TRMD's bio

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TRMD's bio

Post by Turk »

Tactical Recovery & Medical Droid


Affiliation: Sith Empire
Occupation: Operative
Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Vibroblade

Height: 61”
Weight: 650 lbs
Skin Color: Black, Blue and Gold
Eyes Color: Gold
Age: 3 yrs
Race: Droid
Sex: N/A
Relationship Status: Complicated

TRMD is a prototype droid designed by Imperial Intelligence as a means to recover captured and/or injured operatives in the field. TRMD is equipped with a stealth belt in order to infiltrate hot areas, state of the art combat gear if faced with hostile resistance and the latest in medical technology to aid the asset in returning to Imperial controlled territory for further medical treatment.

TRMD was designed with a loving, kind personality and given a soft calming female voice designed to set injured agents minds at ease for the purpose of mitigating the risk of shock and to assist in the extraction of data if the agent is not able make it back to Imperial HQ for examination. Contingency protocols are in place in the event at an agent cannot be extracted TRMD will interrogate the agent and destroy any evidence that could incriminate the Empire up to and including disintegration of the body.

TRMD was still in the testing phase when ordered out into her 1st mission to recover a captured agent held in a Republic Underground Interrogation facility in Balmorra by an overzealous Watcher who was overseeing a project that was over budget and losing support by the upper echelon of Imperial Intelligence.

Initial reports of the extraction were positive. TRMD reached the agent without incident. During extraction there was a glitch in her stealth field generator which drew an immediate response from Republic Security Forces. A firefight ensued and the agent was severely injured. TRMD was able to preserve the agents life but due severe trauma to his head, he slipped into a deep coma.

TRMD extracted the agent to a classified safe house/temporary medical facility. When they arrived there was a Sith Lord waiting for them named Darth Hadrius. It is unknown what information the agent was carrying or why Darth Hadrius was so interested in the agent. The agent could not be revived. Darth Hadrius devised a plan to upload the consciousness of the agent into the databanks of TRMD.

A Jedi named Master Jo’el along with a commando unit from Republic security and aided by Balmorran Resistance fighters learned of the location of the Imperial safe house and planned a raid on the facility.

The raid occurred during the data migration from the agent to TRMD. Darth Hadrius was killed during the incursion by Jedi Master Jo'el. TRMD was deactivated but smuggled out by Imperial Intelligence operatives during the chaos. Attempts were made by imperial forces to recover the asset but his body was crushed when a mortar volley from a Republic Commando hit a load bearing wall of the temporary medical facility and the roof collapsed on top of him.

The work was only partially done. Much of the agents memories and personality were loaded into TRMD but as the process was interrupted prematurely TRMD 's original programming is still dominant in the robotic brain. It is still not known what information Darth Hadrius was after and there is no record of a previous meeting between Darth Hadrius and the asset. After weeks of intense interrogation on TRMD by the Dark Council, Imperial slicers and Intelligence it was determined that whatever information the agent was carrying was lost in the transfer and died with his body.

Due to extreme cost overruns and the devastating consequences of the TRMD project it was abandoned and the division dismantled. The whereabouts of the Watcher in charge of the project are unknown and he is listed as a person of interest to Imperial Intelligence. TRMD has since been pressed into service in an attempt to recoup some of the losses of the project.

The personalities of the asset and TRMD are forever intertwined and housed in the robotic husk in a constant battle for dominance. They are polar opposites. TRMD is kind, loving, naïve and emotional. She values life. The agent is cold, calculating, and cynical. The agent uses murder as a tool as well as a means of entertainment. Their interactions with each other are often saturated with conflict. TRMD controls all physical functions including speech but is greatly influenced by the agent. When in conversation TRMD often refers to itself as “We”, but as it has a female voice is often referred to as “She”. The agent is a unrelenting voice in her head openly protesting her “weak minded soft heart” As TRMD is very naïve she is often tricked into following the agents darker agenda.

Their time together is not all conflict. They have grown to at least accept each other over time. TRMD is fascinated at the anthropological study of what can make a human child turn into the cold blooded killer that shares her brain. She spends a great deal of her time asking the agent questions about his life prior to Imperial intelligence. In times of weakness and vulnerability he is honest with her but he often tells her half-truths and outright lies for his own entertainment but also because he childhood memories bring him great pain. TRMD has learned to differentiate between the fluctuations in the electrical signals when he discusses painful memories vs. stories that he made up. She has not yet divulged this information to him as she fears that he will stop talking to her. The agent enjoys talking to her and is fascinated by the ability of TRMD to look at the world with fresh eyes un-tainted by the atrocities surrounding them. Over time they have learned to admire each other for the pieces missing from their own personalities.

Much of the assets life before melding with TRMD is still a mystery even to him as many of his memories were lost. He has spent a lifetime keeping lies close to his heart in order to survive in Imperial Intelligence as well as in the harsh world where he grew up. So even he is not 100% sure if his memories are his own or lies that he made up that have become the truth to him. His earliest memories are when he entered into the public child care system on Coruscant where he was moved from family to family. Some families were kind and welcoming but those were few and far between. As a child he fell victim to various forms of abuse by adults and older children numerous times until the age of 15 when during a school yard fight another boy pulled out a blaster pistol and pushed it into the chest of the asset. The asset disarmed the boy and without thinking shot the boy in the head killing him instantly. Under fear of arrest he hid on a spice freighter heading to Nar Shadda where he gained a reputation as an enforcer for the Hutt Cartel. He was captured by Imperial Intelligence when he accidentally killed an undercover agent. Intelligence had been monitoring his activities for some time and made him an offer that he couldn’t refuse. Join Imperial Intelligence training program or face disintegration.

TRMD and The Asset are continuing to follow orders of Imperial Intelligence while simultaneously trying to put together the missing pieces of the agents past and solve the mystery of his last mission that caused this un holy union of man and machine. The agent has become obsessed with this mission and driven to the point of madness. TRMD in a desire to bring peace to a troubled mind has vowed to help him put together the missing pieces although she fears what he might find.


*End of Record*
Last edited by Turk on Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: TRMD's bio

Post by Zyera »

That is really awesome! I love it! :D
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Re: TRMD's bio

Post by Alystri »

Cool story! Very interesting!

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Re: TRMD's bio

Post by Doz »

Good Job :thumb
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