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Mod16 - more changes coming, TBA May 7th

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 1:04 pm
by nmates
TLDR version:
Per this official post, Cryptic isn't quite happy with mod16. There will be some announcements on a livestream at 11AM PDT May 7th. I wouldn't make any sudden changes with toons in mod16 until details are out.

Gory details version:
Reading that announcement thru my corporate-speak de-obfuscator, Cryptic sees that things are bad. Probably financially, player interaction time, etc. Not just on PC, but I suspect that consoles have also seen a big drop-off in important numbers as the impending release of mod16 on consoles is going to have all the same bugs and issues. PC can get lots of patches/hotfixes, but consoles have a much longer lead time on patches because they have to go thru certification, etc. So, anything not fixed at mod16 release on console will probably linger much longer.

I do know for a fact that Neverwinter on console has been pretty profitable for Cryptic. Can't go into any more details.

Maybe the things other than console profit are just my biases, but after a week and a half of mod16's release, and there are still lots of bugs, someone was forced to get out and speak up. Should have been the game's (executive) producer -- those are keeper of schedules and the overall buck-stops-here types.