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[GW2] Guild Hall Location Vote!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 2:04 pm
by Zyera
Guild Hall Location Vote

With Path of Fire coming soon on September 22, we have the option of changing to a new guild hall! Currently were are in the Gilded Hollow. We don't have much information on the new hall so if you want to wait for a full guide/walk through before you vote- that's okay! After PoF launches and guides come out, you can change your vote

Current Guild Hall - Gilded Hollow

New Guild Hall - Windswept Haven

Note: Features remain the same such as our guild portal, scribing stations, etc. This is purely for aesthetic and a new location to walk out. The Windeswept Haven will be attached to a map in PoF similar to what Gilded Hollow is attached to a HoT map.

Wooden Potatoes also mentioned that he spoke with a Dev about Windeswept Haven and that all of the important vendors and features of the guild hall are more centered on the main waypoint and a bit easier to get to.

Feel free to comment if you have any questions! We'll run the pole for around 2 weeks to get votes in before and after PoF!
