Just a few observations

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Just a few observations

Post by tornnomar »

Hail *NOR/!

Rain here with a few notes that would like to share.

Dungeon Runs: Stay with the PARTY!!
In the last couple of runs I've done I've seen parties splitup, seen the good ol' Spawn and run....that isn't acceptable dungeon behavior.
I have seen players call for a BIO, and when they come back they are left at the 'break' point alone while the rest of the party is too far ahead, but have bypassed groups of enemies that the one left behind cannot cope with.

I urge all NOR to stay with the respective group(s) that they are in. Stay with the party your in please!
This also concerns the 'Spawn and run into battle' behavior that I see much too often.

Looting during fights: Not everyone appreciates Green level loot that pops up in the middle of their screen while they are in a battle. The loot isn't going anywhere and it will be there after the fight is over...then you can pick it up and everyone can roll or pass on it.

!YOU HAVE A TANK! use them! Let the tank grab aggro, that is what they do! The Tank SHOULD!!!! always be the first into the fight!
"The two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why" -Mark Twain
"Chuck Norris CAN divide by zero"
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