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Plasmatech/pyrotech guide

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 7:39 pm
by Gonzo#1802
Alright, I am taking the plunge and sharing for everyone to mull over and let me know their thoughts. For


Tactical - Superheated Fuel

Legendary's - Shock Trooper and Mandalorian Armaments package

Skill Tree -
Durasteel armor
Shock Strike
Heavy Plasma round
Incendiary round
Heated Bolt (2nd DOT, and replaces the Armor piercing round I previously had)
Adrenaline rush
Plasma Flare
Electro Shield
Frontline Defense
Hold the line
Sonic Rebounder

Rotations as follows.
1)Pre-load Shoulder cannon.
2)Explosive surge times 2 (also pre-loaded to charge Ion Wave)
3)Plasmatize (30 second DOT)
3) Incendiary Round (15 second DOT) previously armor piercing round (the damage over time has a large increase in damage compared with the implied benefits of armor piercing round.)
4)Shock Strike
5)High Impact bolt
6)Plasma Flare
7)Ion Pulse
Here I will repeat the above as allowed and fill with
8) Hammer shot and use this as a filler and reapply shoulder cannon as it becomes available. This is all single target. I try to pop Incendiary on the 3rd rotation, and Plasmatize gives a visual of flames while it is up, so it is easy to know when to reapply.
Accuracy target is 2986 for 110%

Pyrotech is very similar.

Tactical - Superheated Fuel

Legendary's - Shock Trooper and Mandalorian Armaments package

Skill Tree -
Jet Charge (distance closer and can be used as an interrupt)
Primed Railshot (adds a DOT to your Rail shot dealing elemental damage over 12 seconds)
Boiling Point (activating Kolto Overload gives boiling point basically making sonic missile an AOE damage reflect for enemies targeting the group and a team AOE heal)
Pyro Shield (makes your energy shield deal elemental damage to single target attacks)
Hitman (reduces Quell by 2 seconds and increases Sonic missile AOE damage red to 60% for 15 seconds)
Hydraulic Overrides
Sonic Rebounder

Rotations as follows.
1)Pre-load Shoulder cannon.
2)Flame Sweep times 2 (also pre-loaded to charge Searing Wave)
3)Scorch (30 second DOT)
3) Incendiary Missile (15 second DOT)
4) Flaming Fist
5) Immolate
6) Rail Shot (also a DOT added due to skill tree.)
7) Flame Burst
Here I will repeat the above as allowed and fill with
8) Rapid shots and use this as a filler and reapply shoulder cannon as it becomes available. This is all single target. I try to pop Incendiary on the 3rd rotation, and Scorch gives a visual of flames while it is up, so it is easy to know when to reapply.
Accuracy target is 2986 for 110%


Re: Plasmatech/pyrotech guide

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:00 pm
by Tundrra
Welcome to the forums gonzo! You might have to link your post to discord to get folks over here.

Re: Plasmatech/pyrotech guide

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 4:58 pm
by Gonzo#1802
This can be found pinned to the Discord also under the Progression channel.

Re: Plasmatech/pyrotech guide

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:34 am
by Gonzo#1802
I also welcome any feedback about the information provided. Feel free to post here or private message me if you have better info or if I missed something. This was just a basic understanding to the class. I am not an expert in the class by any means. This is just a basic guide and I welcome advice on improvement.