[Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Posts: 86
Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:10 pm
House: Griffon

Re: [Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Post by Koram »


Session 59 - 1/26/2024 - Chapter 2 - The Undead and Some Really Bad Decisions

DM : Lasarian
Party: Baiz - Dour Warmfury - Mountain Dwarf Fighter/Champion - Mason's and Smith's Tools - Hollow Person Hiatus
Talo - Easeis - Human - Sorcerer/Spell Void - Dice Set and Thieves' Tools
Stel - Eilo - Fairy - Warlock/Celestial - Flute
Rox - Kismet of the Woods - Wood Elf Druid/Circle of the Land (Forest) - Herbalism Kit - Hollow Person Hiatus
Khaie - Magar - Grey Elf Wizard/School of Evocation - Herbalism Kit
Ojike - Quiropsius - Amethyst Gem Dragonborn Fighter/Psi Warrior - Bagpipes
Kor - Koram Orchammer - Hill Dwarf Cleric/Life Domain - Mason's, Cartographer's and Smith's Tools - Herbalism Kit

606 CY - Wealsun 4th - 11:15

Start session as the battle continues against the undead.

The giant hyena stalks over next to Koram and tears into the only remaining zombie close to the cleric. Magar's owl dives past the same zombie before flying a bit further into the cave behind the collapsed wall. Sprinkles follows Magar's familiar into the cave and dives at another zombie a bit further away to the east. Quiro moves up by to also flank Koram, completely blocking the collapsed opening, but cannot see through the darkness within. The fatigued dragonborn forgetting that he could light up his crystal blade to see. He peers ahead ready to swing in anything appears within striking distance. Easeis steps up behind the companions blocking the opening and casts hypnotic pattern to a cluster of undead to the SE, 6 of them stopping in place, reaching up at the swirling colors of the spell. Eilo flies up just above the giant hyena, hexes the zombie to the east distracted by Sprinkles, and eldritch blasts. Both beams of force smashing into the zombie, collapsing it to the floor as the fairy calls for Sprinkles. Koram recites a quick prayer and the spirits of ancient dwarven warriors swirl up from the floor around the cleric. Magar fire bolts the zombie facing the giant hyena, as the zombie flinches from the flames, the spirit guardians focus on the undead as well, radiant energy destroying the opponent. Several other undead begin to appear from the darkness to the south. The giant hyena heads east at the next undead near the east wall of the cave, biting another with its vice-like jaws. Even more undead appear from the south heading towards the hyena and the companions blocking the collapsed wall. Magar's owl flies past the closest undead to the south, the zombie's head slowly turning to follow the distracting familiar. Sprinkles returns to Eilo as directed, diving past one of the zombies previously turned and shambling near the north wall. Easeis sees more undead flooding up the hallway to the south. Realizing there must be another break in the wall that the group cannot see, he yells for everyone to fall back so the group isn't getting attacked on two fronts. He then lands a ray of frost on the nearest zombie in the tunnel, chilling and slowing its movement. Quiro moves from his position to the center of the hallway just south of the collapsed east wall trying to plug the new avenue of approach, ready to dodge any incoming attacks from the darkness. Two skeletons move up from the south both stabbing the giant hyena with short swords. Eilo casts Celestial Rainbow Explosion, the radiant ball of light surrounding the undead caught in the hypnotic pattern as well as the giant hyena. Several of the undead are instantly destroyed by the radiant magic, but unfortunately, the giant hyena also pops out of existence. Koram repeats Easeis's warning about the additional undead in the tunnel, casts toll the dead on the chilled zombie in the tunnel, and takes a couple of steps back NW, his spirit guardians now swirling to cover both the wall collapse and the tunnel. A larger more powerful looking skeleton moves up to Quiro from the south in the tunnel, swinging twice at the dragonborn, who manages to dodge the first swing, but is caught by the second backhand slash. A larger and stronger zombie also approaches Quiro from the tunnel and slams the fighter with its club-like arms. Magar sees that there are many more undead clustered further down the south hallway, and targets them with a shatter spell. A sphere of thunderous sound explodes among the enemies, five of the six targeted undead slammed to the walls and floor by the concussive blast. Easeis uses peer into the weave and learns the shatter spell as Magar casts it. Additional undead continue to appear and advance. Magar's owl does a flyby on the zombie swatting aimlessly at Eilo, the fairy too far above for it to reach, and then the familiar flies back to Magar. Sprinkles flies in a loop awaiting more instructions. Easeis casts his recently learned shatter spell just south of Quiro in the tunnel, and two more undead are slammed to the ground. Quiro swings twice at the tough skeleton to his south, landing one light slash, he surges with annoyance and lands two more solid hits and a small spike of psychic energy on the last strike. The dragonborn then takes a deep breath, his wounds seeming a bit less painful. Eilo flies up closer to the ceiling, about 20' up, directing her first eldritch blast beam at the zombie just distracted by Magar's owl, blasting a hole in it and dropping it to the floor. The warlock then hexes a second undead in the cave, blasting it with her second force beam, and drops her second target as well. Koram hits the tough skeleton with a guiding bolt and the spirit guardians also hammer into it with more radiant damage just before the undead attacks Quiro, missing twice. The greater zombie stubbornly ignores most of the spirits hitting it, but still only manages to land one hit on the dragonborn fighter. Magar points and a fire bolt streaks out, narrowly missing the large skeleton facing Quiro. Another zombie moves up from the south clipping the dragonborn with a swing of its decomposing arm. Magar's owl dives at the large skeleton facing Quiro, and heads back north a bit, then Sprinkles does the same to the greater zombie. Easeis takes advantage of both the tough undead being distracted, twinning chromatic orb and landing solid hits on both enemies. Quiro, beginning to look like the fight is taking its toll, swings twice at the skeleton facing him, but neither swing lands. Eilo shifts her hex to the greater skeleton and her first eldritch blast beam hits and scatters the skeleton's bones. The warlock shifts her second beam of force at the greater zombie, but she narrowly misses. Koram tolls the dead on the greater zombie, but it appears unaffected. More undead are getting closer from the tunnel to the south. The spirit guardians once again swirl about the greater zombie inflicting more radiant damage as the undead swings its arms twice at Quiro, the glowing spirits dragging at it just enough that it misses both times. Magar blasts the closest regular zombie with a fire bolt and as the smoking undead pulls its arm back to swing at Quiro, it is swamped by radiant spirits, the undead struggling as it falls the floor. Magar's owl zips past the greater zombie's head, while Sprinkles flies south down the tunnel, sees many more undead headed north, before zipping into another break in the wall to the east. Easeis throws another chromatic orb at the greater zombie, but it flies wide, striking the wall. He then calls on the last of his sorcerous energy to focus enough magical power for one more spell. Quiropsius slashes at the greater zombie twice, landing two solid cuts, but the tough undead opponent keeps coming. The undead continue to advance from the south. An arrow streaks out of the darkness in the tunnel to the south, passing right through Quiro's shoulder in a spray of blood. Eilo says something about the rest of the group having things under control in the hall and vanishes as she misty steps SE into the cave behind the collapsed wall. Then, she flies further south and enters the hallway from a second break in the eastern wall, spotting many more undead clustered in the tunnel, she immediately flies back a few feet and unleashes another celestial rainbow explosion. The radiant blast takes out several more undead. Koram, unaffected by the sudden darkness left by Eilo's departure, hits the greater zombie with toll the dead, necrotic energy washing over the enemy as it is also hit by the radiant energy of the spirit guardians. The powerful zombie is still standing and unlike the dwarf, Quiro has no darkvision and can no longer see anything with Eilo's light gone. The enemy can see just fine and Quiro takes two brutal hits from the strong undead, knocking the dragonborn unconscious. Magar, seeing Quiro drop and wanting to damage the undead and return light to the tunnel in case Quiro is revived, casts a flaming sphere and rams it into the greater zombie from behind, the burning undead falling to the floor before slowly beginning to move again. A wight steps from behind a corner and grazes Eilo with a shot from its bow before ducking back. Magar's owl flies down at the zombie on the floor before it has a chance to get up trying to distract it. Sprinkles flies into the tunnel, diving at at another greater zombie to the south, before zipping back through the collapsed wall. Easeis uses the last of his magical energy to cast one last shatter, causing light damage to his targets, but none fall. Quiro is down and bleeding a bit, but does not seem to be closer to actually dying. A zombie from the south advances up the tunnel and stops right next to the flaming sphere, it dead flesh scorching right before the spirit guardians overwhelm it. Two more arrows zip towards Eilo, one missing and the other tearing a gash across the fairy's leg. Eilo moves into the hallway, and seeing Quiro down, she focuses a bit of healing light on the dragonborn, returning him to consciousness. She then lands two eldritch blast beams on the greater zombie that Sprinkles distracted, but it just continues forward. Koram tolls the dead on the approaching second greater zombie, then moves forward hoping to support Eilo and block the hall with the spirit guardians, making sure the downed greater zombie is still in the area of effect. The cleric realizes his mistake as the southern greater zombie advances into melee range, slamming both its arms at the dwarf. One hit is stopped by Koram's armor, but the other smashes into him, losing concentration, and the spirit guardians fade away. Another regular zombie also moves up and slams its arm into the cleric. The downed greater zombie, now free of the spirit guardians because of Koram's tactical blunder, stands, bashing Quiro back to the floor, dazed, and then advances on Easeis, thankfully missing the sorcerer. Magar casts another fire bolt at the greater zombie that attacked Easeis, but the bolt flies past, flames splashing against the wall. The wizard then rolls his flaming sphere north to slam into the greater zombie, burning it from behind. The wight steps around the corner again and grazes Eilo with two more arrows. Another regular zombie advances from the south and flails its arms at Koram, but misses. Magar's owl does a flyby on the regular zombie west of Koram, then flutters back north. Eilo's owl dives at the wight with the bow, and it waves its arm at the familiar in annoyance. Easeis casts minor illusion superimposing the image of a 5' square stone block right over the spot where Koram is standing in an attempt to confuse the undead surrounding the cleric. Quiro's bleeding is not slowing after his latest trip to the floor, and the fighter looks battered. Another arrow streaks in clipping Eilo before she zips back north through the cave behind the wall to emerge near Quiro's unconscious form and a surrounded dwarf. She targets the distracted zombie and hits it with both beams of her eldritch blast, but it remains standing. Koram, hoping the illusion from Easeis has fooled the undead around him, steps back north holding his shield in place to deflect any possible incoming strikes. The two regular zombies appear confused by the illusionary stone and don't see the dwarf moving away. The greater zombie is not fooled however, trying to slam the retreating cleric, but its swing glances off the dwarf's shield. Once Koram reaches Quiro, he again summons spirit guardians and stands facing the undead to the south, telling Eilo to try and get Quiro up so we can fall back. The greater zombie steps forward swinging both its arms overhand at the cleric, one arm hammering into Koram, almost knocking him senseless, and the other luckily glances off the dwarf's armor. One of the other regular zombies, seeing the activity to the north, walks past the illusion of the stone block and swings its arm at Koram, missing. Magar rolls his flaming sphere around behind the greater zombie just south of Koram, scorching it and then fire bolts the regular zombie west of Koram, dropping it to the floor, smoldering, but then it twitches and begins to rise again.

