, arguing that these tasty morsels are hers and she is not sharing, then strikes at Sofija with her club but misses. D'Jango Tolls the Dead on the Harpy in the galley with him but it has no effect. Sho-Ku hits the Harpy from the Crow's Nest with his quarterstaff and then with his bare fists, causing 11 and 6 damage, respectively. The Western Harpy tries to grapple Sofija but is no match for the Goliath's strength. Jorp swings at the Western Harpy but misses. Sofija swings at the Western Harpy but misses. The Western Harpy lifts off and begins trying to retreat. Sho-ku swipes at it as it flies off but misses. Jorp tries to hit it but also misses. Sofija smacks the Crow's Nest Harpy for 13, EdU casts Ray of Frost on the same Harpy for 5. D'Jango Toll's the Dead on the Harpy in the galley and this time the necrotic energy hits it hard for 12. Sho-Ku misses the Crow's Nest Harpy with this staff but hits it with his bare hands for 6. Jorp lines up a perfect overhand swing with this BattleAxe on the Crow's Nest Harpy and critically hits it for 12, killing it. Jorp kicks it off the landing and jumps after it, landing on and crushing the body. Sofija, seeing Jorp hop the rail to the main deck follows suit but misjudges and crashes through the rail and falls to the main deck, taking 1 point of fall damage but manages to make it to the SW doorway and swings at the back of the Harpy fighting D'Jango but misses. EdU threads a Ray of Frost past Sofija's massive frame and hits the Harpy. D'Jango steps up, pulls his dagger and slashes at the Harpy, drawing a perfect line across it's throat, dropping it to the deck. The western Harpy continues to flu off to the north and Sho-ku yells at it, trying to taunt it into returning but fails to do so.

The battle over, the party decide to stay on deck and take a short rest. While everyone is resting, D'Jango casts ritual Detect Magic and uses Identify spells on the loot. Both the boots and the talisman/bookmark are magical. D'Jango reveals that the boots are finely made Boots of Elvenkind, but the talisman is only revealed to be some form of necromancy by identify and does not appear to be an item that can be used actively. Jorp opens and reads the Captain's Journal and it reveals the nature of the braided hair talisman. The group decides to give the Boots of Elvenkind to Jorp to help him offset his noisy armor with some quiet footsteps. The party decides to return to Dragon's Rest to try and find out more about the Talisman and who the husband of the cursed sailor might be. Sho-ku suggests burning the Compass Rose down to the waterline, preventing the surviving Harpy from returning to it's nest and luring more ships to wreck on the rocks.

Welcome to Level 3!
Wife of ZiF
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Re: [spoilers] Dragons of Stormwreck Isle

Post by Roxanne »

Session 8 – December 5, 2022
Level 3
Player Race/Class
  • D’Jango Drow Wizard
    EdU Human Mage
    Fiadh O’Cleirigh Dwarf Bard
    Jorp Dwarf Paladin
    Sho-Ku Human Monk
    Sofija Goliath Barbarian
Dragon's Rest
We begin this session by returning to Dragon’s Rest and divide the treasure found on the Compass Rose. Each party member receives 51 pieces of gold and the rest of the treasure is saved until we can find a market where we will sell and divide the proceeds. Jorp received the Boots of Elvinkind, D’Jango takes the plain dagger and Jorp receives the spell scroll.

The Kobolds come out and we tell them of our adventure on the Compass Rose. We explain to Tarak that Aleitha made a pack with a demon and that we had found a talisman. We asked him if anyone was expected, I.e. Aleitha’s beloved. He doesn't recall the name but recommends asking Edler Runara, due that many come to her looking for guidance.

