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Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:59 am
by Tundrra
Recap 124
Date: 2024 Wednesday, Aug 28th
Nightal 30th 7:27a 1492dr

The Mirthfall army is now 4 days away and the Ironwood army is preparing to meet them. The scouts tell us that the chosen’s camp is smaller than the rest of the army camps as they are spread over a mile. However it is probably the strongest of the camps, Friynaf is able to dream walk and get more details about the camp set up. We discuss if there is a way to bring the chosen to us, but other than a parley or a call to single combat no other options could be discovered.

A sending requesting a parley is accepted by the chosen Drathar, she will march at the head of her army before the slaughter and will talk with us there. Instead of meeting her on our own, we will ride on horses in front of the army of ironwood because Sebastian says they are mobilizing their march either way. After the first night at camp we awake up to find HM9 is missing again. We follow the sounds of cheering at the large central tent. Within HM9 in purple boots, lit up guitar, and their voice and music is amplified. HM9-7 is unlocked, they are rocking a toon about Astaris creating a moral boost for the camp.

After another day of marching we meet the second army at midday. Drathar holds out a hand to shake and start the parley, Norm and Gutbur step up, Gutbur reaches the grasp. Drathar ask “who are you?” HM9 steps up interrupting ... "Norm, Gutbur... let me let me to do it!" They floats into the air, their voice amplified, “ladies and gentlemen...” and proceeds to give a flourish of intros for each member of Oswin’s Spear, and then a grand introduction to the goddess Astaris, hoping to persuade some of the Mirthfall soldiers away from Amodaus. Gutbur asks of a way they can end this battle without the army’s bloodshed and Drathar agrees IF we were to just have our fake goddess come down and show her neck. Gutbur says she has misled her followers and turn away or end this in single combat. Drathar replies “why fight you when I have an army.” Gutbur states “the new goddess will not be turned over ”

Drathar, “then battle we will, she un sheaves her sword.” Ra casts haste on Gutbur and Norm, her chaos magic envelopes several of the spear in invisibility, making for a strong start of the battle. Drathar’s officers surround Gutbur and some of the others begin to chase after those still visible. Norm corners a red wizard and lays on the smites of Bahamut. However the companions of the Chosen have little value for life and reign down multiple meteor showers on the party, their own and armies. Astaris watches from above blessing her people and healing the party. Drathar has sprouted bat like wings and has had her officers concentrate on Gutbur who has smited Drathar into a bloodly mess. She activates her sword with some unholy smite of her own and swings at Gutbur. Boske pushes in front of the barbarian taking the first blow and then vanishes from the battlefield as he has been banished from this plane. Norm finishes off the red wizard bringing both sides to one less fighter.
(S124): XP
200 xP Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 17 Players:
* Bos’ke (Tundrra) xP: 225,000 +200= 225,200 | Piety: 39
* Friynaf (Stelmarii) xP: 225,000 | Piety: 35
* Gutbur (Lasarian) xP: 225,000 | Piety: 66
* HealMageNine (Koram) xP: 225,000 | Piety: NA
* Norm (Ojike) xP: 225,000 | Piety: 23
* Ra (Kermit) xP: 225,000 | Piety: 31
<LVL 18 = 265,000 >

Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:05 am
by Tundrra
Recap Session 125
Date: 2024 Wednesday, Sept 4th
Hammer 3rd 12:17 1492dr

The armies clash all around us and the Ironwood armies begin the battle strong with Astaris floating above. However the tides change when Drathar is struck down by Friynaf’s sunbeam that burns through the chosen and her officers. From the body of Drathar emerges the power and aspect of Asmodeus causing a rally in the Mirthfall troops as they begin destroying the Ironwood armies and pushing their commanders back. They massive awe of the lord of the 9 hell is so powerful it brings Gutbur and Boske to their knees. However HM9 is not impressed and taunts the god with an insult and canon shot. Astaris shackles some of the abilities of Asmodeus and sends out waves of healing to Oswin’s Spear as they engage the god. Asmodeus begins to slow members of the party with his chilling gaze and Ra does her best to dispel its effects. As the battle wears on Norm is able to land a critical hit that gives Amadeus a taste of his own medicine and with a slow attack.

