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Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:49 pm
by tornasunder
Hail NOR!!

I have been away for far too long and just logged in to SWTOR this evening. I am looking to rejoin the community in some capacity but found that I was alone on the empire side, and guildless on the republic side lol.

Re: Returning

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:39 pm
by Tundrra
welcome back Torn!

I know there still regular raid nights in swtor but it slowed down about a year and half ago when the Devs changed there focus to solo sotry lines and took a break from releasing new raid content. However I believe there were some recent raids released!

, and of course Neverwinter is still very active for dungeon runs...raids are a bit of a joke though:(

Re: Returning

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:57 pm
by sytran
Hail NOR!

I don't know if you all remember me but this is Sytran/Jimmy...I was wondering I was allowed to come back to the guild or not as I would like o to ask if I could come back if possible. Guess my Bad Bought of PTSD got in the way and slapped me silly. Sorry if I caused anyone grief.
