RIFT goes free-to-play, promises 'no tricks, no traps'

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Re: RIFT goes free-to-play, promises 'no tricks, no traps'

Post by HollyCNY »

>>whys and wherefores<<

Those two words mean the same thing. "Wherefore" in Old/Middle English means 'why." Not to play grammar police, but I find this amusing haha.

>>always with the bag space<<

It's put money in their pockets for thirty years. Why should they stop now?
"More money means more to me, than less money." --Mr. Goodkat, Lucky Number Slevin

>>no tricks, no traps<<

I didn't believe Trion when this was first announced. I've come back to the game, and it's enjoyable running the mentored down stuff with everyone, but I still don't know how much I believe the 'no tricks, no traps' claim. All that being said, I wish I'd attended the GLUE. Seemed like prime NORbie-bonding time.

>>but I'm not sure why yet<<

There will be regular free XP and favor boosts claimable from the RIFT store. Doesn't give you anything you don't already get free of charge, but lets you get there faster. Something I'll keep in mind, but I dunno how much I need or even want that.
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I was given enough credits via grandfathering (I had a brief subscription going a few months ago) so that all my toons will have mounts. I'll probably save the remaining credits for a rainy day.
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Re: RIFT goes free-to-play, promises 'no tricks, no traps'

Post by Imaultis »

Another nice thing I've noticed, patrons get free 40% bonus buffs. Seven per day, of each type (exp. favor, notoriety, token, and prestige).
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