(S125): XP
200 xP Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 17 Players:
* Bos’ke (Tundrra) xP: 225,200 +200= 225,400 | Piety: 39
* Friynaf (Stelmarii) xP: 225,000 | Piety: 35
* Gutbur (Lasarian) xP: 225,000 | Piety: 66
* HealMageNine (Koram) xP: 225,000 | Piety: NA
* Norm (Ojike) xP: 225,000 | Piety: 23
* Ra (Kermit) xP: 225,000 | Piety: 31
<LVL 18 = 265,000 >

Re: [Spoilers] Heroes of the North

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:29 pm
by Tundrra
Recap 126
Date: 2024 Wednesday, Sept 11th
Hammer 3rd 12:17 1493dr

With Asmodeus slowed all he can do is regenerate his health as he stands alone between the force of Oswin's Spear and Astaris. Even though his armies are overwhelming the Ironwood troops they fall to their knees and surrender the moment their god explodes in a fiery death. The lifeless figure standing at the feet of Gutbur is no longer the aspect of Asmodeus but the human Drathar. Norm notes her body radiates with magical items as the loot is gathered from the fallen. The Spears job is done and Sebastian insists they head back to Ironwood as the army gathers prisoners and marches back to the city.

Word quickly gets around of the victory and the party relaxes while the army makes it back over the next couple days. Vespera leaves to see the universe, Sebastian wishes to return home to Ulivin, and Astaris is ready to destroy the crystal prison that holds Vallis in its solitary plane. From here Astaris cracks the sky and the party returns to the material plane where Gutbur crushes the Vallis Crystal freeing the world to its rightful place across the Astral Sea. For our reward Astaris bestows us a Wish and True Resurrection. The Wish returns Boske’s father to his original gnomish state and the Resurrection brings HM9’s creator back to the living.

The great Wafflesprocket tells the sad tale of his accidental demise by the hands of HM9 and his amazing tale of the creation of the many modes of HM9. However the robot is still broken and the creator is eager to repair his greatest creation, the unlocking HM10! He is a real boy now:) Sebastian seeks an audience with King Eziekal asking to be punished for bringing such destructive to Ulivin and its people. However Norm and Hopea seek to have him rebuild the city and not be one more fallen member of the Tarklin family. Geryon is still out there possibly still seeking Vallis and Voaraghamanthar awaits Oswin’s Spear return to his domain, these questions dwell in the back of the parties minds as we step back from Heroes of the North.
(S126): XP
Drathar Blackwin - 7,200 XP
Avatar of Asmodeus - 155,000
Sofina - 13,000
Vizeran DeVir - 8,400
Champion - 5,000
Meloon Wardragon - 5,000
Kansaldi Fire-Eyes - 7,200
Archdruid - 1,800

Total XP - 195,400
Per Player - 33,766

Healing Aura 1000 xp
Shackle 1000 xp
Counterspell 9th level 3000 xp
Healing Aura 1000 xp
Shackle 1000 xp
Healing Aura 1000 xp
Shackle 1000 xp
Counterspell 8th level 2138 xp
Healing Aura 1000 xp
Shackle 1000 xp
Shackle 1000 xp
Radiant Pulse 196 xp

Experience Cost - 14,334

Final XP Per Player - 19,432
Piety Per Player - +3

200 xP Bookkeeper (Boske)

DM Talolan

Level 17 Players:
* Bos’ke (Tundrra) xP: 225,400 +19,432+200= 245,032 | Piety: 39+3=42
* Friynaf (Stelmarii) xP: 225,000 +ABSENT +19,432= 244,432 | Piety: 35+3=38
* Gutbur (Lasarian) xP: 225,000 +19,432= 244,432 | Piety: 66+3=69
* HealMageNine (Koram) xP: 225,000 +19,432= 244,432 | Piety: NA
* Norm (Ojike) xP: 225,000 +19,432= 244,432 | Piety: 23+3=26
* Ra (Kermit) xP: 225,000 +19,432= 244,432 | Piety: 31+3=34
<LVL 18 = 265,000 >