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<swtor> Info and Pet Code from SW Celebration Cantina event

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:42 pm
by Intisar
First the swag:

On this page enter: ‘SWCELEBRATION17’ (no quotes) and you'll receive a cute mini-astromech pet in the mail. I should arrive Tuesday with the patch.

To receive the latest cantina event mount enter 'SWCANTINA17' on the same page. This one will show up in the mail immediately.

As for news from the cantina, it's been coming out in tweets, so there isn't much in the way of details. However, BW mentioned that the next boss encounter in the new Operation will be the twins Aivela and Esne. If you remember the lore datapads from the Star Fortresses, you'll know that Aivela is the Zakuulan goddess of passion and Esne the goddess of Envy. Sounds like an interesting pair.

BW set up a bunch of computers at the event to let folks tackle Tyth, and the report is that it took folks in attendance a couple hours to beat him. So we might have our work cut out for us next week!

The other bit of news is that the story will be continuing in a brand new Flashpoint set on Umbara. Umbara, known as the "Shadow World" was a world visited in the Clone Wars cartoon and wookieepedia tells me that it was home to an academy of Sith assassins, so I wouldn't expect a warm welcome.

As much as I enjoy Uprisings, I think SWTOR's flashpoints have been second to none, and I'm glad to see a return to them as a storytelling vehicle in the near future!

Re: <swtor> Info and Pet Code from SW Celebration Cantina ev

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 3:33 pm
by Intisar
Added info about the cantina mount code: 'SWCANTINA17' and also moved this thread to the proper sub-forum! /doh!

Re: <swtor> Info and Pet Code from SW Celebration Cantina ev

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:15 am
by Vasniar
Ohh sounds cool! cant wait to see the FP and Ops boss