As always, please see Discord In-Character channel for additional discussion.

End Session 59 top of round 9 against the undead with the party looking REALLY rough.

Easeis - 18,333, Eilo - 17,536, Magar - 15,946, Quiropsius - 12,770, Koram - 22,551
Posts: 86
Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:10 pm
House: Griffon

Re: [Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Post by Koram »


Session 60 - 2/2/2024 - Chapter 2 - Battle with the Undead Horde
DM : Lasarian
Party: Baiz - Dour Warmfury - Mountain Dwarf Fighter/Champion - Mason's and Smith's Tools - Hollow Person Hiatus
Talo - Easeis - Human - Sorcerer/Spell Void - Dice Set and Thieves' Tools
Stel - Eilo - Fairy - Warlock/Celestial - Flute
Rox - Kismet of the Woods - Wood Elf Druid/Circle of the Land (Forest) - Herbalism Kit - Hollow Person Hiatus
Khaie - Magar - Grey Elf Wizard/School of Evocation - Herbalism Kit
Ojike - Quiropsius - Amethyst Gem Dragonborn Fighter/Psi Warrior - Bagpipes
Kor - Koram Orchammer - Hill Dwarf Cleric/Life Domain - Mason's, Cartographer's and Smith's Tools - Herbalism Kit

606 CY - Wealsun 4th - 11:15

Start session as the battle continues against the undead horde.

