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NOR SWTOR Operations Loot Rules

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 3:11 am
by Intisar
Running operations in NOR is about playing with friends in a safe and fun environment, seeing content and facing some of the tougher challengers this game has to offer. We don’t raid for loot. Obviously getting shiny new armor and weapons is terrific and a necessary step to take when getting ready for even tougher content, but we want everyone to have a fair shake at getting rewards from participating in Operations with the guild.

The phrase we keep coming to back to is this: share the love. Be glad when you get loot, but we hope you feel happy when your fellow NORbies get loot too.

All Operation Loot Rules
as of 12/09/2019
  • We divide operations loot into five type: set pieces, schematics, decorations, crafting materials and vanity items.
    • If you’d like a specific set piece, decoration or schematic that drops, feel free to roll NEED. Unless otherwise told by the raid leader, please GREED roll all crafting materials and vanity items such as pets, mounts and color crystals.
  • If you need something, hit Need.
    • Don’t be shy about claiming upgrades. If you don’t need something, please default to Greed.
  • Roll only for the character you are currently playing.
    • Legacy gear makes it easy to share loot across all your characters, but if you’ve got just one character, we want you to have a shot at loot too.
  • If you’d like something for an off-spec, ask before rolling need.
    • Anyone who needs an item for their main spec will have priority over someone needing for an off-spec.

  • Set Pieces: Set Pieces are armor pieces with additional bonuses. In Onslaught, different sets are designed for different classes, specs and roles. Players who spec, class and/or role match the a set piece that drops will have priority over other players. For example: a set piece that benefits Guardian Tanks will be prioritized for anyone playing a Guardian Tank; a set piece with bonuses that could apply to any dps class can be rolled on by any dps in the group.
    • You may win one Set Piece per run.
  • Crafting Schematics: Schematics for hilts, barrels, armorings, mods and enhancements drop from boss and are bound to legacy so that they may be sent to alts to be learned. We do ask that you freely craft these items for your fellow NORbies who supply the mats. At the moment, maximum level schematics do not drop in operations.
    • You may win one schematic per run.
  • Decorations: Most operations now drop several different decorations from both trash and bosses. Because the decos from trash are common, we don’t want folks to be locked out from rolling on a rare decoration because they won a greed-rolled decoration they may not really want earlier in the run. If a boss drops a stack of the same decoration, an officer will claim and distribute them one by one, so more people in the group can win.
    • You may win one decoration per run.
  • Set Pieces, Schematics and Decorations are all counted separately. Winning one of type of item does not prevent you from rolling need on another. For example: if you roll need on a decoration and win, you may still roll need a Set Piece or schematic later in the run.
  • Once you’ve need rolled and won an item of one type, please greed roll any remaining items that type for the rest of the run.
  • Loot won via greed roll does not count against the limits for a run.
    • For example: if everyone greeds a pair of gloves and you win it, you may still roll need for a chest piece you do need later in the run.
  • Even though we may run more than one operation in the same night, all operations are considered part of the same run.
    • If you’ve won a decoration or set piece in one operation, please greed decorations or set pieces in another.

  • Greed roll crafting materials.
    • Should purple quality crafting material become available, an officer will claim that for the guild bank.
  • Color crystals, mounts, pets, silly hats and other rare items should be greed rolled
    • These vanity items are often unique and we ask that you pass on them once you have them already.

We are planning to restart progression raiding in 2020, and progression loot distribution will operate using the same rules as story mode. That said, the raid leader may impose extra restrictions so that loot is evenly or efficiently distributed. For example, someone who needs a set piece for a set bonus always has priority over someone who needs it for an off-spec, even if it means that person might win multiple pieces in a run.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask an officer!


Re: NOR SWTOR Operations Loot Rules

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:56 am
by Intisar
Just thought I'd give this a quick bump since we're are again regularly running SM ops.

NOR loot rules remain the same. Storymode Ops again drop purple crafting material, and we are working on building a stockpile so that we can begin crafting 220 rating equipment once we start learning the recipes.

Re: NOR SWTOR Operations Loot Rules

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 12:25 am
by Intisar
I have slightly revised the loot rules.

Set piece tokens and non-set piece tokens are no longer counted separately. Once you win one Unassembled Token, we ask that you greed roll any other tokens that drop in the run.

Under the old system, one person could win two tokens in one night. When we were raiding two or more nights a week, this was fine and everyone else would soon get another chance at loot. However, since we're raiding less currently, this will insure a more even distribution of tokens.

This is also in line with how loot is handled in most the pick up group Operations I've run.

If anyone has any questions, please let me know!

Re: NOR SWTOR Operations Loot Rules

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 4:14 pm
by Galaxiya
I don't see anything about the Intisar Ninja Loot Rule....wait, was that supposed to be a hush hush rule? ;) Kidding, totally kidding! :D

Re: NOR SWTOR Operations Loot Rules

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 4:41 am
by Intisar
It's okay. I only ninja mind trap decorations.


I loves my glowy rocksesss. Yessss.....

Re: NOR SWTOR Operations Loot Rules

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 9:11 am
by Galaxiya
Woot! :)

Re: NOR SWTOR Operations Loot Rules

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:03 pm
by Intisar
Operations Loot Rules have been revised for Onslaught raiding! There are no major changes, mainly just substituting Set Pieces in place of Tokens as a a catagory of drops.