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Star Wars Legacy Series

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:32 pm
by Sofija
To all NORbies who are Star Wars fans (not just the ones playing SWTOR :D ). Has or does anyone read the old EU books or comics? Haven't read any since Middle School and those were a couple of the old Han Solo books. Been wanting to get into some of the lore a bit more and looking for a good starting point outside of the Thrawn Trilogy (which I do want to read). Does anyone have any good recommendations?


Re: Star Wars Legacy Series

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:45 pm
by Tundrra
I loved the thrawn stuff:)

But the short stories were fun. Tales of jabba's palace.

However I did read they are about to mass produce a bunch of new material to fill in the 30yr gap bewteen episode vi and Vii

Re: Star Wars Legacy Series

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:28 am
by Sofija
Something like 20 books :shocked Though most of those won't be full novels of course (mostly kids books, along with art books, making of, etc.) Want to check out the first one. Sounds interesting. Most interested though in the stories outside the movies, like Old Republic or, if concurrent, have no relation to the main characters like what was going on on Mandalore or such. Those I find more interesting than what, say Luke or Vader, were doing between the movies. It's the lore (though mostly killed now by Disney) around Star Wars I'm most curious about. Too many planets and characters are popping up in SWTOR who have rich back stories but I have little or no idea who or what they are except what I read on Wikipedia.

Re: Star Wars Legacy Series

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:30 am
by Soulfinger
I have read a few books - one Han Solo one but also found a graphic novel from the 70s which was released in between Star Wars and Empire. One thing I found about the Han Solo book was that it pretty much ignored the larger picture - no mention of the empire (except as people looking for Solo) or of the Rebellion. It was really an adventure story of the "life of a treasure hunter". It was actually more like Indiana Jones in space.

Re: Star Wars Legacy Series

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:12 pm
by Sofija
Yeah, I read one or two of those Han Solo books. As a 12 year old obsessed with Star Wars (and Indiana Jones :) ) they were great books, though they probably don't hold up to well. Might go and see if there's at least an iBook version available. Missed the Dark Horse sale they had on all their Star Wars comics as the license moved back to Marvel :( Saw the sale but was overwhelmed by how many there were I didn't know were to start.

Re: Star Wars Legacy Series

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:51 pm
by Ryykal
The Republic Commando series by Karen Travis, based off a game with the same name, follows a squad of clone troopers through the clone wars and the beginning of the empire just after Order 66 is a pretty good read. Be warned if you check it out that the author doesn't plan to write the last couple books due to disputes with publishers and changes in the official cannon at the time

Re: Star Wars Legacy Series

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:55 am
by Sofija
Might check those out. Thanks :)
BTW: That's not the protagonist from P3 as your avatar is it? The Megaten games and their spinoffs are my favorite RPG series of all time :D

Re: Star Wars Legacy Series

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:00 am
by Ryykal
Indeed it is, I recently got into persona and the MegaTen games, unfortunately due to lack of money I'm forced to resort to merely watching lps online instead of playing them myself. The book series is still worth looikng into even if it will go unfinished, when Karen Travis still wrote star wars she excelled at writing for mandalorians and their culture.

Re: Star Wars Legacy Series

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:05 pm
by Sofija
Picked up Vol. 1 of the Old Republic omnibus comics. Also picked up the first of the Thrawn Trilogy and "Dynasty of Evil" set in the Old Republic. Started reading that one, not bad :)