[spoilers] Smash Monday

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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 72
Kythorn 26th early morning

After a full night of rest the party continues its march south with Fiadh playing a bit of travel music as we go. Dimbel’s owl spots a camp at the crossroads and we see that a dozen Mirabar troops have been left at the Blackford Road crossing. Riders greet us and when we ask if they are under the command of Commander Elmbough they give us permission to visit Sergeant Renor at the officer tent. Introductions are made and more precise directions of finding Old Mirar Swamp Way are given to the party. Also the remains of the trolls found in the area do not match the breath weapon of a green dragon, but of something more acidic. Zagri mingles with the troops giving out blessing’s of Tyr and learns the Dusk League Army has moved to the Swamp’s End Rest, where all the boats have gathered. The rest of the party visits a elven spell components vendor picking up some healing potions.

The rest of the day is off road travel following the stream from the crossroads till it empties out into the swamp and marking the start of the old road which has mostly been absorb by the swamp. The day is late and we can at higher ground on the near by foothills. From the vantage point we can see the Mirar River and by night fall we can make out ship lanterns moving up and down the river. In the morning Zagri has prepared walk walking to keep the party from being slowed by the terrain and covered in leeches. However we will need to find a dry spot every hour to ritual cast it. Sofija leads us through the swamp but finds it easy to lose sight of the road.

After a few hours we come across a well persevered portion of the road where some of the old stone work can be detected. Being slight higher ground It show signs of a campsite and the remains of at least travelers can be seen from where the party is looking at a moss covered sign. The “Mirar Swamp Way” has been gouged out, below it now says “Bog's Road”. Before moving further Zagri begins ritual casting a fresh waterwalk, “don’t wander to far away so you can be in the spells radius” and not even a minute into the casting a wide figure emerges from the swamp and approaches along the west road toward us. The figure seems to be a Tortle carrying a wooden maul, Django casts detect magic to prepare for his approach the tortle stops at the camp and begins to cast his own spell, and his club begins to glow green and he continues his approach. Django cast dispel magic on the maul, the stranger stops and looks at his maul and casts it again, then cocks his head listening to something we do not hear. He steps a bit closer watching us Django lingers at speaking to him trying to buy time for Zagri to finish casting, but eventually says "hail" the Tortle replies "Hi" and then another long awkward pause..."casting a spell? didn’t want to interrupt." The new comer’s name is Muck, he is the hand of Bog, the owner of this road. Muck wants our names but Django keeps it vague that we are merely simple travelers and we seek permission to use the road. Muck states there would be a cost to use the road. We could either hunt down the remainder trolls that Bog is tired of chasing or we could bring back a trophy of the Dusk League Captain who seems to have disrespected Bog when they had previously tried to use the road. We agree to deal with this Captain and even convince Muk to summon a local crocodile to lead the way. Django asks Muck if he could have those skeletons, “those are bogs trophies, he melted their flesh off himself, you will have to ask Bog himself.” Stepping out of the swamp comes a very large biped Crocodile, Bog is 12' tall resembling some sort of fiendish or fey monstrosity. "Welcome to my swamp." Django asks again if he would part with the skeletons and Bog is very much into a barter system, It will cost 2 troll skulls for the 2 skeletons and all other information comes for a price.

XP (S72)
Bonus xp: Triple Blackjack: 100xp
Session xp: 200xp
Bookkeeping: 100xp (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
* Roxanne | "Fiadh" 18,025 +200+100= 18,325
* Stelmarii | "Neela" 20,675 +ABSENT+200+100= 20,975
<LVL 7 = 23,000>

Level 7 Players:
* Dee | "Dimbel" 25,240 +200+100= 25,540
* Django | "Django" 25,240 +200+100= 25,540
* Sofija | "Sofija" 24,930 +200+100= 25,230
* Tundrra | "Zagri" 25,740 +200+100= 26,040
<LVL 8 = 34,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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Posts: 3841
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Realm: Black Desert Online
House: Griffon
Record: http://newoutriders.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tundrra
Lord HC 04.06.2014
Squired SWG 03.21.2004
Recruited SWG 12.12.2003 by Baron Brambt
Location: Bloomington, IN

Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap Session 73
Kythorn 26th early morning

We say our goodbyes to Bog and Muck and begin following Fred along the sunken swampy road. With the crocodile guide keeping us on path we take some extra effort to look for signs of trolls along the way. After a few hours hiking and no signs of trolls Fred suddenly growls and coughs and then splashes into the swamp… we must be at the hour mark away from Swamps End Rest.