Eilo, hovering above the downed form of Quiropsis, is struck by another arrow from the dark tunnel to the south. Another oblivious zombie shuffles up the tunnel from the south and is destroyed as it wanders into the range of the spirit guardians. Magar's owl dives at the greater zombie to Koram's south. Heading back to Eilo, Sprinkles zips past the charmed zombie in the cave to the east. Easeis points and a beam of frost hits the greater zombie facing Koram. Quiro, unconscious and battered on the floor, still appears to be breathing for the moment. Eilo looks down and a flash of healing light envelops the downed dragonborn, closing his most severe wounds and bringing him back to consciousness. The fairy then eldritch blasts the greater zombie facing Koram, one beam landing a glancing hit, the other missing. Koram whispers a prayer to Moradin and many of his wounds, and those on Quiro, vanish in a radiant glow. The greater zombie flinches from both the flaming sphere burning at its back and the spirit guardians tearing at it. The tough undead is still standing and bashes Koram twice, the first hammering blow deflected somewhat as Quiro creates a psychic shield to defend the cleric. The strikes are enough that the dwarf loses his focus and the spirit guardians swirl back into the ground, but they manage to finish off the still twitching prone zombie to the west of Koram. Magar rolls his flaming sphere south into the face of the wight archer. The wizard then aims a fire bolt at the greater zombie still facing Koram, but the flaming bolt skims over its intended target. The wight archer sees that Magar is controlling the flaming sphere and moves up a bit before sending two arrows at the elf, one cutting a line of blood across the elf's shoulder. Magar's familiar flutters past the greater zombie facing Koram and Sprinkles darts past the wight archer. Easeis yells for everyone to continue the retreat or that he is going to start some friendly fire kills, but his ray of frost misses the greater zombie. Quiro stands, and following the order from Easeis begins to back up the tunnel, and yells to Koram not to resist his psychic pull. The dragonborn then uses his psionic abilities to yank the battered 30' to the north away from the melee. Another archer in the cave behind the eastern wall collapse fires two arrows at Quiro, but both splinter into the tunnel wall. Eilo shifts her hex to the greater zombie and eldritch blasts it, one beam striking the seemingly unstoppable undead before she zips north through the one open door into the portal room. Koram takes one step forward to reach out and tap Quiro on the shoulder, casting cure wounds on the dragonborn, some of the residual healing also affecting the cleric, before he also retreats north towards the portal chamber. The greater zombie advances and swings its clublike arms at Quiro, and even using his psionic powers to partially deflect the first swing, the fighter is staggered by the wicked strikes. Focusing his efforts on the greater zombie, Magar slams his flaming sphere into it and then follows up with a perfectly targeted fire bolt, which blasts into the undead enemy's face and chest. The tough undead finally succumbs to all the punishment and drops to the floor, still burning. The wizard then heads north through the open door. The wight archer sends two longbow shots at Koram, who is severely wounded and backing his way north towards the doors. The first arrow sails high, the second hits the dwarf's shield, barely deflected. Magar's owl zips past the second undead archer that came from the east and then heads north into the portal room. Eilo, seeing no targets close enough for Sprinkles to distract, calls her owl back north, just short of the doors. Easeis targets the closest undead archer near the flaming sphere with a ray of frost, the cold damaging and slowing the enemy. Quiro heads north, but stops next to Koram, not wanting to leave his battered companion alone, then turns, radiant violet light spilling from his crystal blade as the dragonborn readies himself to defend against incoming attacks. One of the undead archers fires two arrows from his longbow at Quiro, but the prepared fighter dodges both shots. Eilo moves her hex to the undead bowman closest to the collapsed wall, one eldritch blast beam striking the opponent, but the other hitting the nearby wall. Koram taps Quiro on the shoulder and says he is falling back and preparing to seal the doors, before stepping around the already closed NW door. Magar roll s his flaming sphere northwards into the closer of the undead archers standing in the hallway, scorching the enemy from behind, and then burning it further with a fire bolt. One of the enemy archers fires two bowshots at Quiro, but both fly past hitting the doorframe. Magar's owl dives at the closest archer and then retreats back through the open door, followed closely by Sprinkles. Easeis sends a ray of frost at the closest wight archer, but it skims past, missing. Quiro steps back through the single open NE door, turning to block any pursuing opponents and dodge their attacks. Koram slams the single open door and throws the locking bolts on both doors sealing out the enemies. Eilo and Magar both hold cantrips in case the doors don't hold and Koram grabs the door handles to anchor them shut.

After a minute, nothing appears to be trying to get past the sturdy metal covered doors. The party finally relaxes as it appears nothing is trying to get through the doors. Easeis talks to Zelligar and asks if he had seen the undead portal during his last expedition here. Zelligar tells Easeis they never saw the portal at all. Everyone agrees that the party needs to rest up and tend to their wounds. Eilo thinks the party should rest and then head back south, but Easeis disagrees and thinks we should check to the east, hoping to find another way to circle around to the undead portal. Zelligar actually agrees with Eilo's idea to press forward against the undead. Magar provides some thoughts about the undead streaming from the portal and the group basically agrees they don't have enough information to make a solid choice. It is decided to take a short rest, with Eilo and Koram using up the last of their healing to assist in everyone's recovery.

The party is surprised about an hour and a half after the short rest, Magar having attuned to his magical grimoire, when there is a knock at the southern doors. A voice asks the party if they are done playing the game. When asked who the party is speaking to, the voice simply responds that it is the party's "playmate". The voice tells the group it is waiting for them and that the game is not yet done. The voice, seemingly from one of the undead, claims that this is his masters house and he is tasked with killing any invaders. His master is Theranon, Eilo and Koram recognizing the name from the research done in Greyhawk City, as the last bearer of the Eye of Incabulous. Easeis tells the voice that the game will continue tomorrow when the party is ready. Eilo tries taunting the enemy behind the door some more, but the responses simply stop. The companions know their resources are depleted and spend the rest of the day resting and taking care of equipment. Magar sets up a tiny hut right up against the southern doors to keep the opening blocked in case something tries to get through the doors. That evening Magar sets up a new tiny hut so the party can get some sleep and complete a long rest.

Easeis and Magar each take four hour watches and the night passes uneventfully. The recent battles have given Quiro some new ideas on how to use his combat abilities and he feels a newly awakened power of the gem dragons in his mind. During his prayers, Koram feels a deeper connection to Moradin and is granted the ability to use more powerful divine magic. The rest is completed and the party is once again at full strength. Easeis does not detect the presence of the Eye of Incabulous using the Aspect of Pelor, and the companions agree to head back south in an attempt to finish off the undead.

Magar once again blocks the doors with a tiny hut, and remains within, giving the party a very defensible place to retreat and the two owl familiars are sent in to scout. The tunnel and cave behind the collapsed wall are eerily empty and the owls detect nothing. Eilo flies a bit south into the tunnel, still close to the group, but then Sprinkles reaches the limit where she can see through the familiar's eyes. Eilo then impulsively, but not unexpectedly, flies away from the group, through the cave behind the collapsed wall, and back out into tunnel just north of the southern double doors, behind which lies the undead portal. Now a fair distance from the party, she curses as she is immediately shot by two arrows. The wight archer shouts, "Game time!", and then shuts the door. Eilo turns and flies north up the tunnel back towards the party, the door opening behind her as the wight archer fires two more longbow shots, one missing but the second striking the fairy in the back. Eilo gets back to the tiny hut and tells the party what she saw, and as the group prepares to head south, Koram suggests that before the group proceeds south, Magar should detect magic in case there are enemies hiding invisibly. As soon as the party moves south, Magar detects magic emanating from just behind the east wall of the tunnel before the opening at the collapsed wall. Koram scans the stonework and finds a well hidden door. The party prepares themselves, as Koram pushes the stonework door inwards and to the side revealing another cave, and a greater skeleton just behind the door.

As always, please see Discord In-Character channel for additional discussion.

End Session 60 after the party has rested until the morning of Wealsun the 5th. The push south towards the undead servants of Theranon, last known bearer of the Eye of Incabulous, is interrupted by the opening of the hidden door in the east wall of the tunnel. Combat begins with the greater skeleton revealed just behind the door.

Easeis - 19,183, Eilo - 19,016, Magar - 17,426, Quiropsius - 14,250 LEVEL 6, Koram - 24,031 LEVEL 7

Piety: Easeis - 20, Eilo - 25, Koram - 30
Posts: 86
Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:10 pm
House: Griffon

Re: [Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Post by Koram »


Session 61 - 2/9/2024 - Chapter 2 - Battle the Rest of the Undead Horde and the Room of Death
DM : Lasarian
Party: Baiz - Dour Warmfury - Mountain Dwarf Fighter/Champion - Mason's and Smith's Tools - Hollow Person Hiatus
Talo - Easeis - Human - Sorcerer/Spell Void - Dice Set and Thieves' Tools
Stel - Eilo - Fairy - Warlock/Celestial - Flute
Rox - Kismet of the Woods - Wood Elf Druid/Circle of the Land (Forest) - Herbalism Kit - Hollow Person Hiatus
Khaie - Magar - Grey Elf Wizard/School of Evocation - Herbalism Kit
Ojike - Quiropsius - Amethyst Gem Dragonborn Fighter/Psi Warrior - Bagpipes
Kor - Koram Orchammer - Hill Dwarf Cleric/Life Domain - Mason's, Cartographer's and Smith's Tools - Herbalism Kit

606 CY - Wealsun 5th - 0600

Start session as the battle renews against the remaining undead.