He tells us that Aleitha’s beloved was murdered. D’Jango and Jorp briefly discuss using necromancy and its dangers. It was decided that the talisman would be placed on Brasto's grave if it can be found. The group then go find the Varnoth in the library. She is reading something and D’Jango makes a perception check to try to determine what she is reading. She appears to be reading books on Dwarven history, some in Dwarven. D’Jango and Jorp talk to her about Aleitha and she explains that Elder Runara would be best to talk to about the sensitive matter. She went on to say that Brastos had a wife named Aleitha but that he had died on the island and she would save the stories for after dinner. She then went back to her reading.
Elder Runara

The group then goes to the temple to find Elder Runara. As the group enters the temple, the talisman begins to burn and the smell of burning hair fills the air. Other than that, it is peaceful. We Ask if she is feeling better and she welcomes us and tells us that Brastos had come there some months past, seeking guidance about Aleitha and their marriage, but that he had died about a month ago. She said “We should find peace and have a way of co-exist, escape the ways of violence.” “It is difficult to persuade those that have deep hatred.”

Django you once asked who Astalagan was… he was the protector of this island a 1000yrs ago, a mighty bronze dragon, always just and caring for those on the island and as well a noble father. When he passed I remained to continue his work….

There’s a flash like a silent stroke of lightning, and the human woman is gone. In her place is an enormous dragon with bronze-colored scales. “Now you see me as I truly am , …I am the daughter of Astalagan, protector of this isle” she says, tilting her head with an expression that might be a smile on her scaled face.

“As you have discovered, this island has many old wounds. And I’m afraid the cycle of violence is starting again.

Brastos came here some months ago looking for advise on a personal matter. (Religious Differences, of deity)

During his time He made quick friends with Airdon, a bronze dragon wyrmling under my tutelage. A year ago, the observatory ruins have become the home of an arrogant blue dragon wyrmling called Sparkrender, a descendant of a ancient rival, the dragon kept to himself and we do-existed… till Brastos encountered the dragon and was slain near the Observatory.

I have sworn to peace and co-existing, however Airdon was blinded by his sorrow and need for revenge …our differences clashed and Aidron left the safety of Dragon’s Rest to confront Sparkrender and has not returned.

Jorp, I fear the darkness is coming…I believe Like his ancestor, Sparkrender seeks to claim the destructive magic that lingers at the site.

I have one more favor to ask you find out his fate.

Be warned the blue dragon, only a wyrmling will be be fierce and deadly stay safe.

After Runara's surprising reveal, We returned the talisman to Brastos grave where it disappeared.

Sho-ku and D’jango go to the library, poring over the books they missed on their previous trips. Sho-ku finds general information on the area, just a general understanding of the Sword Coast. He copies everything he finds into his journal.

Before taking a long rest, the group retires to the kitchen where they partake of the Kobold’s ale. EdU ends up drinking everyone under the table!

The group take a long rest, Mumbo lights the torches. Sofija takes the first watch; all is quiet, there is no Harpy’s song. EdU takes the second watch; all is quiet. D’Jango takes the last watch. All is quiet and as the sun comes up, temporarily blinding him, he can see that the shipwreck is clear of smoke and fog.

(long rest)
Day 5 Mirtul 6th

The group rises from their long rest and, after a meager meal, head towards the Observatory. The group head south, through rough terrain. There are no signs of danger. We come to a path leading to the clifftop Observatory. As the group draws closer they come to a ravine with a long bridge connecting it to the other side with a river below. The bridge appears to be pretty solid being about 20 feet wide and 30 feet above the river. Suddenly the group hear the flapping of wings and yipping sounds. We see Kobolds, two of which are flying above us. The group enters initiative!