It is decided to avoid the road from here out incase of Dusk League patrols so we will head straight south, the most direct route to the river. As we begin leaving the road, Sofija spots medium size boot prints. We hide our own prints and continue further south through the swamp. Neela and Dimbel's owl scout from above and Neela see a figure sitting on the edge of the road about 300' from where we saw the tracks. He appears to a tired old elf with some minor cuts and bruises. Neela lands next to him handing him her water skin. "You need this more then me, are you injured?" The old man: “injured? no not injured definitely not” and he begins rocking and hitting himself in head with a amulet in his hand. “a gift from her.“ “keep it safe, its from her.” He rambles a bit and definitely is not in the right mind, but is able to answer some questions. His name is Iefyr Gillem and the gift is from “Kenvari” his lost love and he is intent on finding her. She had helped free him from the Zhentarium Slavers in Marsember, but not until after she had died, she came back somehow and gave him his necklace, a emblem of the Shattered One. Neela warns him he is heading to a place of danger and to turn back, but he will not listen, he must find her.

We reach the river and send off Neela invisible to scout the Swamps End Rest while invisible. Other than the Mirar swamp road no other road leads to the large Inn, instead dozens and dozens of small and large docks are built along the river. At the biggest docks there are three large warships. On the shore are two buildings and several tents. Neela heads to the ship looking for rank insignias of army officers or any conversations she can hear. At least two of the ship are figures in robes and quarter staff talking to a pirate looking crewmen. Each ship have ballistas and two siege engines she had never seen before. The officer quarters are empty as she peers through the window portals and when getting close to the captains quarter's window a loud alarm sounds and crew and soldiers begin to fill the area. A second alarm goes off as she sneaks a quick peek of the other ship, so he dashes straight into the sky to watch the chaos below. The ship casters begin to cast and start scanning overboard and along the ship. Aarakocra exit one of the buildings and take to the sky to scan the area and Neela heads back to camp to report.

With Ardon not found yet, Neela heads back to the inn for another hour of invisibility. A lot more soldiers roam the street and ships, all much more alert. This time she checks out the buildings, one is a large store house and the other the inn. The second floor of the inn is common rooms and bedrooms, but the third floor is mostly hidden due to all the windows are dark or have drapes and shutters hiding whats within. The old elf, Iefyr has made it to town and sees him over by the tents continuing his rambling, the soldiers seem to keep the locals from harassing him. Neela follows imh till he is more alone and whispers into his ear, "Find the dwarf captain Ardon".. "Not her voice, noT HER VOICE!" he stops and stands and begins to hit his head again and making a scene. After he calms down he visits the merchant stall and old lady merchant gives him some food and he begins to eat and head off west. Neela flies hight above the town and casts thaumaturgy and shouts "Ardon you 24hrs to live, leave now or this entire encampment will be be leveled" Below people flood the streets but there are to many and she can not spot Ardon. A half a dozen aarocrabra taking flight and one is casting spells searching for the source of the threat.

XP (S73)
RP Session 200xp
Bookkeeping: 100xp (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
* Roxanne | "Fiadh" 18,325 +200= 18,525
* Stelmarii | "Neela" 20,975 +200= 21,175
<LVL 7 = 23,000>

Level 7 Players:
* Dee | "Dimbel" 25,540 +200= 25,740
* Django | "Django" 25,540 +200= 25,740
* Sofija | "Sofija" 25,230 +200= 25,430
* Tundrra | "Zagri" 26,040 +200+100= 26,340
<LVL 8 = 34,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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Posts: 3841
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Realm: Black Desert Online
House: Griffon
Record: http://newoutriders.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tundrra
Lord HC 04.06.2014
Squired SWG 03.21.2004
Recruited SWG 12.12.2003 by Baron Brambt
Location: Bloomington, IN

Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 74
Kythorn 27th 5:45pm and it is slightly cloudy.