Magar disengages away from his position just north of the open secret door and falls back into the portal room with Easeis. Koram, reacts with a start and smacks the skeleton in the face with his warhammer. Looking back, he raises his shield, and yells over his shoulder, "What're we doin' folks? Fight or fall back?". Sprinkles flies back north from where Eilo had her investigating through the collapsed east wall. Magar's owl flutters around the skeleton's head before heading back north into the portal chamber. Easeis attempts to vortex warp the skeleton and send it down the tunnel to the south, but the undead resists the magic. Quiro says, "If we're falling back, I'm not going first.", and then swings his crystal sword twice at an awkward angle past the dwarf blocking the doorway, still managing to land one solid slash on the enemy. The skeletal undead swings its weapon twice at Koram, but can't find an opening through the cleric's armor. Eilo flies south above the party gathering around the doorway, hexes the skeletal opponent and eldritch blasts it, both beams slamming into the undead. Magar steps just far enough south to see the enemy and torches it with a fire bolt. Koram holds his shield, toll the dead emanating from the holy symbol emblem and striking the enemy. Sprinkles flies down near the skeleton and waits for Easeis to attack before diving at the already distracted skeleton. Easeis throws an acidic chromatic orb at the undead the caustic magic severely damaging the enemy. Sprinkles then dives at the faltering skeleton. Quiro again tries to swing past Koram and the doorway twice, but his blade is fouled up in the doorway. The skeletal opponent swings twice at Koram, landing one perfect hit, but it just doesn't seem to do much to the tough dwarf. The wight archer launces two arrow from the darkness to the south, both clattering to the floor. Eilo eldritch blasts again, but both beams miss the skeleton in the crowded doorway. Magar points and another fire bolt zips through the door, just barely scorching the undead. Koram again casts toll the dead, but this time it seems to have no effect. Sprinkles once again distracts the enemy, while Magar's owl circles, seeing no other enemies. Easeis lines up a ray of frost, freezing the skeletal enemy and it clatters to the floor. Quiro steps away from the door, standing ready in the center of the tunnel to the south and shouts, "Pressing ahead or holding here?". AS if in response, two arrows fly from the darkness to the south skidding along the floor past the dragonborn's feet. Eilo flies over the fallen skeleton into the east tunnel quickly checking for other opponents and to see where the tunnel goes. She yells back to the group that the small room at the end of the hidden east tunnel is empty, but has a tunnel heading north that must connect to a hidden door in the eastern tunnel from the portal chamber. Magar moves south a bit behind Quiro and suggests that Quiro and Koram set up a shield wall and head south. Koram moves south past Quiro up to the collapsed eastern wall opening and, peering in, sees only the scattered corpses left from the previous battle here. He calls back that the "kidney bean cave" appears clear of active threats, and prepares for any incoming attacks. Sprinkles Flies past Koram down the tunnel to the south and Magar's familiar flies up to hover behind the cleric. Easeis moves up behind Koram and readies a ray of frost in case any enemies appear. Quiro moves south, dashing past Koram to set up in the middle of the tunnel once again, and yells, "Still clear!". The door at the southern end of the hallway opens and the wight archer steps out to send two arrows flying at Quiro, one striking the fighter through a gap in his armor, and the other clattering into the wall. Eilo flies out from exploring the tunnel behind the secret door and flies south a short way before readying an eldritch blast in case any enemies appear. Magar also heads south, readying a fire bolt. Sprinkles makes it to the southern doors and waits to dive if any enemies come through. Magar's owl follows Koram as he quickly moves through the eastern cave behind the collapsed wall, seeing nothing but more corpses from yesterday's combat. Easeis moves south and stops behind Quiro in the tunnel, preparing to dodge any attacks. Quiro then move forward to the southern doors and yanks open the one the archer has been using to pop out from to fire at the party. The dragonborn yells back, "There is a mouth in the floor spitting out undead!". He sees movement at the southern end of the room as the wight fires two more arrows at the fighter, both missing, before slipping through and closing another set of doors in the south wall. Eilo flies south as quickly as she can, catching up to the rest of the party. Magar also runs south in the tunnel to also set up near the southern end of the tunnel. Koram steps through the southernmost break in the east wall and casts toll the dead on the skeleton climbing from the floor in the south room. Sprinkles flies into the room, heading for the skeleton, but as the familiar crosses through the doorway, it squawks and vanishes in a flash of magic. Magar's owl flies up behind Quiro and Koram in the hall. Easeis moves forward and a ray of frost streaks from his outstretched hand to strike the skeleton climbing out of the floor. Quiro steps into the room and immediately feels a cold pain as if his life is being siphoned away. The tough dragonborn moves up to a stone pedestal with a crystal glowing with a cyan radiance on top of it. Examining it, the dragonborn feels it may be some kind of control for the now obvious portal in the central part of the room's floor. One of the southern doors in the room opens just a bit and two arrows again zip from the undead archer, one again finding a gap in Quiro's armor, the second smacking into the base of the stone pedestal. Eilo flies south to just outside the northern doors to the undead portal room, shifts her hex to the skeleton making its way out of the swirling portal in the floor and then eldritch blasts, the first beam striking the skeleton and blasting it to pieces. Magar moves east to see into the room, but lacking any targets, does nothing. Koram readies a toll the dead and tells Quiro to back out if he is being drained by just being in the chamber. Easeis hears a sound from behind a split second before another wight appears from one of the gaps in the east wall and swipes at the sorcerer, thankfully missing twice. Magar's owl quickly turns and dives at the new enemy. Easeis casts a mind sliver at the undead that is right on top of him but it seems unaffected. He then manages to avoid its attack as he moves SW away from the undead towards the rest of the party, stating, "Dammit Koram!", since the dwarf said the cave was clear. Quiro again feels his the life being drained from him and steps out of the chamber, zig-zagging to avoid any incoming attacks. He takes a deep breath as he clears the room and some of his wounds appear less severe. The southern door again opens and two arrows streak from the south towards Koram. One arrow misses and the other would have hit Koram squarely in his back as the dwarf is turning back north to face the enemy he missed from the east, but Quiro sees it and manages to deflect it slightly with his mental abilities. The wight archer to the south yells, "Wait! Don't go!". Eilo flies back north enough to wee the wight that attacked Easeis, moving her hex to it and then hammering it with two beams from her eldritch blast. Magar turns at the wight casting poison spray from his hand, covering the wight to the east, but it seems totally unaffected. Koram heads north, grunting an apology to Easeis for missing the threat as he passes the sorcerer. As the cleric makes it to the middle section of collapsed east wall, he ends up face to face with the wight, raising his shield and casting toll the dead, the wight crumbles to the floor.

