Neverwinter Macro

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Neverwinter Macro

Post by Kermit »

Yep.. found them... I have patched below multiple example from others, I will come back later and fix this post to pretty it up :)

Based off of this thread ... do-you-use in the official forums, here is a quick guide for creating macros.

Part 1: How?
First, a macro can only be bound to one key, so in-game hit your keys until you find one that is not bound to anything. Some good starting ones are [ ] , . (if you are already typing, it won't insert your macro text if you bind it to the comma key, for example).
So once you are ready, type in this command:

/bind SelectedKey "CommandWithNoSlash Extra text, if appropriate."

For example: /bind [ "zone Guild advert here"

Here are a few other commands that you can bind:
/bind [ "startchatwith /chan "Channel Name Here"" (notice the DOUBLE quotes) - This will bind a hot key to START a chat with a certain channel, without you needing to type in the / short for it (i.e. /chat "guild" will save you from typing /gu).

/bind [ "pets" will open up your pets window
/bind [ "loc" will display your location coordinates
/bind [ setfollow 1 (to follow someone)
/bind [ fpsshow 1 (to show FPS)
**It seems that sometimes to have to put the 1 at the end to assign value.
**macro keys apparently do not work in the alt key mode.

Part 2: Advance Guide:
Here is another awesome (advanced) guide for other macro stuff, including having your macros in text files (good for backing things up), and how to get really fancy and change your camera zoom with your mouse scroll wheel (or any combo of two keys, like [ or ] ): ... amera-zoom

Part 3: Complete Console command: ... -1-of-3%29

Part 4: Where to save (other than in game):
You can also write a plain-text file, put it in your ...\Neverwinter\Neverwinter\Live\ directory, and then use the /bind_load_file command to reconfigure all your binds at once, which is very handy for copying your keybinds from one character to another or trading keybinds with others.

Hope this helps someone!
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Re: Neverwinter Macro

Post by Kermit »

Other macro pasted from other threads:
First Macro:
This is one I used a lot in city of heroes searching for those crazy exploration points.....this game as with all cryptic games uses the co-ordinate system.

So I made a button for it.

/bind z "loc"

this will use the slash command /loc and display the current location of your character.
seriously this is a real game saver....if the people telling others where to find the crystals or whatever are and gave the co-ordinates we could find them ten times faster with using this command.

Second Macro:

This one I made because I got tired of the game constantly changing my text box....I really hate having to go over with the cursor and change things. So this was made as a quick way to talk to the guild or rather to the chat channel I am with.
Now this took me a bit because it was messing me up because I was having a heck of time with the channel names until I figured out I had to use multiple quotes for it to work. Because the machine wouldn't read the spaces unless it was in quotes.

/bind e "Startchatwith /chan "Your Channel Name" "

This will simply put the /chan with your channel name on the text bar allowing you to type and send a message with a single key press. In this case I chose the e key because it wasn't being may want to select a differing key.

Third Macro

This one I made because I liked checking my pet stats....stupidly they wont show how long your pets are going to train in the outside window....nor can you easily get to the window with out clicking multiple tabs....and what if you want to summon a pet or dismiss and re-summon....well it was annoying so I made this.

/bind [ "pets"

this makes the [ key bring up the pet menu.
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Re: Neverwinter Macro

Post by Kermit »

Here are some sample macros that might be good for healers:

/bind F1 "hardtargetlock 1 $$ target TeamMember1Name"
/bind F2 "hardtargetlock 1 $$ target TeamMember2Name"
/bind F3 "hardtargetlock 1 $$ target TeamMember3Name"
/bind F4 "hardtargetlock 1 $$ target TeamMember4Name"

/bind F5 "hardtargetlock 0"

YES you will need to re-bind for each group to code in player names, but this would be excellent for dungeons or long grouping sessions (there is an Alias command, I will see if I can come up with an easier way to do this combining the two).

Hitting F1 through F4 will hard-lock yourself on that person. You CANNOT get off of that person by moving, hitting escape, etc. The ONLY way to UNlock you is to lock yourself on to someone else OR use the F5 command.

A warning: If you don't change your macro and you try and use it and the "old" name is still in there (and assuming they are not still in the vicinity) it will lock on the person you are currently aimed at.

For an example of a working F1 bind:

/bind F1 "hardtargetlock 1 $$ target Ceridwen"
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Re: Neverwinter Macro

Post by Kermit »

Here's another quick bind, really useful to swap that invisibility cloack on/off

/bind f1 +InventoryExec inventory 0

This will use whatever item I have in my 1st bag slot; i.e. injury kit when I hit the f1 key. I have only been able to bind what ever is in my 1st bag though. So to change it to potions or whatever just change the 0 to the numbered slot your item is in. Remember it starts at 0 (zero) not 1. Make sure you don't go and sort your bags!
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