Nagip's BIO

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Nagip's BIO

Post by nagip »

This is a file intended for Republic secret service and other law enforcement use. Warning any unauthorized use of this information will result in arrest and prompt trial.

Subjects name Nagip Fairgreeve from the merchant house Fairgreeve of Naboo.
Race: Zabrak
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Height: 7' 8"
Weight: 320 lbs
Eyes : Yellow also can be seen as orange to red when he is not suppressing his Darkside influence

General description: Nagip is a large muscular Zabrak usually seen with a small pony tail and medium length black hair with several horns protruding. His facial markings are of a common Zabrak design photos of this man can be seen on the internal holo net under the most wanted section.

Known associates: Nagip is known to have a many agents working for him at any time most commonly seen with a Imperial agent by the name of Vechor (see attached file for this agent), Recently he has been see with a up incoming Sith inquisitor name of Da'lia not much is known of this person yet but an ongoing investigation is underway He also is seen quite often with one of his apprentices her name is Jelian a Sith inquisitor who in her own right could be considered a Darth.

Family: Not much is known about his birth family but we know they are from Nar Shadaa and lived in the capital and they where in the Imperial secret service. We do know that his birth parents where killed by Darth Baras and someone smuggled Nagip off planet where he ended up on Tattione. He has two siblings a set of twins 8 years younger names Jurnik and Prin'an Fairgreeve . His adoptive parents are still alive and living on Naboo his adoptive father owns and runs a merchant fleet that services several outer ring planets.

Bio: Nagip was discovered at age 8 of having the force and was sent to the Jedi council where he was admitted into the academy. It should be noted his adopted younger brother was also sent there at this time and although Prin'an is Force sensitive her use of the Force is very limited and nothing that can be expanded on. Once at the academy he excelled in any use that involved physical abilities whereas his brother excelled in the councilor forums, after two years at the academy there was a incident involving another student where the other student was found dead from asphyxiation. The following investigation had Nagip accused of murder put on trial and sentenced to prison for murder it is noted that there where only two witnesses to this event and only one that placed him in the room at the time of death the other only placed him absent from his room. His brother was the one that placed him in the room but testified that Nagip did not kill the child as he never got close to the other child and claimed there was a Sith in the room that did it and escaped before any others could be made aware of him. Only three months in prison Nagip escaped and wasn't seen from until three years ago where he helped kill the Jedi Knight Georigia on Tattione . He claimed it was self defense but he was seen force choking the Jedi by several witnesses nothing could be done do to the lawlessness of that planet and he has not been seen in Republic space where he could be brought to justice. He is believed to travel in Republic space often and it is also believed he works for Imperial intelligence .
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Re: Nagip's BIO

Post by Alystri »

I enjoyed your background! Sounds like an interesting toon.

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Re: Nagip's BIO

Post by Zyera »

nagip wrote: Height: 7' 8"

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