Kobold Bridge Keepers

Fiadh begins by casting Bane on one of the winged Kobolds. Sho-ku Tolls the Dead and kills one of flying Kobolds and it crashes to the ground at EdU’s feet, narrowly missing him. One of the Kobolds throws a rock at Fiadh causing 8 points of damage. Two more Kobolds appear. Sofija throws a javelin at the Kobolds flying over Fiadh and Sofija rages at said Kobold. D’Jango follows up with a Ray of Sickness and kills it! EdU casts Magic Missile. The group is between two groups of Kobolds which causes problems for those that do not have a ranged attack. Fiadh moves forward, readying Vicious Mockery as she does. Sho-ku moves towards the back, firing off a dart which hits one of the Kobolds in front of him, killing it. Fiadh’s Vicious Mockery goes off causing one damage. Another Kobold attempts to hit Sho-ku but misses him. A different Kobold tries to hit Fiadh but misses. Sofija dashes, trying to get close enough to the eastern group of Kobolds in order to attack. She roars “Come and fight me, you cowards!” D’Jango casts Mage Armor on himself. EdU casts Magic Missile at the ones in front of Sofija, hitting all three. One of the Kobolds is killed while the other two take damage. One of the Kobolds in front of Sofija is a sorcerer and convinces Sofija to stop and leave them alone!

Jorp moves up and throws a javelin at the group, killing one of them. Fiadh moves up by Jorp and readies a Vicious Mockery. Sho-ku moves towards the other group and readies a dart. Sofija moves next to Fiadh. D’Jango moves up behind Fiadh. EdU moves up and casts Magic Missile at the Kobold sorcerer, causing 15 points of damage! The sorcerer yelps in pain and begins to chant, waving his hands which causes a thick fog to roll in. The group loses sight of him and the Kobold which moves away. Jorp moves forward, retrieving his javelin. Sho-ku moves and retrieves his darts and rejoins the group. In the meantime, Sofija heads back towards the rest of the party. She tries to convince us to stop chasing the Kobold sorcerer. D’Jango moves up and casts fairy fire but nothing appears in the cube and it disappears after a few minutes. As the fog cloud dissipates, we see that the remaining Kobolds have scattered and we are out of combat.
Wife of ZiF
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Re: [spoilers] Dragons of Stormwreck Isle

Post by Roxanne »

Session 9 – December 12, 2022

Level 3
Player Race/Class
  • D’Jango Drow Wizard
    EdU Human Mage
    Fiadh O’Cleirigh Dwarf Bard
    Jorp Dwarf Paladin
    Sho-Ku Human Monk
    Sofija Goliath Barbarian
The group continues on for an hour or so, the terrain making the going rough. The group spots strange protrusions from the rock seemingly made of some sort of crystal. The vegetation has taken on similar characteristics. EdU recognizes that the phenomenon is caused by lightning strikes which can be caused by blue or bronze dragons. All of a sudden, the group hears a huge roar and see a glittering blue shape up in the sky. Everyone scatters and takes cover behind the strangely shaped rocks. Fiadh and Sho-ku actually see it as it circles a structure in the distance. They see three columns protruding upwards of various heights. The dragon lands on the tallest column and disappears.

Cautiously, the group continues on until they reach the structure, they had seen the dragon land on. It appears to be an observatory of some kind with the only way across being a bridge which appears to be out. The observatory is built atop columns of earth which are jutting upwards from the ocean. The group is approximately 30 feet above the the water surface. They see two dragon statues with their mouths open in a silent roar. The statues are marble with gold veins throughout. EdU and D’Jango investigate and find indentions at the base of each in the shape of a hexagon. It appears to match the key which had been given to us. EdU inserts the key into the statue causing the statue to light up and a bridge, made of light, emerges, stretching out to the observatory. EdU goes over the bridge, as he walks the lights sparkle. There are 2 matching statues on the other side. The rest of the group follow EdU, lights sparkling with each step.

Rubble and broken statues greet us. There is a statue of the solar system in the middle of the landing. Out of nowhere, the group hears a screech and see 2 winged Kobolds along with bats flying around them. Sturgis come up and attack the Kobolds, a couple of them even going so far as to latch on to them. At the smell of blood, they start heading towards the party and we go into initiative! EdU casts Ray of Frost onto the Sturgis, crits and kills it. Fiadh casts Vicious Mockery and kills another Sturgis! Sho-ku advances and kills one of the Sturgis who is atop one of the kobolds. Sofija dashes to another Sturgis, rages and moves to the Kobold. D’Jango chill touches a Sturgis which is near him, killing it instantly. As the fight goes on, one of the kobolds kills the Sturgis which was attacking it, he thanks Sho-Ku and yells out “You shouldn’t be here!” The other kobold fights back, attacking the Sturgis on top of him. Jorp slices the Sturgis attacking him, in half. Another flying kobold is attacked in the air by another Sturgis, which sadly kills him. The kobold crashes to the ground and the Sturgis lands atop it, feasting on it’s corpse.