Immediate threats all dispatched, Magar sends his familiar east to look for any other missed enemies, but it sees nothing else moving. Quiro also steps into the eastern cavern kicking dead bodies in passing, but none of the other corpses appear animated. Eilo opens the door to the south, readying an eldritch blast in case any enemies appear and then looks at the pedestal and crystal from the doorway, but has no idea what it might be. Magar casts mage and tries to manipulate the crystal, but nothing happens. Eilo focuses a bit of healing light on Quiro and Koram casts cure wounds on himself. The party decides to have Quiro and Koram rush the pedestals hoping that touching both crystals simultaneously might end the necrotic magic in the room. Easeis will be ready to vortex warp them out if the plan fails, and then he picks the SW door at the end of the tunnel so the party has more room to maneuver. Quiro and Koram both enter the room, flinching as they feel the life draining from them. Quiro dashes through the room, but can't quite reach the southern pedestal. Koram makes it easily to the northern crystal and begins pushing pulling and otherwise trying to deactivate it somehow, but nothing happens, and he yells to Quiro that it doesn't seem to be a button or moveable. As the dwarf and dragonborn continue to feel the cold drain on their bodies, Quiro reaches the southern pedestal quickly laying a hand on it while Koram is still touching the northern crystal, but still nothing happens. Quiro smashes the hilt of his magical blade into the southern crystal and magical sparks erupt from both the crystal blade and the crystal on the pedestal, but both seem unaffected. Seeing that nothing seems to be working, Easeis vortex warps Quiro back to the doorway and Koram steps back out of the chamber. Magar then shuts the door to prevent any arrows from the south from hitting the group. Magar casts detect magic and the entire room glows with necromantic magic. The party talks a bit, Magar, Easeis and Eilo thinking that perhaps the crystals need to be activated/deactivated by dead flesh. The hands are cut from the dead wight, the doors opened, and Magar uses his mage hand to lay one of the detached undead hands on the northern crystal. The crystals light flickers and dims a bit after a moment. Eilo takes the second hand, and heads south into the room, the necrotic magic still in effect and draining the fairy. She sets the second wight hand on the southern crystal and it too flickers and dims. Elio makes sure the hand is solidly in place and turns to fly away, and as she is leaving, she sees that the remaining blood in the wights hand is being sucked into the pedestal. Eilo still feels her life being sapped, but then as she is zipping out of the room, the northern crystal completely dims out, followed a moment later by the southern one. Eilo turns and flies back into the chamber and yells, "OW!... Kidding!", before giggling at her own joke. The party carefully enters the room seeing both hands on the pedestals seems to be withering away as whatever tissue that remained on them is being drained away. The party arranges themselves just outside the southern doors, and finding them locked, Easeis begins picking the locks. Eilo pulls a ball of fluff from her bag of tricks and a baboon appears. Just as Koram begins to ready a toll the dead and tells others to prepare, Quiro yanks the SE door open.

Revealed behind the door is the wight archer that has been taunting the party along with another group of zombies. The wight looks surprised to see the party and exclaims, "Oh, shit!", right as Quiro unleashes his breath weapon, the cone of force smashing into the the wight and several zombies. Combat is engaged and Quiro steps south to swing at the wight, slashing the undead leader and healing himself with his crystal blade. The dragonborn then unleashes another breath, the cone of force leveling 3 of the previously hit zombies and damaging the other visible enemies. Eilo flies up near the doorframe, hexes the wight and eldritch blasts, one beam slamming into the wight and the other just missing. Easeis follows up with a ray of frost, also striking the wight, the cold slowing the battered looking opponent. Magar shifts a bit east to see past the party crowding the doorway and unleashes a shatter, the painful high pitched ringing sound dropping the wight to the floor and damaging several of the remaining zombies. Easeis peers into the weave and learns shatter. More undead pour from around the corner to the east at the south end of the short hallway, and three zombies move to surround Quiro, but none are able to land a hit on the dragonborn. The baboon moves up just behind Quiro in the doorway and tries to bite the zombie to the fighter's west, but misses. Koram moves up behind the still closed western door and casts spirit guardians, radiant dwarven spirits swirl up from the floor and begin tearing into the zombies near Quiro, several falling to the swarming spirits. A skeleton moves up to attack Quiro, but is torn apart as it enters the area of the radiant spirits. Quiro steps up and slashes one zombie, landing one solid hit. The zombie returns a staggering hit at Quiro when he attempts to step back to keep the door blocked, but the fighter uses his psionics to deflect the blow almost entirely. Eilo casts rainbow explosion at the far southern wall enveloping all the remaining undead, dropping one, and placing it perfectly to just miss the party. Easeis uses his newly learned shatter, the sound shredding the five remaining undead and dropping them to the floor. Two of appear to still be twitching. Magar suggests the party move forward to mop up the remaining undead, and steps through the door, landing a wicked fire bolt, torching one of the undead on the floor. The baboon hops in and lands a bite on the other undead, keeping it down until Koram steps through the door and the radiant spirits prevent the remaining undead from rising.

Appearing that the immediate threats are all gone, the party moves south rounding the corner to the east and sees a hallway extending off into the distance. Eilo asks if the group thinks we should take a short rest, Easeis thinking something about warlocks limited magic, and Eilo thinking about sleepy children and naps. Everyone seems fine but is willing to take a short rest if anyone needs it. Koram mentions that later this evening, he will need time for holy day prayers, the last day of the full moon is tonight.

As always, please see Discord In-Character channel for additional discussion.

End Session 61 the party rounds the corner turning east in the tunnel just south of the chamber containing the presently non-functional undead portal.

Easeis - 19,183, Eilo - 19,016, Magar - 17,426, Quiropsius - 14,250 LEVEL 6, Koram - 24,031 LEVEL 7

Piety: Easeis - 20, Eilo - 25, Koram - 30
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Re: [Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Post by Koram »


Session 62 - 2/16/2024 - Chapter 2 - The Sufferings and the Resting Place of Theranan.

DM : Lasarian
Party: Baiz - Dour Warmfury - Mountain Dwarf Fighter/Champion - Mason's and Smith's Tools - Hollow Person Hiatus
Talo - Easeis - Human - Sorcerer/Spell Void - Dice Set and Thieves' Tools
Stel - Eilo - Fairy - Warlock/Celestial - Flute
Rox - Kismet of the Woods - Wood Elf Druid/Circle of the Land (Forest) - Herbalism Kit - Hollow Person Hiatus
Khaie - Magar - Grey Elf Wizard/School of Evocation - Herbalism Kit
Ojike - Quiropsius - Amethyst Gem Dragonborn Fighter/Psi Warrior - Bagpipes
Kor - Koram Orchammer - Hill Dwarf Cleric/Life Domain - Mason's, Cartographer's and Smith's Tools - Herbalism Kit

606 CY - Wealsun 5th - 0718

Start session as the party explores the tunnels east of the undead portal chamber.