Under the concealment of the tiny hut near Swamps End Rest the party discusses what to do next, either head for Mirabar or head back north to Blasingdell. Both a fishing boat and paddle boat sailed by while we wait for dark to arrive. The paddle boat was steered by a Grung (frogman) flying a banner of 3 waves. With the cover of darkness we leave the area of the Inn and head due north through the swamp. Around midnight we find a rise of land out of the swamp make a mossy island. Imprints in the vegetation give warning that something large roams here, and Django sees that the plant life around some of the prints have decayed with its touch. With the hope we have found a Troll we spread out looking for signs of the monster.

A thick fog of mist emanates around a small cave on the island. Neela enters the mist being left uncomfortably cold with goosebumps all over. Zagri shouts for what ever lies within to come out. The sound of movement inside get louder as a troll with rotted flesh that continues to regenerate emerges from its small lair, Neela drops down on to it surprising it from above. Dimbel continues the assault with a fireball and Sofjia and the minions engage into melee. The troll puts off a sickly aura causing neurotic decay to any that are to close. Dimbel knocks him prone with a slippery grease spell and the melee begin to back away, accept Sofija that continues to slam her maul and warhammer into its rotted flesh. Eventually it exploded with a black energy and Sofija removes its head, obtaining the first of 2 trophies needed to pay Bog's Toll.

XP (S74)
Troll 1000xp
Bookkeeping: 100xp (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
* Roxanne | "Fiadh" 18,525 +absent= 18,525
* Stelmarii | "Neela" 21,175 +1000= 22,175
<LVL 7 = 23,000>

Level 7 Players:
* Dee | "Dimbel" 25,740 +1000= 26,740
* Django | "Django" 25,740 +1000= 26,740
* Sofija | "Sofija" 25,430 +1000= 26,430
* Tundrra | "Zagri" 26,340 +1000+100= 27,440
<LVL 8 = 34,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
User avatar
Posts: 3841
Joined: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:05 am
Realm: Black Desert Online
House: Griffon
Record: http://newoutriders.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tundrra
Lord HC 04.06.2014
Squired SWG 03.21.2004
Recruited SWG 12.12.2003 by Baron Brambt
Location: Bloomington, IN

Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 75
Kythorn 28th 9:30a

We rest for the night on the small island in the middle of the swamp where the necrotic troll was slain. Sofija decides to wield the slimy stink stick as we proceed north looking for signs of another troll in order to complete our agreement with Bog. Just before we reach the edge of the swamp a clear path in the mud and floating debris showed something large had passed through recently. So we decide to track it, back towards the Old Mirar Swamp Road, where we were surprise to learn we had been tracking Bog all along. He is impressed by the strange troll trophy we presented and he offered to take it to complete our transaction for use of his road.
When asked about a green dragon that has been seen about, he confidently says there are no dragons in this swamp and there as not been any for years.

That evening we make it to the Blackford and Blasingdell road cross roads where we camp for the evening and Django warns Sergeant Renor to keep out of the swamp due to the presence of an ancient territorial alligator god. The next day we arrive in Blasingdell and we report back to Lord Althon on what we found to the south and restocked at all the shops before preparing for our trip to the cold mountains in search of the Glacier Distillery. Before leaving town Django tells Sister Alonsa about Bog and she absorbs the information to the point she insists that a visit with Bog is in order even after Django cautions her not to. Jarro has been busy in Ironstaff Hold with his new dwarven helpers from Mirabar and has not had much opportunities to investigate the nightmarish Oni on our behalf.

XP (S75)
Rp Session: 200xp
Bookkeeping: 100xp (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
* Roxanne | "Fiadh" 18,525 +ABSENT= 18,525
* Stelmarii | "Neela" 22,175 +ABSENT= 22,175
<LVL 7 = 23,000>

Level 7 Players:
* Dee | "Dimbel" 26,740 +200= 26,940
* Django | "Django" 26,740 +200= 26,940
* Sofija | "Sofija" 26,430 +200= 26,630
* Tundrra | "Zagri" 27,440 +200+100= 27,640
<LVL 8 = 34,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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