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Profession Guide

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:18 pm
by Kermit
Found this hiding in a thread...

So you want to get Leadership to 20 but think it takes too damned long? Well, look no further than here to figure out what you need to do to get that Leadership to 20!
First off, you'll need to have as many professions slots opened as possible.
Why? Simple. 8 slots (unless you have the assets to open the 9th which is Earn Rank 3 rewards) will give you the LEAST amount of time spent leveling up Leadership. No joke! (Though I have done it with 7 too, just took a lil longer.)
Welcome of Leadership, one of the good ways to earn AD without going around in game and such. That is, if you can suffer through weeks of grinding up to level 20. Now I know a lot of people whine and complain "OMG LEADERSHIP TAKES TOO LONG!" Perhaps, but you COULD be doing the WRONG tasks and getting nowhere. So let me help you with the most EFFICIENT way to get your Leadership up to level 20.
First of all, realize this: You will need to make a sacrifice in NOT gaining a whole lot of AD while leveling it. Why? Because the best tasks that give the MOST XP do NOT give AD. You'll gain extremely small amounts, but the payout will truly be when you get it to level 20 and are able to run the better tasks.

THIS GUIDE ASSUMES YOU HAVE 8 SLOTS. If you don't have 8 slots, your mileage will be WAY slower than mine.
The Best Tasks to Run:
Tactical Training: 8 hours - 160 XP - 33 XP per hour Around level 7 you should be running this one to maximize your XP gains around that time, however, in later levels I find running this task overnight while I sleep is handy.

Chart Region: 2 hours - 80 XP - 33 XP per hour Get your Local Maps ready, this task requires 3 maps per time it's run. As soon as Explore Local Area comes up for any of my toons, I go ahead and run it to build up maps for just this reason. I run Chart Region once it comes up (and I have the maps and guards or have spent the AD for the local maps) when Leadership is level 8. This task may be overlooked often, but, in the long run, the District Maps will be handy - you can use them to Collect Taxes once you hit level 20.
Patrol the Mines: 4 hours - 120 XP - 50 XP per hour Is your Leadership at level 13? Do you have Footmen? Do you have Infantry Weapon and Armor? You better. This is one of the best tasks to run. In fact, as soon as you hit level 13 in Leadership, this the main one you should be running in 3 slots all the time, so long as you're around every 4 hours to start it new. This also has an added bonus for future AD potential with the Mining Claims as I will explain later. If you can manage running this task in 3 slots 4 times a day, you will be making 1440 XP which may not seem like a lot, but that XP bar WILL scoot along.
War Games Training: 8 hours - 240 XP - 50 XP per hour Leadership at 13? Got 3 extra slots? Run this one. Especially in conjunction with Patrol the Mines. With 3 slots at 2 times per day you'll make 1440 XP, more if you can squeeze in a third run of it. Plus, it takes 8 hours so you don't have to return to look at it for a while.
Fight Off Spellplagued: 6 hours - 120 XP - 33 XP per hour (400 AD) At level 16 this task will unlock. This is a good task to run provided you have 8 slots and are running War Games plus Patrol the Mines in the first 6 slots, and running this in your last two slots for some AD. The plus side is that it does give you some decent XP in the time it runs, though not as strong as the aforementioned Patrol the Mines and War Games Training.
Deliver Metals: 8 hours - 120 XP - 25 XP per hour (1200 AD at the cost of 3 mining claims) At level 17 you can make some more AD but I tend to ONLY run this one overnight in conjunction with War Games and Tactical Training. Since they all take 8 hours and all. Again, this one only gets run if I have more than 6 slots open. Also, make sure you have tons of mining claims, if you've been following my guide, you most likely will.

BREAKDOWN: (Please note that I may be mathematically challenged, if it's wrong, do correct me.)
To get from level 19 to 20 Leadership takes 38,400 XP, the breakdown below utilizes 8 profession slots and how often I run each task and which tasks. - Tactical Training: 3 slots used, run 1 time per day = 480 XP - Patrol the Mines: 3 slots used, run 4 times per day = 1440 XP (Note: you can run it more times, this is just an estimate of how often I run it) - War Games Training: 3 slots used, run 2 times per day = 1440 XP (Can be run a 3rd time if I'm not bothered by RL) - Fight Off Spellplagued: 2 slots used, run 3 times per day = 960 XP 38,400 XP minus 4320 XP per day equals roughly 8 days from level 19 to 20, more or less.


SO! First off, you're going to want to pick your 3 professions and level them up. The best ones I find are the ones suited for your class.
CW: Tailoring, Artificing, Alchemy.
DC: Mailsmithing, Artificing, Alchemy.
GF: Platesmithing, Weaponsmithing, Alchemy.
GWF: Mailsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Alchemy.
TR: Leatherworking, Weaponsmithing, Alchemy.
You may have noticed that ALL CLASSES should get Alchemy on my list. As well they should. Alchemy is fairly easy to level once you have the assets and the potions. It can take you a few days if you've got everything to keep it rolling.

