[spoilers] Smash Monday

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Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap S62
Kythorn 19th we entered Septimus's 2pm

Septimus rewards the party with potions and other gifts before offering to teleport them closer to the swamp where they were tracking Lillith. A portal opens to a wooded trail on the westside of Stonetooth. Several hours into the hike the path begins to look familiar as it proceeds to take us near the main entrance of Stonetooth where we see the flicker of light. Dimbel’s owl is sent ahead to check things out where two possible goblinoids, have build a small market stand and one is reading a book. Curious to see, the party investigates further finding a excited salesman with an abundance of magical wares. Ruum and Kook. We pick up some Fae dialog from Kook who seems to be the older of the two. Some purchases are made and unusual deals are had. There seems to be a demand for Kidneys, Dimbel declined their offer of taking his, but Django was more than willing to depart with one of his for a very rare tome.

The party camps next to the market deeper within the cave entrance finding the rubble that was left behind on their last visit. When Neela awakes the next morning she finds a wrapped package next to her, a wicked short sword within. She asks our newest member to identify it and when Kolshushu touches it to finish preforming the identify ritual, she is knocked unconscious instantly. Shushu is tended to, the merchants are thanked for their business and we hope to see them in Blasingdell in the future.

XP (S62)
1000xp for the Septimus Trials
Xp potion 100-600xp
100xp: Book Keeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
Dee | "Dimbel" 19,615 +1000+600= 21,215
Django | "Django" 19,615 +1000+500= 21,115
Chazlore | “Kolshushu” 14,000 +1000+100= 15,100
Stelmarii | "Neela" 15,750 +1000+100= 16,850
Sofija | "Sofija" 19,615 +1000+300= 20,915
Tundrra | "Zagri" 20,515 +100+1000+500= 22,115
<LVL 7 = 23,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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Record: http://newoutriders.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tundrra
Lord HC 04.06.2014
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Recruited SWG 12.12.2003 by Baron Brambt
Location: Bloomington, IN

Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap S63
Kythorn 20th morning

The fae merchants mention portaling back to the fae before setting up their next shop, which starts a barge of questions about near by portals. One that stuck was a known broken teleportation circle east of the swamp shore, which could be a potential destination for Lillith and her undead army.

The party heads south of the swamp to look for the trail before they reach the swampy area. Not much is found so they move closer to the swamp. Dimbel takes flight looking through the eyes of the owl noticing the swamp is bubbling like there is volcanic activity deep under the surface. We head further north in search of the structure the fae merchants mentioned. Neela finds the undead trail, leading into the water and Django spots two stones sticking out of the murky water. Neela flys to the rocks confirming they are the tops of pillars, the structure must have sank long ago.

Sofija ties a rope to neela as she jumps into the water exploring the stone structure below. Eventually a chute leading to a underwater cavern below is discovered. Before resurfacing she confirms there is a worked stone tunnel that moves to the east under the land. A expanded recon team is assembled, Dimbel, Neela, and Sofija go back in tied together wit their breath held and blindly feeling their way to a ascending stair leading up to a air pocket. It reeks so bad, Neela and Sofija wants to throw up … Dimbel does. Further in Neela sneaks up to the next room’s doorway finding more stairs beginning to descend to waste high water where undead fill the room.

The three return to the surface for reinforcements. ShuShu casts bardic inspirations, mage armor is applied and the entire group proceeds to the sulfur stench filled room. Neela moves in first invisible starting the battle with a critically surprised sneak attack on a zombie, killing it and moving in for more. The water slows the parties movement but the undead begin to fall easily. Once Dimbel moves into view of the room he lets off a fireball carefully sculpting his allies from being hit yet landing a solid hit on 5 of the skeletons. However the air ignites setting off a chain reaction throughout the underground lair. Sulfuric bubbles have been releasing gas and fumes into the air. All but one of the visible undead die and Neela is knocked unconscious.