The party heads east in the tunnel to the south of the undead portal chamber. The group can see a set of double doors at the eastern end of the tunnel a short distance away and a branching tunnel heading north. The companions head north, the passage turning east and then north again before ending in another set of double doors. The dust and cobwebs that have covered the floor since the party left the undead portal chamber are strangely absent in the first few feet outside the doors. Magar uses his mage hand to open his door from what is hopefully a safe distance down the hall, but it turns out this is not the case. As soon as the door is opened, a cloud of vile noxious gas billows from the opening and envelops the short hallway to the south of the doors. Easeis, Quiro and the owl familiars are all impacted by the poisonous fumes, but Koram is unaffected, protected by Moradin. A flood of plague infested zombies rolls through the doors immediately behind the cloud and engulfs both Quiro and Koram up to about their knees. Quiro is struck by a hand groping out of the mass of undead. The dragonborn, surging with adrenaline, retaliates with four swings of his crystal blade, three of the strikes slashing into the pile of corpses. One hit is particularly deep, the fighter adding a burst of psychic force damage to the hit and healing with his magical sword. Easeis casts chromatic orb, throwing a ball of flames into the pile, burning several of the undead severely. Eilo's tiger stalks around the corner and, ignoring the poisonous fumes, pounces into the mound of undead, ripping with its claws. Eilo focuses her hex and then lands two beams of eldritch blast, further tearing into the swarm of enemies. Magar, just inside the edge of the cloud, places a fireball further back into the chamber to the north. The fiery blast envelops the the undead pile, while missing all of the wizard's companions, however, the fire ignites the gas cloud which also bursts into flames. Quiro and Koram manage to duck behind their shields, Eilo fluttering to the side, managing to avoid some of the flames, but Magar and Easeis take the full blast of the flames with no where to go. The swarm of undead are now just a disgusting smoking pile, no longer animated. The room is exactly as the group would imagine if a putrid pile of undead corpses had inhabited it for decades or perhaps centuries. Every surface from floor to ceiling is coated in a slime from the liquefying corpses, now crusted over from the fires. Easeis casts a prayer of healing using the Aspect of Pelor and all the companions feel many of their wounds closing from the healing magic. Eilo investigates the entire room and ends up covered in slime, quickly and repeatedly asking Easeis to cast prestidigitation to clean her afterwards. There appears to be nothing else of interest in the chamber.

The party takes a short rest just outside the room and Magar resummons his familiar. The group heads back south and then moves to check the eastern doors. Eilo sends the baboon to try opening them, and Magar also attempts to breach the doors with his mage hand, but both are unsuccessful. Moving closer, the party spots some kind of writing on the door that almost looks familiar in some way, but no one can make it out. Eilo casts comprehend languages and recognizes the writing as Old Suloise, the ancient common language of the now vanished Suel Imperium, destroyed long ago. The writing on the door simply reads, 'The House of Theranan'. The party discusses whether to have Easeis attempt to pick the lock or to simply knock, but in typical Eilo fashion, the fairy begins knocking before the conversation is even over. Almost surprisingly, the party hears the clicking of the doors being unlocked from the other side. The doors open revealing a figure in black hooded robes carrying a scythe, looking very much like some depictions of death or some kind of reaper. Instead of attacking, the figure says, "Are you here seeking the wisdom of Theranan?". Eilo quickly replies, "Yes!". The figure voice seems pleased, "Then come in.", it answers. Everyone but Koram piles into the room, the cleric seemingly distracted by something in the hall or unsure about this whole affair. There are a total of four figures in the room, all very different in appearance, except they are all obviously undead. The reaper figure that first met the party is joined by a small greenish figure in a tattered loincloth crawling on all fours, an indistinct ghostlike apparition of a woman, and a hulking ogrelike monstrosity scarred and oozing pus. The reaper figure states, "If you truly disciples of Theranan, you must solve the riddle. We are the Sufferings, name us correctly and pass, but know that if you name us incorrectly you will face us in combat or die." The figures form a line as Eilo says, "I would like to discuss this with my companions.", to which the reaper replies, "Of course, but be aware, you do not have long." The small green undead begins sniffing around the group curiously while the disgusting ogre is simply standing with pus and worms dripping from its body. The ghost of the woman states, "I don't believe them. They aren't disciples of Theranan." Eilo and Koram begin wracking their brains for any information they can remember from the research done in Greyhawk. Easeis, Quiro and Magar having not been present at the Great Library are unable to provide information regarding the research, but are able to chime in with their personal thoughts. After a bit of time, The group agrees that that the answers are Birth-small green loincloth creeper, Aging-woman's ghost, Sickness-obviously the wormy ogre, and lastly Death-the reaper. The reaper seems pleased that the party has solved the riddle but the ghost still seems suspicious. He tells the party to pass through the door behind the throne in the eastern end of the chamber. Eilo begins flitting around the tapestry behind the throne, but gets tangled up in the fabric, not finding any door. She asks the reaper more about the door, but gets no other information. After a bit more searching, the party finds a locked door and Easeis steps in to pick the lock.

There is a dark room beyond, Eilo casting light on herself so the party can see better, leading to another set of doors that are locked from the side the party is on. Easeis immediately mentions that it seems like, with the locks on this side, it really looks like they are trying to keep something locked in, not prevent others from getting into the next room. The party decides to take a short rest and recuperate just a bit before entering the next chamber. Eilo takes another fluff ball from her bag of tricks and ends up with a tiger. Magar ritual casts a tiny hut so everyone but the tiger has a safe place to rest up. With no interruptions, the party readies themselves to enter the room an hour later. Magar casts ritual detect magic and the doors seem clear, so the party unlocks then and enters. The spacious chamber beyond appear to be a burial chamber. There is a glowing stone sarcophagus in the center of the chamber, three stone statues on the east wall, and some other items scattered about the north and south walls. Magar's detect magic picks up magic on the sarcophagus and, moving forward a bit, also on all three statues, with some other traces about the chamber. Eilo flies over the ornate burial casket in the center of the room and it is clearly marked with Symbols of Incabulous. As Eilo flutters down a bit for a closer look, the lid of the sarcophagus begins to open and a humanoid figure swathed in a burial shroud and wrappings begins to emerge. As the mummy-like figure stands, the wrappings fall away revealing an obviously undead face, the figure holding its hands over the left side of its face. The figure, which the party assumes is Theranon, accuses the party of stealing his eye, the party guessing he means the Eye of Incabulous. Easeis immediately begins to tell an amazing yarn about Roghan and Zelligar's expedition being the ones that stole the eye, and how the companions killed them. Then the group came here seeking Theranan's wisdom on how to best use the Aspect. He tells Theranan the general direction he detects the other artifacts. Magar also chime in, adding to the story, but unfortunately is a bit less persuasive than Easeis. Eventually the group realizes the ruse is starting to fall apart, and Therenan eventually points at Easeis saying, "If all of you are here for my wisdom, kill that one and give me the Aspect." Combat ensues.

