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My Cleric build

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:36 pm
by Sophroniscus
Hello I'm Sophroniscus or Soph for short.

I have a 60 cleric and working with this character for awhile finding my nicks and nanny's. I like to share a build with you if you like it great if not thats ok.

I am a critical cleric. I max out my crit and power along with defense, but mostly crit. I have full set of Templar gear one it packs a punch on crit and two the name is cool.

In any dungeons if I am healing full time. I run with Astral Seal and Scared Flame or Brand of the Sun (but thats to slow for me) for At-will. My dailies are include hollowed ground which reduce 75% of damage to party. Sometimes I put hammer of fate for extra dps or Divine Armor depending if my parts needs extra HP. I have Foresight and Divine fortune, Forgemaster's flames, Astral Shield, and depending on dungeon I either go Sun burst (for kiting or mobs like the light for some reason) or divine glow for debuff.

Forgemasters flame people talk about this, but its 3-5k and on crit i hit 10k heals over time and thats per tick I believe every 12secs or 7sec. In a party when the tanks goes after the boss I hit foregmaster healing the tank over time and astral shield on my party. Then I spam as Astral Seal which anytime your party hits a mob they get heals. When dailies popped up i hit hollowed ground which covers 75% incoming damage to party members. You probably don't need sooth if you have a CW who controls the mobs during fights. I used it only if I pug because pugging really sucks.

My paragon path is faithful. I can get in more detail on it if you like just pm me in game or in game mail. The gear is Full Templar with Azure Enhancements and few Dark and Silvery.

Re: My Cleric build

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:04 pm
by Tundrra
Thanks for sharing! I love to see how others are playing the same class to get other ideas on rotations:)

My Main is a cleric with a crit build as well. I use a slightly different skill Line up though. I use "bastion of health" and "sun burst" pretty much non stop and I save my divine for "Astral Shield" and pop the daily "hallowed ground" when it's ready. So pretty similar to what you have.

I dont recall what my passive skills are at the moment though.

My runes are Cruel, Savage and Dark:)

Re: My Cleric build

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:35 pm
by Sophroniscus
I have an extra divine in my traits mostly my divine is always up so I can cast blue 90% of the time. I have to look over what I have I know I put in somewhere where my dailies pop up pretty quick. I have it timed right when the hollowed ground is up I can cast another daily. I spent time on this cleric so now I am more focus on rogue and GF. and I was thinking of my GF to make it a regen tank.

Re: My Cleric build

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:07 pm
by Phelaia
Soph, your build is pretty much what I've got on my dwarf cleric. Seeing how lethal and sturdy you are in PVP, it's nice to see what I have to look forward to.

Re: My Cleric build

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:33 pm
by Sophroniscus
Ok so far I am tweaking everything out of this cleric and whatever I can find.

Here is my stats as soon as I can find my picture from the screen shot I will post it.
My cleric is a DO.

I have 4400 power, 3800 crit, 2900 recover, 2400 defense, 495 ArPen.
My crit chance is 37% with buffs is 45-47%

I am going to drop my crit a little and raise my power level and defense.
I use astral seal and scare flame and have been crit. 20k heals. I rotate a lot of my powers to benefit the group it all depends.
I have more later