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Arcane Council Files: Preceptor Keahi

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:58 pm
by Ismene (Quirk)

Age: 27
College: Synergetics
Profession: ...? "Revenant"
Mentor: Master Blipp
Equipment: sword/axe, hammer
Last Seen: staring into the void (or maybe...hopefully...taking a nap?) and contemplating the Other Side

Height: quite tall for an Asuran
Hair color: white
Skin: pale
Eye color: bright red

Biography and Personality

Keahi [Redacted] of [Redacted] was, before the sundering snafu of Synergetics Lab 119, something of a no-name. Her krewe, while under no disciplinary action, failed to produce anything noteworthy for any year of study until Keahi's graduation year. The year of Keahi's graduation, however, they created the heretofore merely theoretical substance of Metamagical anti-matter. Keahi and the members of her Krewe, [Redacted], [Redacted] and [Redacted], shot to momentary fame as they provided proof of their results and were challenged by the then-ruling bodies of the Arcane Council to reproduce the same experiment under observation. Her krewe agreed and three months later a grand observational gala was held under the auspices of Master Blipp and the College of Synergetics personnel resourcistics department.

During the experimental recreation, a long-term temporary anomaly was created. Since named the "Mirror of Infinite Futures," as it provided a doorway into a metatheric limbo where any future was possible, it manifested on the wall above the experimental containment unit. The anomaly immediately killed the entire krewe and was thought to have killed Keahi as well, although her body was not located among the wreckage. The doorway was quickly discovered to work two ways, as unknown metamagical creatures, somewhat like spirits, soon began to infest the lab and wreak further damage. The spirits were dealt with as efficiently as possible and the whole lab was boarded shut until the Council could decide how best to shut down the Mirror. (note: for further detail see Anomolous Incident Report #12987)

It was three weeks before it became apparent that Keahi was missing...and then only because she suddenly reappeared through the Mirror to the shock of the Asuran Peacemakers. The Keahi that returned looked dramatically different than her former self and at first was unrecognizable. Her reappearance, however, destroyed the Mirror, the strange creatures, and the makeshift barricade that had surrounded and quarantined Lab 119. The Peacemakers reported that the returned Keahi was grim, focused and had learned skills on the other side of the Mirror that they were not familiar with. As a result of her long foray into the unknown and infinite future, she frequently keeps her eyes covered to be able to focus on the present (although observation suggests she isn't blind). She took the title Preceptor (note: not an officially-sanctioned Arcane Council decision) as a cautionary lesson to others.

Attempts to study Keahi and the affects of her strange journey have been rebuffed in the bluntest of terms. Also, she makes us uncomfortable.