FOR: Leatherworking, Mailsmithing, Platesmithing, Tailoring First of all, you will need a TON of workers. I'm not kidding. For every slot you have you'll need 3 low level workers (Rank 1, lowest of the low). ALTS MAKE THIS EASIER. No lie. Make an alt, get it to level 10, make workers. If you want to level it further for more slots, that's up to you. Run Deep Wilderness Gathering (DWG) until you get a good amount of stuff and then run it along with Mass Crafting (name varies with profession, just type in Mass and search and you'll find it easy enough) to get your finished product. Now you craft shirts and pants. You can only craft 3 of each item, so choose wisely. Sell them for copper though, as they don't sell well in the AH. Continue doing this til you hit level 20. Keep in mind, as you upgrade workers that slotting 3 workers into the three extra slots in DWG or Mass Crafting helps immensely as it cuts back the time you have to wait to craft. It's not a huge bonus, but waiting one hour or so less to craft means you can do more. PLUS, once you're done, unless you plan on making more alts of different classes (such as a future ranger, which will require leatherworking) you can sell what you made for FREE for some AD. Cool, no?

FOR: Artificing, Weaponsmithing As above, get a bunch of workers. Since green workers are cheap on the AH (as of the writing of this guide) go nab some, make just your basic workers, and go from there. Unless you're planning on crafting the weapons and you have a TON of residuum to burn, I HIGHLY and STRONGLY suggest that you ONLY run Deep Wilderness Gathering. This will leave you with a TON of wood and Metal, however, the wood can be used for Alchemy, and the Metal can be used for Platemsithing or Mailsmithing, which is rather handy.

FOR: Alchemy This one is tricky. You will need a list of all the recipes for experimentation and then run experimentation to gain recipes and alchemical knowledge. Experimentation is RANDOM. You may end up running it at least 10x or more before you even gain a Alchemical Knowledge scroll doodad. Alchemical Knowledge scrolls are BIND ON PICKUP, so you cannot easily buy them. What you CAN buy, however, is the potions. I never sell nor use a lot of my potions for this reason. However, be prepared to pay a chunk of AD for the Lesser and Minor elixirs, unless you can find a friend or someone kind enough to give/make you some. You do NOT get any XP for any of the tasks run except for Alchemical Reasearch, which uses up the Alchemical Knowledge scrolls. For this, I HIGHLY recommend running Deep Wilderness Gathering overnight (while you're sleeping) and then Mass Vitriol while you're busy (like with work or real life stuff that will take you around 6 hours). Alternatively, if you have loads of free time and don't mind checking back every 10 minutes, you can run the Gather task during the day, and Mass Vitriol when you go to bed. I STRONGLY suggest you use the Mass Vitriol over the regular one because you WILL be using a LOAD of solvent, and I do mean that. Mass Vitriol uses a lot less of it. That being said, when crafting potions, it's BEST to wait for the rare task to make like 6-10 of them. Why? Because you're going to need that many or more for Experimentation. When crafting batches of potions, use one worker and fill all the extra slots with whatever is needed (like for example if you need a crucible, fill those three slots with crucibles). The rare batches of potions not only make more potions for your disposal but also use WAY less stuff to make it, and you will need those reagents for making Aqua Vitae. You will be making a LOT of Aqua Vitae as well, so prepare for it come level 8 Alchemy when you can make 4 at a time (and it's not a rare task! :D). This profession can be a pain in the behind to level, given that you don't get any XP from anything BUT Alchemical Reasearch, but having the patience is everything.

FOR: 100% Time Bonus - Borrow some workers from someone or buy four of either Blue quality Artificers/Weaponsmiths (or 2 Purple quality Artificers/Weaponsmiths) and put them to work with DWG or Mass Crafting - it will cut the time in half, and open the slot. Trust me. It works. Once you have it opened, congratulations! You now have yet another slot opened!

Re: Profession Guide

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:25 pm
by Tundrra
thanks kermit

Re: Profession Guide

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:44 pm
by Kermit
no problem! Also to add to this as I think those profession were not there when this post was done:

Rank 3 Results: Fastest easiest way is with Blackice Shaping: Process Raw Black Ice (185) - it takes only 1 hour, so even if you miss on the first time you can easily try over quickly

3rd Rank 20 skill: Along Alchemy, Jewelcrafting is really fast. Run Deep Wilderness Gathering - which is unlocked at lvl 14 and gives 800 xp each time... within a week you have the level 20 done.

Next post will be how to maximize AD with Leadership (up to 24k per day)

Re: Profession Guide

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:42 am
by nmates
A listing of what to do at leadership 20 would be helpful. Marks of gratitude and siege engines are really slow to acquire, and delivering metals burns through mining claims.

Re: Profession Guide

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:04 am
by Roland Wiggin
Really appreciate the guide. The economy does seem out of balance to me. Many things cost 100s k.

Re: Profession Guide

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:03 pm
by Kermit
Credits to ... gid=402763
Visit the link the the full details.
Here's the picture of best way to maximize lvl 20 leadership


Re: Profession Guide

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:04 pm
by Roland Wiggin
I have an alt that can craft. How do i transfer workers? It won't let me deposit them in my shared bank.

Re: Profession Guide

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:18 am
by Kermit
You will have to use the mailing system and send them to yourself