XP (S63)
100xp: Book Keeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
* Dee | "Dimbel" 21,215
* Django | "Django" 21,115
* Chazlore | “Kolshushu” 15,100
* Stelmarii | "Neela" 16,850
* Sofija | "Sofija" 20,915
* Tundrra | "Zagri" 22,115 +100= 22,215
<LVL 7 = 23,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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Record: http://newoutriders.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tundrra
Lord HC 04.06.2014
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Recruited SWG 12.12.2003 by Baron Brambt
Location: Bloomington, IN

Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap 64
Kythorn 20th

The battle continues with a lone skeleton standing after the chain reaction explosion, which cleared the room and knocked Neela unconscious. Sofija recklessly knocks the skeleton away from Neela’s floating body giving Shushu the opportunity to mend some of her wounds from afar. The methane gas continues to bubble up from below disturbing the waters surface and Sofija is the first to notice the additional swirls of movement below the brackish water. Rakes of claws or teeth scrape the legs of the party causing pain and paralysis.

Kolshushu and others unable to see the submerged foes cast a distracting rubber ducky hoping to lure out the hidden targets. Those closest to the incoming swimmers can make out their shape but the other farther away can see them until Django’s fairy fire takes hold Illuminating them below the water. It’s not much longer till the flooded room is clear and the party moves north in search of Lillith.

The next room is a dead end and filled to the ceiling with water is some places. Django sends his undead army in to pull things out that may be of help. They focus on something to heavy to be dragged and he enters to investigate. A sarcophagus. Sliding the lid off to reveal what treasure hide with in are abruptly interrupted by the angery towering undead within who smashes Django into unconsciousness with a magical punch. Zagri is quick to bring Django back as the others move in to deal with the latest threat in our search to fining Lillith.

XP (S64)
100xp: Book Keeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
* Dee | "Dimbel" 21,215
* Django | "Django" 21,115
* Chazlore | “Kolshushu” 15,100
* Roxanne | "Fiadh" 14000
* Stelmarii | "Neela" 16,850
* Sofija | "Sofija" 20,915
* Tundrra | "Zagri" 22,215+100= 22,315
<LVL 7 = 23,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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Posts: 3820
Joined: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:05 am
Realm: Black Desert Online
House: Griffon
Record: http://newoutriders.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tundrra
Lord HC 04.06.2014
Squired SWG 03.21.2004
Recruited SWG 12.12.2003 by Baron Brambt
Location: Bloomington, IN

Re: [spoilers] Smash Monday

Post by Tundrra »

Recap S64
Kythorn 20th 945a

The sunken structure’s flooded rooms rise up in down from the uneven sinking years before. The party is finishing with a towering fleshy undead who’s sarcophagus is empty of treasures. The rooms further east sink deeper before rising up and out of the water. Fiadh stands atop another sarcophagus which lays beneath the bubbling water as Django’s army ascends the stairs to higher ground. However more undead await us and begin eliminating the Necromancer’s minions. Fiadh is knocked back as the lid of the sarcophagus slides open and another zombie bursts forth. Streaks of cold fill the air as rays of frost finish off the final minions from some unknown tentacle eye monstrosity further into the next room. Creatures have breached the shallow waters swimming beneath the surface, Django has been paralyzed, Kolshushu is knocked unconscious. Things begin to look bleak for our doomed heroes, as Zagri cure wounds Shushu and the party begins focus on the challenge ahead.

XP (S64)
100xp: Book Keeper (Zagri)

Korram “Dungeon Master”
Level 6 Players:
* Dee | "Dimbel" 21,215
* Django | "Django" 21,115
* Chazlore | “Kolshushu” 15,100
* Roxanne | "Fiadh" 14000
* Stelmarii | "Neela" 16,850
* Sofija | "Sofija" 20,915
* Tundrra | "Zagri" 22,315+100= 22,415
<LVL 7 = 23,000>
Tundrra TT:TableTop
*NOR/LD-High Council
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