Koram expecting combat was coming casts spirit guardians, the radiant dwarves rising up and raking at Theranan. Magar's owl dives at Theranan's head distracting the mummy. Tiger circles around past the sarcophagus, waiting behind Theranan for Eilo's attack which comes a moment later. She flies up to 40', shifting her hex and eldritch blasting Theranan, one beam striking the undead opponent, the other missing as Grasp of Hadar picks up the enemy and drops him. The tiger moves in from behind but gets nothing but a mouthful of burial wrappings as it bites at Theranan. The mummy turns a focuses its gaze at Easeis paralyzing the sorcerer with fear before turning and slamming its arms at the tiger, landing one crushing hit and cursing the summoned animal. Two of the animated statues move forward, but they are slow and don't even make it to the sarcophagus. Easeis is locked down, but beginning to come out of the paralysis. Magar lines up a fireball, waiting for the last of the now animated statues to move into his area of effect. The baboon rushes in and bites, missing. Quiro moves in behind the powerful undead, flanking him and landing two slashes across his opponents back. The last statue moves into range and Magar unleashes his fireball, sculpting out Eilo, her tiger and Koram from the roaring flames, two of the statues freezing in place, and burning both the third statue and Theranan. Koram moves west a few feet and casts a guiding bolt that he had stored in Talitha's Hand Mirror, outlining the mummy in glowing radiance before stepping up to stand on the sarcophagus. The tiger lopes in and bites into the enemy. Eilo circles above and lands both beams from her eldritch blast, one a direct hit, once again lifting and dropping Theranan. The spirit guardians continue to lash radiant magic into the undead as Theranan turns his gaze up at Eilo, but it seems to have no effect on the fairy. Enraged the mummy lands a solid hit and then an absolutely crushing strike on Quiro, slamming the dragonborn senseless to the floor. Easeis shaking off the last of the paralysis moves away to the NW and throws an acidic chromatic orb into Theranan, more of his wrappings dissolving away. Oddly, it seems as if through the fight, the mummy has been losing his wrappings and shroud while his flesh is returning to his body. The final animated statue moves into the swirling radiant spirits and is stilled. Magar holds a fire bolt, waiting for his owl to distract Theranan. The baboon again bites, hitting Theranan, but doing no damage at all. Quiro is still out cold on the floor, but does not appear to be in any immediate danger.

End session at the top of Round 3

As always, please see Discord In-Character channel for additional discussion.

End Session 62 at the top of round 3 against the regenerating mummy of Theranan.

800 XP each for Session 61 - 500 XP to Koram for notes Sessions 56-61.

New XP Totals: Easeis - 19,983, Eilo - 19,816, Magar - 18,226, Quiropsius - 15,050 , Koram - 25,331

Piety: Easeis - 20, Eilo - 25, Koram - 30
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Re: [Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Post by Talolan »

Session 63 - 3/15/2024 - Chapter 2 - The Sufferings and the Resting Place of Theranan.

In Session:
DM : Lasarian
Talo - Easeis - Human - Sorcerer/Spell Void - Dice Set and Thieves' Tools
Stel - Eilo - Fairy - Warlock/Celestial - Flute
Khaie - Magar - Grey Elf Wizard/School of Evocation - Herbalism Kit
Ojike - Quiropsius - Amethyst Gem Dragonborn Fighter/Psi Warrior - Bagpipes

Absent but Jaegered:
Kor - Koram Orchammer - Hill Dwarf Cleric/Life Domain - Mason's, Cartographer's and Smith's Tools - Herbalism Kit

Absent and Unplayed:
Baiz - Dour Warmfury - Mountain Dwarf Fighter/Champion - Mason's and Smith's Tools - Hollow Person Hiatus
Rox - Kismet of the Woods - Wood Elf Druid/Circle of the Land (Forest) - Herbalism Kit - Hollow Person Hiatus

The fight against Theranan continued. The downed characters were healed, and eventually the mummy was killed. Koram was infected with Rot Grubs. His room was searched and looted for 7,111 gp worth of coins, and 830 gp worth of gems.

After defeating Theranan the party took a short rest and headed back into his entrance chamber. 'Death' correctly guessed that we killed their master and offered us a deal if we killed the other three sufferings. Easeis was doing the negotiating and said he would let Eilo decide. She cast Rainbow Explosion on the other sufferings and their wormy minions. This wasn't good enough and 'Death' joined with the other 3 sufferings against the party. The party defeated them and found no treasure in their chambers.

+1,720 XP each
7,111 gp worth of coins, 830gp worth of gems.

XP Totals:
Easeis - 21,703
Eilo - 21,536
Magar - 19,946
Quiro - 16,770
Koram - 27,051

Easeis - 20
Eilo - 26
Quiro - 16
Koram - 30
Magar - Unknown
Last edited by Talolan on Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Post by Talolan »

Session 64 - 3/22/2024 - Chapter 2 - The Sufferings and the Resting Place of Theranan.

In Session:
DM : Lasarian
Talo - Easeis - Human - Sorcerer/Spell Void - Dice Set and Thieves' Tools
Stel - Eilo - Fairy - Warlock/Celestial - Flute
Khaie - Magar - Grey Elf Wizard/School of Evocation - Herbalism Kit
Ojike - Quiropsius - Amethyst Gem Dragonborn Fighter/Psi Warrior - Bagpipes
Kor - Koram Orchammer - Hill Dwarf Cleric/Life Domain - Mason's, Cartographer's and Smith's Tools - Herbalism Kit

Absent and Unplayed:
Baiz - Dour Warmfury - Mountain Dwarf Fighter/Champion - Mason's and Smith's Tools - Hollow Person Hiatus
Rox - Kismet of the Woods - Wood Elf Druid/Circle of the Land (Forest) - Herbalism Kit - Hollow Person Hiatus

Eilo opened the session by curing Koram's rot grub infection. The party then took a long rest in the portal chamber before exploring the unknown chambers to the east of the temple complex. They found their way to what was likely the entrance hall. This room contained a statue of Incabulus, and 8 stela. 6 of them were written about the 6 gods of the Sarengon and the other two talked about how great Incabulus was and how weak the other five were.

Exploring south the party found many graves in a part of the temple that was virtually all mausoleum. They reached the end of that path which opened into a large room with four huge swarms of skeletons. Upon engaging them in combat Gorban, the previous wearer of the Eye of Incabulus before Theranan, rose from his sarcophagus and joined the fray. As usual, Quiro was knocked unconscious but the party managed to blast everybody back to hell.

Here the party found a paltry 50 gold and 700 silver, which was added to the Zeligar resurrection fund.

They left the temple and cave system, and traveled back to the Lamia's temple where they finished the night with a long rest.

+1,140 XP each

XP Totals:
Easeis - 22,843
Eilo - 22,676
Magar - 21,086
Quiro - 17,910
Koram - 28,191

Level 7 is 23,000.

Easeis - 20
Eilo - 26
Quiro - 16
Koram - 30
Magar - Unknown

“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” - Dr. Seuss
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Re: [Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Post by Talolan »

Session 65 - 3/29/2024 - Chapter 2 - The Lamia and the Oasis

In Session:
DM : Lasarian

Talo - Easeis - Human - Sorcerer/Spell Void - Dice Set and Thieves' Tools
Stel - Eilo - Fairy - Warlock/Celestial - Flute
Khaie - Magar - Grey Elf Wizard/School of Evocation - Herbalism Kit
Ojike - Quiropsius - Amethyst Gem Dragonborn Fighter/Psi Warrior - Bagpipes

Absent and Jaegered:
(played by Ojike) - Koram Orchammer - Hill Dwarf Cleric/Life Domain - Mason's, Cartographer's and Smith's Tools - Herbalism Kit

Absent and Unplayed:
Baiz - Dour Warmfury - Mountain Dwarf Fighter/Champion - Mason's and Smith's Tools - Hollow Person Hiatus
Rox - Kismet of the Woods - Wood Elf Druid/Circle of the Land (Forest) - Herbalism Kit - Hollow Person Hiatus

Start session by waking up from a long rest. We went to see the Lamia and we were stopped at the door by one of her Jackalwere's who gave us a bag of 100s as a reward. Eilo asked if we could thank her for the reward, and he walked away. He said we couldn't see the Lamia, we said we wanted to and Quiro started walking forward. He gets stopped and Eilo tries to fly by and gets by to find another Jackalwere. After some more arguing initiative was rolled.

