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It's good to be back!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:22 pm
by Ojike
Just wanted to give a huge shout out to all the members of the GW2 branch for the awesomely warm welcome and hospitality I've seen and received these past few weeks of reinstalling the game. For months I was really missing having an MMO to play, almost going back to WoW (and even considered buying Final Fantasy XIV) but it was the void of my NOR family that really pulled me back to a game like GW2. Admittedly having family in the branch helped me make my choice, but it's been so great to see and experience why I know I'll always have a home among the realms, and why I've got our letters inked on my skin forever!

I was waiting to post this, but didn't want to steal any of the thunder from the recent squirings we've had; congrats again you guys! However, with the help, dedication, and most of all patience of many of the members of the branch I was able to not only finish out my elite training from Heart of Thorns but complete a new build with a whole new suit of gear and weapons last night, so I thought I'd share a screenshot!

I've asked Zyera to make GW2 my home (moving me from the comfortable tents of the NOMADS) and anyone that sees me online, give me a shout if you want some help or someone to group up with and have fun! I'm still learning all the new things since my last tussle with the game but look forward to all the adventures we're destined to have!


Re: It's good to be back!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:55 pm
by Windemere
Wow, congrats on the great progress. Thanks for the encouraging words about the branch. We are richer for having you play with us, we've received as much as we've given, no doubt! :D


Re: It's good to be back!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:16 pm
by Zyera
I'm glad you're having so much fun! It's great to have you in game and being able to run around with you again! :D That's what NOR is all about! :) I really hope you enjoy your time here, you're going to love the new Season 3 maps when you get to them!

We still gotta find time to do some Overwatch with NORbies once in awhile :D I did really enjoy that game!!