Out of nowhere we hear a voice coming from the southern tower in draconic. Fiadh moves up and readies Vicious Mockery, Sho-ku runs towards another Sturgis, killing it. The other Kobold yells out some encouraging words. Sho-ku manages to kill the Sturgis and tells the kobold “We need to talk.”

D’Jango hears another voice in Draconic coming from the Southern Tower. Sofija uses intimidation on the Kobold, asking it what was going on. The Kobold says “Thank you brave warrior but you shouldn’t be here. Our master is taking a nap.” Sofija asks “Who is your master?” The Kobold replies, “His name is Sparkrender.” Sofija tries to get the Kobold to take us to him but the Kobold refuses, fear in his eyes. The Kobold goes to check on his brother, only to find him dead.

D’Jango inspects the two dragon statues to the south and discover another key hole, identical to the first. He then inspects the statue in the middle. As he is doing so, he hears voices to the south speaking draconic. The remaining Kobold goes south to tell his compadres that everything is okay now. Jorp then inspects the statue in the middle. It depicts the planet we are on, the sun and several smaller planets. The statue also features a comet. The current position of the comet is very close to the planet meant to represent the one that we are currently on.

Also, scattered around the room, we see 5 crudely sculpted hunks of rubble. The Kobolds were painting them; one red, one bronze, one gold, one blue and one brass. Jorp walks over to the wooden bridge but doesn’t see anything. The group decides to send Sho-ku back over the bridge of light to retrieve our key. Sho-ku gives a rope to Jorp who ties it to a post. Sho-ku crosses the bridge. A kobold comes down and shouts something in Draconic. Another Kobold comes up and says “It’s them! They attacked us!” So-ku explains that we were attacked first and that we were only defending ourselves. Sho-ku then attempts to use Knowledge From A Past Life but fails. As he begins to cast it, we go into initiative.

Sho-Ku yells out “Tried to reason but they wouldn’t listen!” He tries to attack using his Staff but fails. He then does an unarmed strike, hitting the winged Kobold from the southern tower. The other Kobolds fly to the one whose brother had been killed and said “Don’t just stand there! Why didn’t you alert us?” D’Jango moves towards this exchange and tries to charm him but fails. He then moves back 15 feet. The one whom we had been talking to says something in Draconic and backs up a step. The Kobold on Sho-ku stabs him with his dagger!

Fiadh casts Hideous Laughter on the Kobold who was attacking Sho-ku. It falls to the ground, uncontrollably cackling. Just then another Sorcerer comes from the north and casts something on Sho-ku. Sho-ku makes his constitution save but starts to float up. He grabs onto something and pulls himself down.

Jorp goes south and kills one of the Kobolds. He says to the others “You don’t want this, turn around for your own good!”

Sofija crosses the bridge and readies her hammer in case one comes close. EdU moves to the right and casts magic missile and one of the airborne Kobolds, shooting it out of the sky. One of the Kobolds has a really scared look on it’s face.

The Kobold Sorcerer casts another spell on Sho-ku but Sho-ku manages to save and keeps his feet on the ground. Sho-ku then casts sleep on the two kobolds standing to the one bent over laughing. Sho-ku casts sleep on the group, they fall right where they stand, fast asleep. DJango moves 30 feet towards the Kobold cowering in fear and tries to use Persuasion to try and get him to help us. If fails and the Kobold trembles in fear, urging us to just leave. Fiadh moves closer to Sho-ku's position, trying to help him. Jorp dashes north, crossing the wooden bridge.