We win. Get stuff
-40gp, 1000sp, 2200cp
-2 potion of healing
-Spell Scroll: COmmand
-2 Carnelian
-3 Zircon
-2 Citrine
-2 Onyx

After a short rest we head back to the Oasis, on the way we are attacked by the Oasis folk. Easeis, Eilo and Quiro all asked them to stop, to no avail. Now we will burn them to the ground. A pox on all their houses.

Previous XP Totals:
Easeis - 22,843
Eilo - 22,676
Magar - 21,086
Quiro - 17,910
Koram - 28,191

XP for Jackals & Lamia:

New XP Totals:
Easeis - 23,243
Eilo - 23,076
Magar - 21,486\
Quiro - 18,310
Koram - 28,591

Easeis - 20
Eilo - 26
Quiro - 16
Koram - 30
Magar - 15

“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” - Dr. Seuss
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Re: [Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Post by Talolan »

Session 66 - 4/5/2024 - Chapter 2 - Desert Idiots Being Stupid

In Session:
DM : Lasarian

Talo - Easeis - Human - Sorcerer/Spell Void - Dice Set and Thieves' Tools
Stel - Eilo - Fairy - Warlock/Celestial - Flute
Khaie - Magar - Grey Elf Wizard/School of Evocation - Herbalism Kit
Ojike - Quiropsius - Amethyst Gem Dragonborn Fighter/Psi Warrior - Bagpipes

Absent and Jaegered:
(played by Ojike) - Koram Orchammer - Hill Dwarf Cleric/Life Domain - Mason's, Cartographer's and Smith's Tools - Herbalism Kit

Absent and Unplayed:
Baiz - Dour Warmfury - Mountain Dwarf Fighter/Champion - Mason's and Smith's Tools - Hollow Person Hiatus
Rox - Kismet of the Woods - Wood Elf Druid/Circle of the Land (Forest) - Herbalism Kit - Hollow Person Hiatus

We tried to talk the desert folk out of attacking us but they wanted to extort us, so we killed all 9 of them.
They had 5 platinum, 21 gold, and 12 silver.

We went back to the Oasis and Easeis found a chest in the water itself which contained:
50 Gold
1100 Silver
2100 Copper
2 Hematite
Lapis Lazuli
Blue Quartz
2 Banded Agate
2 Rhodochrosite
2 Tiger Eye
2 Potion of Fire Resistance
2 Potion of Greater Healing
Potion of Water Breathing

Previous XP Totals:
Easeis - 23,243
Eilo - 23,076
Magar - 21,486
Quiro - 18,310
Koram - 28,591

XP Rewards:

New XP Totals:
Easeis - 24,053
Eilo - 23,886
Magar - 22,296
Quiro - 19,120
Koram - 29,401

Easeis - 21
Eilo - 26
Quiro - 17
Koram - 30
Magar - 15

“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” - Dr. Seuss
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Re: [Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Post by Talolan »

Session 67 - 4/12/2024 - Chapter 2 - Shopping and Traveling

In Session:
DM : Lasarian

Talo - Easeis - Human - Sorcerer/Spell Void - Dice Set and Thieves' Tools
Stel - Eilo - Fairy - Warlock/Celestial - Flute
Khaie - Magar - Grey Elf Wizard/School of Evocation - Herbalism Kit
Ojike - Quiropsius - Amethyst Gem Dragonborn Fighter/Psi Warrior - Bagpipes

Absent and Jaegered:
(played by Ojike) - Koram Orchammer - Hill Dwarf Cleric/Life Domain - Mason's, Cartographer's and Smith's Tools - Herbalism Kit

Absent and Unplayed:
Baiz - Dour Warmfury - Mountain Dwarf Fighter/Champion - Mason's and Smith's Tools - Hollow Person Hiatus
Rox - Kismet of the Woods - Wood Elf Druid/Circle of the Land (Forest) - Herbalism Kit - Hollow Person Hiatus
We travel from Karistyne Castle to Zarak and board The Medusa, captained by Mad Martigam. He captured Blake, and Shitrock, and the witch. Sister instructed him to drop us in Hardby.

In Hardby:
Magar purchased 2 Potions of Healing, 5 uses of Find Familiar
Eilo visited the bakery and gave Quiro cake, and gave the kids rides on her summoned creaturse
Easeis exchanged the coin in his bag of holding for the highest denomination and bought the component for Spirit of Death

We took a boat to Palgaryn and then a riverboat to Zulern before walking to the Wailing Halls and the home of Rohgan and Zeligar where we collected Zeligar's body. We went up to the pool room above, and Quiro throws some money in the gold pool. It doubles his loot. Now we are on our way back to Hardby to find the proper temple to resurrect Zeligar.
Previous XP Totals:
Easeis - 24,053
Eilo - 23,886
Magar - 22,296
Quiro - 19,120
Koram - 29,401

Session XP:

Easeis - 21
Eilo - 26
Quiro - 17 + 1 = 18
Koram - 30
Magar - 15

“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” - Dr. Seuss
Official Dungeon Master of your dreams.
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Re: [Spoilers] Return to Greyhawk

Post by Talolan »

Session 68 - 4/19/2024 - Chapter 2 - Shopping and Traveling

In Session:
DM : Lasarian

Talo - Easeis - Human - Sorcerer/Spell Void - Dice Set and Thieves' Tools
Stel - Eilo - Fairy - Warlock/Celestial - Flute
Khaie - Magar - Grey Elf Wizard/School of Evocation - Herbalism Kit
Ojike - Quiropsius - Amethyst Gem Dragonborn Fighter/Psi Warrior - Bagpipes
Koram - Koram Orchammer - Hill Dwarf Cleric/Life Domain - Mason's, Cartographer's and Smith's Tools - Herbalism Kit

Absent and Unplayed:
Baiz - Dour Warmfury - Mountain Dwarf Fighter/Champion - Mason's and Smith's Tools - Hollow Person Hiatus
Rox - Kismet of the Woods - Wood Elf Druid/Circle of the Land (Forest) - Herbalism Kit - Hollow Person Hiatus
500 xp from last week added
We travel from the Wailing Halls back to Greyhawk. We exchanged money with the bank and resurrected Zeligar at the Temple of Thereon.

Zeligar gave us 50 platinum, 1500 gold, boots of elvenkind (Easeis), ring of protection +2 (Quiro), cloak of elvenkind (Koram), boots of the winterlands (Magar), ... eilo's item undetermined

Sisters wants us to give Sethucea a proper burial in Eventide.

Previous XP Totals:
Easeis - 24,553
Eilo - 24,386
Magar - 22,796
Quiro - 19,620
Koram - 29,901

Session XP:

Easeis - 21
Eilo - 26
Quiro - 18
Koram - 30
Magar - 15

“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” - Dr. Seuss
Official Dungeon Master of your dreams.
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