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Tales of Whitepaw the Bard - 10

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:35 am
by Kermit
The Legendary Chronicles of Raharmir Whitepaw the bard as live and recounted by Raharmir Whitepaw himself, Greatest bard to walk this land.
What have we done?
Oh no! this place... we should have never came here.. the cold... the gaze... the charm?

What first started as a light trek in another gave (Baiz gave us a good chuckle when he fell down the stairs, especially the part landing on top of Nimm) turned quickly oozy as we met some rust gelly.

I made a new friend, a distant cousin of a Sphinx. She was out of this world. Probably why we talked about interstellar rocks. Then we replaced our lost dog Fluffy with Steve. Quite the upgrade in size, but the smell is the same.

I found this amazing magic ring, I had high hope but turns out it was just a party trick.

We kept on exploring, until we got the the Jungle Gym cave part. Every cat likes to stretch it's legs once in a while, so tumbling around was a piece of cake.

Once on the other side... things got... interesting...

This cave is full of friends! out of a door, a mist turned into... wait, I didn't get a name.. .Mistampire? Anyway... quite the charming fellow


What have we done?
Oh no! this place... we should have never came here.. the cold... the gaze... the charm...


Here ends the tale of Whitepaw... a too curious Tabaxi how tried to befriend a vampire...

He was always distracted and forgot the golden rule of DnD - Never spit the group!