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Fishing hotspot changes in newest patch

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:39 pm
by DocSorc
FOr anyone who afk fishes a lot, hotspots were changed in the latest patch. Overall ocean fishing in old hotspot areas seems to catch far less junk now, but all gold spots seem to have been removed.

There are new active hotspots that despawn after being fished for some time, and have hard to determine respawn times. They look like this:


with birds diving and fish jumping. They disappear after some amount of catches, I've had some go anywhere from 5 to 10 catches so far. The ones I've fished outside of Epheria have all yielded Porgy on every cast, no blues or greens so far.

Re: Fishing hotspot changes in newest patch

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:35 pm
by Caerfinon
Any similar hotspot identifiers for rivers? Or this oceans only?

Re: Fishing hotspot changes in newest patch

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:40 pm
by DocSorc
Haven't heard anything about freshwater, the main bulk of the fishing community seems to deal with saltwater mainly.

Also, for these new seagull spots, it's advised to use a 10-energy cast or triple float rod on your first try per spot, as they can be Coelacanth spots, which always yield a Coelacanth on the first cast, and nothing special guaranteed after that. Using a multi-catch rod or energy can yield more than one Coelacanth which is a great profit for one cast.

As for non-Coel spots, I'm averaging 12 to 14 fish per spot, which ends up being around 300k before bargaining and travel bonus.

Here's what the spot I just finished yielded:


EDIT: Just had my first double Coelacanth, so 10-energy casts do have a chance for it

Re: Fishing hotspot changes in newest patch

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:22 pm
by Caerfinon
great info. Thanks!