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Warcraft III

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:56 am
by HollyCNY
When WoW was still "all the rage," and even that much more "king" than it is today, I picked up the first three RTS games (Warcraft I: Orcs and Humans, Warcraft II: edition (which has the original and the expansion), and Warcraft III Battle Chest, which again has the original game, Reign of Chaos and the Expansion, The Frozen Throne) to see much of the Warcraft Universe's lore unfold.

Lately I've been playing Warcraft III over again. Unfortunately I was never good at it. The real-time micromanagement was something I never seemed to get the hang of, especially when I also had to see to fighting off bad guys attacking my base camp and repairing damaged buildings. It got to where, unfortunately, I had to use the cheat codes just to get far at all. I'd have much preferred a code that just made my troops unkillable and still made me have to kill the enemy, the hard way, but all that was available was a one-shot-the-bad-guys code, so while it was still a nice game, it wasn't as nice as it could have been. But without them, I'd probably never have gotten past halfway through the Alliance campaign.

If anyone here has played Warcraft III and was good at it, I was hoping for the opportunity to discuss with them in the hopes of getting some ideas and pointers. Most of the discussion will probably be private messages unless there's enough of a general interest to keep it here on this thread.

The Battle Chest did have the Bradygames strategy guide, but that guide doesn't go as far in-depth as I'd like and would need, on all the nuances of micro management, ideal troop selection, proper keybinding to switch efficiently, and whether or not I have to be willing to just get my butt whooped enough times before I win each scenario.

Give me a holler if you also liked this game and are willing to reminisce some.

If by any chance, any of you who never played the game, but are interested in seeing its storyboard, let me know and I'll message you some YouTube links.