Sho-Ku is commanded by one of the Kobold Sorcerer. Sofija moves up and attacked the one bent over, uncontrollably laughing and slams it with her Warhammer, killing it instantly in a spray of blood and tissue. She takes a step up to the sleeping Kobolds.

Fiadh casts Vicious Mockery on one of the sleeping Kobolds, waking it instantly. As it wakes it begins to laugh uncontrollably, tears of laughter running down it’s face. EdU moves up to the sleeping Kobolds and casts Ray of Frost on the laughing Kobold, freezing it dead. Sofija kicks it, stubbing her toe causing her to cry out. The awoken Kobold stands up attempting to stab Sofija, with disadvantage it swings wide. It attacks her again causing 5 points of damage.

Sho-ku sees the ocean and heads for the water and dives in. The shock of the cold water causes him to fully wake up from being charmed and he easily climbs up to the top. D’Jango moves towards the group, making it almost across the wooden bridge. EdU tries to use Perception but doesn’t see anything. Fiadh casts Vicious Mockery on one of the remaining Kobolds, it doubles over in laughter. One of the other remaining Kobolds shoots 2 bolts of Chromatic damage; blue for 4 points of cold damage and red for 13 points of fire damage.

Jorp runs up besides Sofija and hits the laughing Kobold with his battle axe, splitting it in half in a spray of blood. Sofija runs up to the other Kobold, hitting it with her warhammer for 9 points of damage. EdU runs across the wooden bridge and casts Ray of Frost but misses. Sho-Ku moves up towards the Kobold engaged with Sofija, hitting at it with his quarterstaff causing 9 damage. He then attempts and Unarmed Strike but fails. D-jango continues forward across the wooden bridge and points at the nearly dead Kobold and Tolls the Dead for 7 points of necrotic damage. The Kobold attacks Sofija and Sho-ku; it misses the tall barbarian but manages to Strike Sho-Ku! Before the blow can land, Jorp intercepts!

Jorp then hits the last sleeping Kobold with his Battleaxe, killing it instantly. Sofija slams the Kobold in front of her with her Warhammer, beating it to death.

The group regroup and search the Kobolds bodies finding 5 silver and 3 gold. We then search the room. It appears to be some sort of living quarters. Basic adventurer gear is found but it has no value. Jorp looks at Sho-ku and asks why he was all wet?

We all return to the main landing. Our talkative Kobold is gone. Sho-ku crosses over the bridge of light and retrieves our key. He easily dives into the water, swims back across and climbs up to where we are waiting. We put the key into the southernmost statue; it activates another bridge. As we cross the bridge, we see our talkative Kobold friend hiding on the corner. Part of the floor has collapsed, old and mouldering books are scattered across the floor. Sho-ku asks the quaking Kobold where Sparkrender is. He tells us where we can find him. He also mentions that there are 2 Kobold guards with him. He also tells us of a bronze dragon which had fought Sparkrender and lost. Sparkrender had taken the bronze dragon as his prisoner and that the bronze dragon is underneath the tower, alive. We deduce that the bronze dragon must be Airedon. We note where the entrance to Sparkrender’s quarters is. Before we move on, D’Jango searches the scattered books for anything of value. He manages to find a small black journal with an ornate lock. There is a small engraved rune above the lock on the book. The rune appears to be a magical trap. D’Jango is familiar with how to disarm it. He disarms it, scratching the rune. Fiadh picks the lock and D’Jango scans through it. It contains a treasure trove of Starmaps and Experiments. In Archaic Common it says “To ye four scholars: Point your eyes towards the dragon’s light for it guides your descent into knowledge.”

Sofija and Jorp try to intimidate our talkative friend. He says that all of his friends and relatives have died. Sofija persuades him to leave and take the remaining Kobolds with him.

The group continues to search the room and finds a Potion of Resistance to Lightening behind a loose brick. We also find a pouch containing 10 gold pieces. Jorp takes the Potion of Resistance to Lightening. To the northeast of the tower, a lift can be seen. It is in the down position, meaning the guards had left.
Wife of ZiF
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