<spoilers>WPM adventure log

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<spoilers>WPM adventure log

Post by Tundrra »

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The White Plume Mountain original 1979 tale converted to a homebrew 5e adventure.

Upon your recent visit to the Phandalin Inn, travelers in from the east spoke of an old dormant volcano that has recently started to stream a steady cloud of smoke once again after a 1000yrs. Normally such an occurrence wouldn't be of much importance but the newcomers entertained the common room of old tales of the powerful gnome wizard Keraptus who once lived there and of missing travelers and adventures that used to plague the area, even today the superstitious villagers are still wary of traveling to close to the mountain.

NARRATIVE 2: (Whelm) Baldur's Gate
While the party rested and waited for Gundren to get back on his feet in Phandalin the latest rumors and stories around the ale house were about, A powerful artifact has been stolen from one of the, Council of the Four, members in Baldur's Gate. Speculation that the thieves guild may behind it, but unlikely. The council threatens grave consequences to any found in possession of the fabled Whelm WarHammer, but to those who return it are promised Titles and Land for their courageous efforts."

NARRATIVE 3: the legend Keraptis
While Whitepaw was negotiating the unsuccessful barter for the map book with the Wraith, a history book caught his eye and with his cat like reflexes he "sleigh of hand" the history book that had caught his attention. The book has no real value but the recent stories in the tavern about the wizard Keraptis's treasures excited him ... here is a page from it:
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Re: <spoilers>WPM adventure log

Post by Tundrra »

The odds of us finishing early next week are high so we are going to prep for WPM. Below is the next part of the lead in Story to your adventure, the caveat is you survive the Mines:p

Picture this, 1491 DR in the small village of Phandlin a band of adventurers recuperate and celebrate their battle in the mines of Phandelver. Spending their evening swapping stories of epic fights with all who would listen and hearing tales of travelers passing through.

NARRATIVE 4: Another powerful relic has been reported stolen without a trace, this time from Zhentil Keep. All the ears of the Black Network are on the lookout for the powerful and legendary GreatSword the "Black Razor". Several retrieval parties have been dispatched out across Faerun in search of the sword. Great riches have been promised to those that return Zhentil Keep's prized trophy making those who look for it far more desperate and dangerous
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Re: <spoilers>WPM adventure log

Post by Tundrra »

While having your morning eggs and ale, inn keeper Toblen Stonehill informs you of the latest news coming in from Waterdeep.

NARRATIVE 5: "A third legendary and extremely powerful weapon has been stolen in the same mysterious way as BlackRazor and Whelm. This time from a Lord of Waterdeep The city watch had even put extra security in place as a precaution around Wave the magical Trident, yet one moment it was there and next gone. The Lords promise rewards of jewels and even a festival to honor and celebrate the return of the Trident. "
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Re: <spoilers>WPM adventure log

Post by Tundrra »

NARRATIVE 6: "The mystery of the stolen artifacts just became more mysterious all three of the previous owners of the stolen artifacts received the same taunting poem. Out of desperation the letter is now being shown to those who are willing to risk their lives for the retrieval of these legendary weapons!"
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Re: <spoilers>WPM adventure log

Post by Tundrra »

It has been weeks since your adventures in Phandalin and the party has been traveling north west looking for the feathered mound. Your parties keen sense of riddle solving as determined the first place to look is the recently active White Plume Mountain which matches the description of the feathered mound from the Keraptis's poem. The poem was sent to the powerful factions of Waterdeep, Zhentil Keep and Baldur's Gate which had very important artifacts stolen from them and are desperately looking for their return. Promises of land, titles and wealth were to good to pass up and the party find themselves in sight of the mighty smoking mountain.
White Plume Mountain South is south of the Marsh of Chelimber. Its plume of smoke has recently reactivated which is why White Plume Mountain’s location is once again known. Keraptus, has stolen the artifacts from owners within the Cities of Baldur’s Gate (Whelm), Waterdeep (Wave), and the Zhentil Keep (Blackrazor). The former owners have decided to work with the factions of Faerûn to send adventurers to retrieve them.

Your party is short a dwarf, after helping Tundrra's cousin Gundren find the Mine of Phandelvir he stayed behind to finish establishing his family estate leaving the party short in dwarvish humor and arms. So before heading to the mountain you have decided to first stop at the village at its base to find some additional help and resupply.
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Re: <spoilers>WPM adventure log

Post by Tundrra »

Before making their way to the mountain entrance the party members spend some time meeting the locals. A Ms Barton joined the group looking to track down a bounty. Nimm and Rupert spent the day chasing stray dogs and befriending the elderly.

Once the group was stocked and ready they made a 2 day hike to the Wizards Mouth where a breathing cave was being guarded by a squad of Black Network Members.
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Re: <spoilers>WPM adventure log

Post by Tundrra »

Entering the Wizards Mouth! Baiz stubbed his toe on the hidden trapdoor leading the party down a 100' spiral staircase, which Nieroma would have called a slippery descent:) Whitepaw swapped poetry readings with the gate keeper and then the death began.

Neiroma quickly became in need of some major armor repair and medical attention. While Baiz tamed a mighty monster. Deadeye Bartin shot spheres out of the sky like she was popping balloons at the fair, until the cat decided it would be easier to pop them all at once:)

<insert a bunch of sessions>

Final Days Recap…

The battle of the crab came down its final moments as the boiling water dome came crashing down on top of our heroes.  Lisa was able to grab the final artifact ***Wave*** the trident of ***Waterdeep*** from the chest triggering a cube of force to cork the mouth of the cavern from washing the party away.

After exploring the final hallway and finishing off ***Keraptis's*** final guardians the group attempted to leave the mountain with its new treasures, only to be confronted by Efreetis ***Nix*** and ***Nox***.   After a fiery battle the Efreeti escape through a portal to the 9hells as they attempted to bring Lisa with them. With no more obstacles head the party finally managed a well deserve long rest in the WPM village and finally awaking stronger at level 7.

With Lisa's connection to ***Waterdeep*** and it being the closest major city between WPM and Phandlin the party embarked on its 6 week journey west.  After the first night Nieroma started show visible signs of tiredness and weakness.  On the 3rd day of travel the group reached the main road and met an approaching traveling merchant dealing potions and trinkets.  While buying a few potions Nimeora had a ongoing argument about feeding on the souls of others, unfortunately ***BlackRazor*** won the argument taking control of Nieroma who proceeded to butcher the old merchant.  The heroes were quick to disarm and subdue their friend but the damage was done.

The road to Waterdeep was slow and quiet from there until reaching the inner gates of the city, where the party was surrounded by the city watch and escorted  to the castle.  In one of the many large rooms they were met by one of the 20 ***Masked Lords*** who rule the city.  Not only did the adventurers return ***Wave*** but also ***Whelm*** and ***Blackrazor,*** restoring balance in Faerun (and the party).  The group was awarded with a favor, a jeweled pendant of Waterdeep and a parade in the honor of Wave's return to the city.
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*NOR/LD-High Council
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