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[NOR] Raiding Important Information & Resources

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 1:37 am
by Zyera
[NOR] Raiding Important Information
  • Regular and Alternate Raiders
  • Raid Etiquette
  • ArcDPS & TacO
Other Related Raiding Links
Regular and Alternate Raiders

Guild Wars 2 has a unique approach to raiding compared to many other MMOs. There is no easy “Story Mode” that can be done casually. Raids are the challenging end-game content for PvE in GW2. Areanet specifically designed raids for consistency with the dramatic role they play in the story as well as providing a satisfying group obstacle to overcome. NOR has always supported a casual approach to raiding and we want to keep those elements in mind and not have it feel like a second job, but for long-term progression in GW2 we will also need members who have the drive (and time) to make a level of commitment to it. We will continue to strive for a happy balance that will enable the majority of people interested in raids to enjoy them. As part of this endeavor, we will be distinguishing between Regular and Alternate raiding roles.

Regular Raiders (GW2 RR)
Regulars are the ones who are able to prioritize raid progression in NOR for their end game PvE. They should be able to sign-up for and attend the majority of the scheduled raid nights, be self-motivated to learn raid mechanics and their classes, and communicate regularly with the raiding officers as needed. Typically Regular Raiders fill the “core” of the team comp such as important support roles- Druids, Mesmers and Warriors.

Alternate Raiders (GW2 AR)
Alternates are for those who have a more casual approach to raids, whether due to time commitment or level of interest. They can’t always make the scheduled raid events but would love to help out when the group needs a hand and they are available. Alternates are always very much appreciated when we have fewer than 10 Regular raiders. They are also welcome to attend any of our future Training Runs when they are scheduled since these are without the same level of progression focus or commitment. Alternate raiders still need to follow the raiding requirements and are encouraged to seek help when needed.

Raid Etiquette

Raid Etiquette is important for a friendly group. Most are experienced with raid mannerisms if they have raided in MMOs in the past, but not all have that experience. With this post we lay out some important raiding behavior to ensure we all have fun and respect each other.

Attendance and being on time for a raid is very important to get started at the scheduled raid time. If you signed-up, please join us in discord and be ready for a squad invite at least 5-10 minutes before raid time and be ready to raid.

Sometimes life happens and you'll be late, it happens, but we should be as prepared as possible. That means please do not get in the middle of a PvP fight or similar time consuming tasks a few minutes before raid. Ideally we want to pull the trash and the fight as close to raid time as possible for max amount of time in the raid.

Communication is Key! If you will be late or cannot make it, please let the raiding officers know as soon as possible.

Out of Combat: If we are not currently in combat and you need to go afk, please use the /sit emote and say in /squad chat that you are going afk. Voice helps, but sometimes people discussing raid topics drowns out the sound of people quickly saying they are going afk.

In Combat: If you are dead-dead and wish to go afk while the fight progresses, please say in /squad chat that you are going afk. Keep in mind these afk breaks should be quick as we might /gg soon after a team member dies.

General Knowledge of the Fight
We will now be posting plans each week's raid that we will be progressing so we will have plenty of time fighting the boss rather than a very long voice chat explanation of every detail of the fight.

This means we expect raiders to get a general idea of the fight and what to expect when going in. We can certainly still answer any questions and discuss raid tactics while raiding! But hopefully this will save us all some time and have more time on the boss.

Boss Guides: ... 153&t=6502

ArcDPS & TacO
ArcDPS: TacO:

We use these addons for raiding. TacO is helpful on bosses like Sab and ArcDPS is a DPS parser that shows DPS and other stats during a fight.